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Xi's Moscow Visit Was More Than a Symbolic Victory for Putin

In the News
World Politics Review
Paul Poast

Xi Jinping's visit to Moscow and meeting with Putin made clear that China-Russia relations will only grow stronger, Paul Poast writes.

Russian President Vladimir Putin shakes hands with Chinese President Xi Jinping
Global Politics

Human Rights in Foreign Policy

In the News
American Diplomat
Elizabeth Shackelford

With former US President Jimmy Carter in hospice, Elizabeth Shackelford joins the podcast to discuss his human rights legacy.

Jimmy Carter speaks at a lecturn
Jimmy Carter Library
US Foreign Policy

American Consensus on Ukraine Has Fractured

In the News
Foreign Policy
Bruce Jentleson

Bruce Jentleson offers his take on how the war could play out in the 2024 presidential campaign.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis arrives onstage for his first trip to Iowa
US Foreign Policy

Can a New Regional Pact Protect the Amazon from Environmental Crime?

In the News
Robert Muggah

Police, prosecutors, money-laundering experts, and others convened in Brazil to tackle drug and environmental crimes that are growing in scale across the Amazon.

Amazon Rainforest
Crystal Mirallegro
Global Politics

The Rumors of the UN’s Death Have Been Greatly Exaggerated

In the News
Thomas G. Weiss

"The UN’s performance leaves much to be desired, but it has made substantial contributions to world order," says Thomas Weiss.

UN Security Council floor seen from above through a window.
Defense and Security

The ICC Arrest Warrant for Putin Could Do More Harm Than Good

In the News
World Politics Review
Paul Poast

"The idea of bargaining with Putin was already highly controversial, but now it is virtually impossible," Paul Poast writes.

A man holds a "PUTIN IS A DICTATOR AND WAR CRIMINAL" sign attached to USSR flag
Human Rights

The Age of Impunity

In the News
Ivo H. Daalder

By shining a light on the crimes Putin has unleashed on Ukraine, we are one step closer to a just world where accountability triumphs.

Russian President Putin chairs a Security Council meeting in Moscow, Russia on March 17, 2023.
Global Politics

Roger Thurow on Hunger and Global Poverty

In the News
International Livestock Research Institute
Roger Thurow

Roger Thurow discusses what inspired him to focus on hunger and global poverty - and how he has seen the lives of smallholder farmers change for the better.

A man at a food stall hands change to a customer in Sri Lanka.
REUTERS/Dinuka Liyanawatte
Food and Agriculture

As the Iraq War Showed, the Allure of Consensus in Foreign Policy Can Be Dangerous

In the News
Chicago Tribune
Elizabeth Shackelford

"Too often, quick agreement on hard problems is a sign of dangerous groupthink," Elizabeth Shackelford writes.

A Marine covers the face of a statue of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein with a US flag
US Foreign Policy

20 Years after Iraq War, Americans Still Want the US Involved in World Affairs

In the News
Dina Smeltz

Though partisan support has shifted over time, Council data show the public continues to favor active US engagement in global issues.

a soldier overlooks Iraq
US Foreign Policy