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How Brexit Could Impact Chicago And The Midwest

In the News
Cécile Shea

Brexit became official on Friday. Reset takes a look at what the United Kingdom's departure from the European Union might mean for Chicago and the Midwest.

Brexit signs seem outside of Westminster, London.
John Cameron
Global Economy

President Moon Jae-In Handled the Coronavirus Well, but Can He Win South Korea's April Elections?

In the News
National Interest
Karl Friedhoff

If this election is indeed to be a referendum on Mr. Moon’s leadership, he enters that test at his strongest point in sixteen months.

Moon Jae-in takes the presidential oath at the National Assembly, May 10, 2017. Global Politics

Coronavirus Exposes Midwest's Economic Perch; Well-Paying Jobs Are Cure

In the News
Bridge Michigan
John Austin

Across the Midwest, the virus is revealing the always tenuous hold on a decent income for many.

Buildings seen in Detroit, Michigan.
Alex Brisbey
Global Cities

Viral Inequality

In the News
Project Syndicate
Robert Muggah

Far from merely reflecting an unequal distribution of economic means, rising inequality comes with a range of toxic side effects, many of which the COVID-19 pandemic has thrown into sharp relief.

Dominick Walton, who is homeless herself, serves food to homeless people amid the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak in Houston, Texas, U.S
Inclusion and Equity

The Gendered Consequences of Coronavirus

In the News
E-International Relations

How are men and women experiencing the effects of the coronavirus differently? Why is it important to understand these differences?

A woman wearing a mask with her child strapped to her chest.
Marcin Jozwiak
Women and Girls

The COVID Wake-Up Call

In the News
Project Syndicate
Robert Muggah

If the international community does not respond to the coronavirus pandemic by creating new global structures to deal with such outbreaks in the future, it will be guilty of criminal neglect.

Coronavirus cases in the United States mapped out. Global Health

How Cities Around the World Are Handling COVID-19

In the News
World Economic Forum
Robert Muggah

It is not just cities, but also their local and global supply chains, travel networks, airports and specific neighborhoods that are sources of contagion.

Paris coronavirus. Man wearing a mask walking in front of the Eiffel Tower on the first day of Paris lock-down.
Fran Boloni
Global Cities

Trump Calls the Coronavirus a 'Foreign Virus,' Exposing His Flawed Worldview

In the News
Chicago Tribune
Ivo H. Daalder

Viruses don't carry passports, and when they are as easily transmitted between humans as the novel coronavirus, they are going to spread around the world.

President Trump, joined by Vice President Pence, left, takes questions from reporters during a Coronavirus Task Force update at the White House, Feb. 29, 2020.
The White House
Global Health

Pandemics Are Also an Urban Planning Problem

In the News
Bloomberg CityLab
Ian Klaus

Will COVID-19 change how cities are designed? Michele Acuto of the Connected Cities Lab talks about density, urbanization and pandemic preparation.

Cleaning workers disinfect the streets and public places of the Itaewon Multicultural District in Seoul, South Korea on May 12, 2020.
Global Health

Can 50 Years of Minimizing Nuclear Proliferation Continue?

In the News
New York Times
Ivo H. Daalder

The Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty has mostly succeeded in keeping more countries out of the nuclear club. But as U.S. alliances fray, its future success is not assured.

An image of an atomic bomb test of the coast of the Marshall Islands
Defense and Security