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What Midwest Industrial Communities Can Teach About Managing Economic Change

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Our Towns Civic Foundation
John Austin

There are growing efforts on both sides of the Atlantic to diminish economic disparities between thriving global city regions and struggling communities in industrial heartlands.

Industrial heartland landscape
Global Cities

Paul Heer on the Danger of Overstating China's Ambitions

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The Wire China
Paul Heer

"We have to deal with China and the way to deal with it is to engage with it," argues Nonresident Senior Fellow Paul Heer in the Wire China.

Xi Jinping seen from the shoulders up looking to his right.
US Foreign Policy

The War in Ukraine Will End with a Deal, Not a White Flag

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World Politics Review
Paul Poast

"While Russia can’t win, it won’t lose. Instead, it will hold out until Ukraine is willing to bargain," Paul Poast writes.

A man walks past the ruins of a destroyed building in Mariupol
Defense and Security

US-China Rapprochement Will Not Come Quickly

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The National Interest
Paul Heer

“Both sides continue to pursue policies that appear aimed more at competition and confrontation,” writes Paul Heer in the National Interest.

Qin Gang (left) stands next to a Chinese flag at right.
US Foreign Policy

Germany's Bet on China Is a Crisis in the Making

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The National Interest
John Austin

By tying itself to China, Germany risks making its mistakes with Russia all over again, argues Senior Nonresident Fellow John Austin.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz in China.
Global Economy

The GOP's Extremists Now Hold America—and the World—hostage

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World Politics Review
Paul Poast

The election for speaker of the Republican-majority House was a bad omen for US aid to Ukraine and US democracy, Paul Poast writes.

Rep. Matt Gaetz gets into a verbal confrontation with Rep.  Kevin McCarthy
Abaca Press
US Foreign Policy

Biden and Kishida Shore up Alliance at US-Japan Summit

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Craig Kafura

Craig Kafura offers insights into Washington's ties with Tokyo.

Craig Kafura speaks via video call US Foreign Policy

Let’s Avoid Another Nuclear Arms Race

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Chicago Tribune
Elizabeth Shackelford

"If the United States presses for arms control and agrees to limits itself, it could convince others to follow suit," Elizabeth Shackelford writes.

yellow nuclear sign US Foreign Policy

For Kishida and Biden, a Stronger Japanese Defense Posture Is Only Half the Battle

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The Diplomat
Craig Kafura

It’s one thing to commit to a stronger military and another thing to use it, Craig Kafura argues.

Joe Biden meets Kishida Fumio on the way to a NATO meeting
The White House
Public Opinion

Iran Executions Quash Protests, Push Dissent Underground

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Saeid Golkar

Despite getting people off the streets, Iran's hard crackdown on protesters "has created a massive resentment among Iranians."

Protestor Majid Kazemi, alleged to have killed members of security forces during nationwide protests, appears in a courtroom on January 9, 2023.
Global Politics