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The World's Worst War You Aren’t Watching Is in Ethiopia

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Chicago Tribune
Elizabeth Shackelford

"The US and others must take a more direct approach before the worst fears of the Tigrayan people are realized," Elizabeth Shackelford writes.

Residents and militias stand next to houses destroyed by an airstrike
Global Politics

How Liz Truss Resigning Affects Ukraine

In the News
Andrea Mitchell Reports on MSNBC
Ivo H. Daalder

"We have just released a public opinions survey...which demonstrates that the American public is four-square behind supporting Ukraine militarily," says Ivo Daalder.

Ivo Daalder speaking on MSNBC. Global Politics

Redeploying US Tactical Nukes May Not Go Far Enough for South Koreans

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NK News
Karl Friedhoff

A new poll finds public lukewarm on idea, Karl Friedhoff writes, despite long-standing support for an indigenous nuclear program.

Republic of Korea Air Force Black Eagles flying in formation Public Opinion

North Korea Launches Sixth Missile in 12 Days

In the News
Sky News
Karl Friedhoff

"It's better to think about this as just a catalyst. If there were no exercise ongoing, then of course North Korea would find other reasons to launch missiles."

Karl Friedhoff speaks with Sky News. Global Politics

China Dominates in Biden's New National Security Strategy

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Al Hurra
Craig Kafura

What cards does the United States have to bolster its future national security strategy for the twenty-first century? And how will China deal with it?

Craig Kafura speaks on Al Hurra. Global Politics

Biden Says Putin "Cannot Continue with Impunity"

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Mitchel B. Wallerstein

"The first priority is to signal Mr. Putin that NATO remains united," says Mitchel Wallerstein ahead of this week's NATO meetings in Belgium.

Mitchel Wallerstein speaks with CBC. Global Politics

Karl Friedhoff Breaks Down North Korea's Latest Missile Test

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Sirius XM Potus
Karl Friedhoff

Karl Friedhoff joins Steve Scully to discuss North Korea's latest missile test over Japan and what it means for the future.

Kim Jong-un, chairman of the North Korean State Affairs Committee, inspecting a nuclear weapons training.
Defense and Security

Why Sanctions Are Key to Understanding International Relations

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Australian Institute of International Affairs
Bruce Jentleson

Bruce Jentleson takes an in-depth look at the fundamental details of sanctions and why "examining sanctions is the key to understanding international relations."

Bruce Jentleson speaking over a video interview. Global Economy

The South Korean Public Doesn't Buy Yoon's Narrative on Hot Mic Moment

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NK News
Karl Friedhoff

The president’s approval rate has recovered, Karl Friedhoff writes, but a majority see his criticism of a broadcaster’s reporting as media suppression.

People in central Seoul
Jeon Han/KOCIS
Global Politics

Germany Struggles to Adjust to a New Era

In the News
Ivo H. Daalder

"Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has created a profound identity crisis in Germany," writes Council President Ivo Daalder for Politico.

German flag above a neoclassical building with the inscription "dem deutschen volke" and a blue sky.
Maheshkumar Painam
US Foreign Policy