Criminal groups from the Balkans are helping reverse the drop in Ecuador's homicide rate and turn the country into a hub for illegal exports.
Europe’s aim should be “to affirm Washington’s commitment to de-risking—not to decouple the Chinese economy from their own,” writes Ivo Daalder.
An estimated 3.1 billion people can't afford a diverse, nutritious diet due to increased food inflation, says Ertharin Cousin.
A key purpose of the meeting is to create a countercoalition against Russia and China, Paul Poast argues.
“The agreement is about far more than just normalizing ties with Riyadh,” argue Nonresident Senior Fellow Saeid Golkar and Kasra Aarabi.
"Supporting the Israeli government now means going against the clear will of the Israeli people," Elizabeth Shackelford writes.
Criminal activity and money laundering is making efforts to protect indigenous people and nature far harder, writes Nonresident Fellow Rob Muggah.
Agricultural research and development is vital to our food system and must be invested in, Dan Glickman writes.
What impact does Trump’s indictment have on the credibility of the US political system? Cecile Shea weighs in on VOA with Cindy Saine.
"Yoon Suk-yeol likely pays closer attention to one metric above all else — his base support," writes Karl Friedhoff.