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Kim Jong-un Rumors

In the News
WGN Radio
Karl Friedhoff

Friedhoff discusses the health of Kim Jong-un, the possibilities and rumors and how they could all play out with Dean Richards' Sunday Morning

Portrait of Kim Jong-Un Global Politics

Changing the Rules of International Relations - Paul Poast on COVID-19

In the News
University of Chicago
Paul Poast

Paul Poast discusses how COVID-19 will change the global economy, US-China relations and the World Health Organization.

Paul Poast speaks about COVID-19. Global Health

Who Failed in the Coronavirus Response? A Look at the Timeline

In the News
Chicago Tribune
Ivo H. Daalder

There is little doubt that the WHO was slow in responding to the danger represented by the emergence of a potentially new virus in China and that it was too willing to accept Beijing’s statements of what was happening. It should have known better.

President Donald J. Trump, joined by Vice President Mike Pence and members of the White House Coronavirus Task Force, delivers remarks at a coronavirus update briefing Monday, March 16, 2020,
The White House
Global Politics

America Needs a New North Korea Strategy

In the News
National Interest
Matthew Abbott

One should not be naïve about the actions, intentions, or record of the North Korean leadership. But one should also not be naïve that the current impasse with North Korea is likely to continue unless creative, long-term thinking and different approaches to US-North Korea relations are brought to the table.

Kim and Trump shaking hands at the red carpet during the DPRK–USA Singapore Summit
The White House
US Foreign Policy

A Plea for Multilateralism From the Windy City

In the News
Thomas G. Weiss

This essay is part of a series of people working in international affairs relating their experiences during the pandemic from across the globe.

View of Chicago from Willis Tower
Andrew Horne
Global Cities

'Wartime' Leadership? Donald Trump Is No FDR

In the News
The Chicago Tribune
Thomas G. Weiss

Among the most preposterous of delusions from our delusional president is that he is qualified to lead the country in the "war" against COVID-19. Could we imagine a contrast more ludicrous than that between the recycled reality-TV host and Franklin D. Roosevelt?

President Roosevelt examines a globe presented to him by the U.S. Army. December 25, 1942.
FDR Presidential Library & Museum
US Foreign Policy

By Mobilizing to Fight Coronavirus, the IRGC Is Marginalizing the Government

In the News
The Washington Institute
Saeid Golkar

From establishing new provincial headquarters to deploying hundreds of thousands of troops and militia personnel on emergency duty, the Guards are seemingly using the crisis as an opportunity to expand their power at the local level.

The microscopic view of the virus which causes Coronavirus disease.
Global Health

The Magnifier: Outlook for April 15th General Election

In the News
The Magnifier
Karl Friedhoff

Council expert Karl Friedhoff is a guest on The Magnifier Podcast.

Global Politics

The Post-Pandemic Urban Future Is Already Here

In the News
Bloomberg CityLab
Ian Klaus

The coronavirus crisis stands to dramatically reshape cities around the world. But the biggest revolutions in urban space may have begun before the pandemic.

Tourists wearing masks during COVID 19 pandemic in Singapore. Global Cities

Fiscal Freefall for State and Local Governments: The Crisis We Are Not (Yet) Addressing

In the News
The Hill
John Austin

It is hard in the midst of a crisis to think around the next corner. But only by doing so can the worst economic effects of the current crisis be understood and addressed.

Wisconsin State Capitol building Global Economy