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Sweden and Finland Consider Joining NATO Amid Russia-Ukraine War

In the News
Ivo H. Daalder

"The Finns, the Swedes, and I think NATO will be stronger and better off if both countries become members of the alliance," Ivo Daalder says on NPR.

Ukrainian President addresses the Finnish Parliament
Global Politics

NATO, the EU, and the War in Ukraine

In the News
The Global Observatory
Paul Poast

Paul Poast discusses shifts in NATO and EU defense policies and how the Russia-Ukraine war might end with the International Peace Institution’s Global Observatory.

A Romanian Air Force C-27 Spartan transport aircraft flies in formation together with two Italian Air Force Eurofighter Typhoons (right), two UK Royal Air Force Eurofighter Typhoons (left) and two Romanian Air Force F-16 Fighting Falcons (both sides) above Otopeni, Romania
Global Politics

What Lies Ahead in Ukraine

In the News
ABC7 Chicago
Paul Poast

“I don’t see this war ending any time soon,” Paul Poast shares on ABC7 Chicago. “I can’t see what type of deal can be reached that both sides would find satisfactory.”

Screen shot of Paul Poast on ABC 7 Chicago. Global Politics

UN Security Council Powerless to Help Ukraine

In the News
The Conversation
Thomas G. Weiss

Has the five-member veto power diminished the UN’s status? Distinguished Fellow Thomas Weiss lends expertise on this and more with the Conversation.

The UN Security Council assembles in rows of chairs in a dark room with green floors.
Defense and Security

Zelenskyy: Charismatic Leader In "Crucible Moment"

In the News
Elizabeth Shackelford

Zelenskyy’s wartime leadership has impressed the world. “You really never know who’s going to show up and rise to the challenge,” Elizabeth Shackelford tells VOA.

Screenshot of Lizzy Shackelford speaking on VOA about Zelenskyy. Global Politics

Why War Could Prompt a Global Food Crisis

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TVO's the Agenda
Ertharin Cousin

Which regions will face the brunt of hunger caused by the Russia-Ukraine war? Distinguished Fellow Ertharin Cousin discusses this and more on TVO.

Screenshot of Ertharin Cousin on TVO. Food and Agriculture

Why Putin Underestimates the West

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Foreign Affairs
Ivo H. Daalder

“Having quickly closed ranks to confront Putin’s aggression, the challenge now is how to sustain that unity,” write Ivo Daalder and James Lindsay in Foreign Affairs.

Rescuers work among remains of residential building destroyed by Russian shelling
US Foreign Policy

The EU's Awkward Hungary Issue

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Chicago Tribune
Elizabeth Shackelford

“It remains an embarrassment for a bloc that touts itself as a model for human rights and the rule of law to have a member that respects neither,” writes Elizabeth Shackelford in the Chicago Tribune.

Viktor Orban raises his arms in front of a red background
Global Politics

Is Mexico Neutral in the Russia-Ukraine War?

In the News
Cécile Shea

Why has Mexico failed to stand up to Russia, and what role do vaccines play? Nonresident Senior Fellow Cécile Shea weighs in on Newsy.

Screenshot of Cecile Shea on Newsy. Defense and Security

Subnational Diplomacy Evolves: From Urban Arenas to City Partners

In the News
Columbia Journal of International Affairs
Ian Klaus

Ian Klaus explains how subnational diplomacy is being rediscovered by foreign policymakers, diplomats, and scholars alike.

US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken at an event on June 1, 2022.
US Foreign Policy