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Today Military Aid, Tomorrow War Crime Prosecution

In the News
Ivo H. Daalder

The West must provide weapons to enable Ukraine "to take the fight to the Russians," Council President Ivo Daalder tells CNBC's Shep Smith.

Ivo Daalder speaks with Shep Smith on CNBC. Defense and Security

India's Tense Diplomatic Tightrope

In the News
India Today
Craig Kafura

With coming visits to India, “There will be an opportunity for the US to smooth over some feathers that have been ruffled,” says Craig Kafura on India Today.

Screenshot of Craig Kafura on India Today. Global Politics

Russian Bombardment Continues in Mariupol

In the News
Ivo H. Daalder

Is the war in Ukraine slowing down? “It just isn’t true for the people suffering in Mariupol,” Ivo Daalder tells MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell.

Screenshot of Ivo Daalder on MSNBC Andrea Mitchell Reports. US Foreign Policy

US Public Perceptions of the Russian-Ukrainian War

In the News
War on the Rocks
Dina Smeltz

How have US attitudes toward the war in Ukraine, and Washington’s response, evolved? Senior Fellow Dina Smelts unpacks with War on the Rocks.

Protesters hold signs against Putin in NYC.
Public Opinion

Experts Warn Russia Not Ready for Ceasefire with Ukraine

In the News
Elizabeth Shackelford

Peace talks in Istanbul are “an indication that the tables are turning a bit, and Russia no longer has the upper hand,” says Elizabeth Shackelford on VOA.

Screenshot of Elizabeth Shackelford on VOA. Defense and Security

New Paths to Heartland Prosperity Can Change Our Politics

In the News
The National Interest
John Austin

“Transatlantic effort to accelerate economic change in industrial heartland regions has huge implications,” cowrites John Austin in the National Interest.

Smokestacks on the horizon of a field with stormy skies.
Ronnie Fleming
Global Cities

NATO Enlargement Didn't Go Far Enough

In the News
The Economist
Ivo H. Daalder

After six weeks of Russia's violence in Ukraine, “still to blame NATO is, frankly, absurd,” argues Ivo Daalder. He explains why in the Economist.

US Foreign Policy

Russian Military Fails to Meet Putin's Goals

In the News
Ivo H. Daalder

As negotiations unfold in Turkey, Council President Ivo Daalder joins CNN's Christiane Amanpour with Andrey Kortunov to analyze Russia's pitfalls in Ukraine.

Screenshot of Ivo Daalder, Andrey Kortunov, and Christiane Amanpour. Defense and Security

Paul Poast Analyzes the Latest from Ukraine

In the News
RTE Ireland
Paul Poast

Paul Poast joins RTE Ireland to give his analysis on the latest news from Ukraine, plus Joe Biden's recent comments.

A building destroyed by Russian military in Ukraine.
Defense and Security

Russia Threatens to Use Nuclear Weapons in Ukraine

In the News
Ivo H. Daalder

What would the consequences be if Russia violates international law? Council President Ivo Daalder lends insight on MSNBC with Alicia Menendez.

Screenshot if Ivo Daalder speaking with Alicia Menendez on MSNBC. US Foreign Policy