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81 - 130 of 999 search results for China
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  2. Screen shot of Elizabeth Shackelford on Al Jazeera's Inside Story. US Foreign Policy

    Can Russia Be Barred from the G20 Summit?

    In the News
    Al Jazeera by Elizabeth Shackelford

    Russian economics and politics cannot be separated, argues Elizabeth Shackelford on Al Jazeera. “If you have questions about that, just ask China.”

  3. The flag of China flies over the Great Wall of China. Food and Agriculture

    Time to Reflect on the US-China Relationship

    In the News
    Agri-Pulse by Dan Glickman

    Dan Glickman argues the US must find ways to work with China on issues of global importance, especially food and agriculture.

  4. Astronauts Ye Guangfu, Zhai Zhigang and Wang Yaping wave during a ceremony ahead of the launch of the Long March-2F Y13 rocket
    Defense and Security

    Renew Space Dialogue with China

    In the News
    War on the Rocks by Craig Kafura

    It’s high time to re-launch the Civil Space Dialogue and the Space Security Exchange with China, argues Craig Kafura in War on the Rocks.

  5. CNN
    US Foreign Policy

    Shifting from "Relentless War" to "Relentless Diplomacy"

    In the News
    CNN by Ivo H. Daalder

    "In order for democracies to compete with authoritarian regimes like China, they have to prove that they can deliver for their people at home," Council President Daalder tells CNN.

  6. View of the Chicago Skyline from Lake Michigan Global Economy

    'Ally-Shoring' Will Help US Rebuild Economy and Global Leadership

    In the News
    The Hill by John Austin

    Ally-shoring describes a program of sourcing essential materials, goods, and services with trusted friends while disengaging from China and other states that seek to undermine American interests from critical supply chains.

  7. The Scorpene submarine Vagsheer in Mumbai, India.
    Defense and Security

    A CAATSA Waiver for India: What's Really at Stake

    In the News
    The Diplomat by Chet Lee

    If the U.S. wants to counter China’s military expansion, it cannot afford to jeopardize security ties with India.

  8. President Joe Biden, joined by Vice President Kamala Harris, Secretary of State Antony Blinken and White House staff, participates in the virtual Quad Summit in 2021.
    Adam Schultz
    US Foreign Policy

    Time for the Quad to Expand into Subnational Partnerships

    In the News
    The Diplomat by Matthew Abbott

    To mitigate competition between China and members of the Quad, subnational diplomacy must take center stage, argues Matt Abbott in the Diplomat.

  9. Two figures in full body medical protective suits walk in front of the Olympic rings in the Beijing airport.
    Global Health

    The Fallout of Zero-COVID in China

    In the News
    The Diplomat by Kris Hartley

    China's Zero-COVID policy was "meant to be living proof of a superior system of governance," writes Kris Hartley in the Diplomat.

  10. Xi Jinping and Putin walking near stairs.
    Public Opinion

    What Do Russians Think about the Relationship with China?

    In the News
    The Diplomat by Craig Kafura

    Craig Kafura explains in the Diplomat how Sino-Russian ties are bolstered by deepening support from the Russian public according to the latest Chicago Council data.

  11. China and Eu flags
    Marco Verch
    Global Politics

    The Strategic Implications of the China-EU Investment Deal

    In the News
    The Diplomat by Theresa Fallon

    The EU-China Comprehensive Agreement on Investment is a win for China, and a blow to transatlantic relations.

  12. German Chancellor Angela Merkel attends the weekly cabinet meeting
    Global Politics

    Germany's Faustian Bargain With China

    In the News
    The Diplomat by Theresa Fallon

    In allowing Huawei to bid for Germany's 5G development, Merkel has departed from broader European strategy.

  13. China and US flags
    Global Politics

    The US Democrats' China Debate

    In the News
    The Diplomat by Craig Kafura

    None of Trump's Democratic would-be rivals look likely to adopt a softer stance on China.

  14. The Next Battleground in Trump's Trade War: Vietnam Global Economy

    The Next Battleground in Trump's Trade War: Vietnam

    In the News
    The Diplomat by Alexander Hitch

    Vietnam is likely the Trump administration’s next trade target. But the calculus differs in key ways from China.

  15. Taiwan flag US Foreign Policy

    Talking Taiwan with Former National Intelligence Officer Paul Heer

    In the News
    Sinica Podcast by Paul Heer

    Paul Heer examines the Taiwan conundrum — one of the thorniest and most fraught issues confronting the new Biden foreign policy team as it navigates the US-China relationship.

  16. Police and military patrol Culiacan, Sinaloa state, Mexico
    AP Photos
    US Foreign Policy

    Another War on Drugs Won't Solve the Fentanyl Crisis

    In the News
    Responsible Statecraft by Emma Sanderson

    Washington should ditch the military rhetoric and refocus efforts on work with China and Mexico, Emma Sanderson argues.

  17. Lithuania's President Gitanas Nauseda and NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, left, pose in front of their respective flags, a soldier at left.
    AP Photos
    Defense and Security

    Will NATO's Vilnius Summit Advance Ukraine’s Victory?

    In the News
    Deep State Radio by Ivo H. Daalder

    NATO should focus its attention on the problem right next door, not on China, argues Council CEO Ivo Daalder.

  18. Stacks of shipping containers in Shanghai
    Global Economy

    "Ally On-Shoring" in the Age of China and Trump

    In the News
    The New Diplomatist by John Austin

    In this episode, Garrison host's John C. Austin for a discussion of his theory of "Ally On-Shoring", a proposed method of economic and security cooperation among democracies in the face of the rising challenges of a revisionist China abroad and a

  19. Chinese President Xi Jinping is seen on screen at the Museum of the Communist Party of China
    AP Photos
    US Foreign Policy

    China's Ambitions and George Kennan's Legacy

    In the News
    Security Dilemma by Paul Heer

    Paul Heer weighs in on how Xi Jinping thinks and what role the intelligence community should play in foreign policy.

  20. China Needs Diplomats, Not Wolves Global Politics

    China Needs Diplomats, Not Wolves

    In the News
    Pacific Forum by Craig Kafura

    China's "Wolf Warrior" diplomacy is making headlines around the world. But while it might be hitting the right notes back home, it may not play so well with overseas audiences.

  21. Screen shot of Brandis Friedman and Ian Hurd facing a screen with Craig Kafura on it. US Foreign Policy

    The Consequences of Downing China's Spy Balloon

    In the News
    WTTW Chicago Tonight by Craig Kafura

    Is China's spy balloon a wakeup call for closer monitoring of US airspace? Craig Kafura explores the answer with Brandis Friedman and Ian Hurd.

  22. Craig Kafura speaks on Chicago Tonight. US Foreign Policy

    US House Speaker Pelosi Arrives in Taiwan, Defying Beijing

    In the News
    Chicago Tonight by Craig Kafura

    Craig Kafura joins Chicago Tonight to discuss Speaker Pelosi's Taiwan trip and whether or not it complicates the relationship between the US and China.

  23. Screen shot of Craig Kafura appearing with John Soares and Brent Huffman on Chicago Tonight. Public Opinion

    China Dismisses Olympic Boycott as "Farce"

    In the News
    WTTW Chicago Tonight by Craig Kafura

    "The 2021 Chicago Council Survey finds that a narrow majority of Americans support some sort of boycott of this year’s Beijing Olympics,” Craig Kafura tells WTTW.

  24. Is Xi Jinping Recalibrating China’s 'Wolf Warrior' Diplomacy? Global Politics

    Is Xi Jinping Recalibrating China’s 'Wolf Warrior' Diplomacy?

    In the News
    The National Interest by Paul Heer

    Paul Heer discusses Xi Jinping's "wolf warrior diplomacy."

  25. Why the US-China Strategic Rivalry Has Intensified Global Politics

    Why the US-China Strategic Rivalry Has Intensified

    In the News
    The National Interest by Paul Heer

    Paul Heer discusses US-China relations.

  26. Why US-China Cooperation Remains Elusive
    Defense and Security

    Why US-China Cooperation Remains Elusive

    In the News
    The National Interest by Paul Heer

    "It is rarely acknowledged or even considered that Beijing actually shares much of Washington’s vision for the Indo-Pacific," argues Paul Heer in the National Interest.

  27. Why the ‘Longer Telegram’ Won’t Solve the China Challenge Global Politics

    Why the ‘Longer Telegram’ Won’t Solve the China Challenge

    In the News
    The National Interest by Paul Heer

    Paul Heer discusses how recent recommendations on how to handle Beijing could be a recipe for trouble.

  28. Taiwanese military
    AP Photos
    US Foreign Policy

    What Washington Must do to Check China's Coercion

    In the News
    The National Interest by John Austin

    Western outreach to the Global South should not reject China, but rather focus on the rules of the liberal, capitalist system that the US and China thrive in.

  29. Chinese tank
    Defense and Security

    What Is Really Driving Chinese Aggression?

    In the News
    National Interest by Paul Heer

    Actions by other players—including China’s neighbors and the United States—are key drivers of Beijing’s perception of the international environment and responses to it, Paul Heer explains.

  30. U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken meets Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Rome
    Defense and Security

    What Biden and Blinken Got Right on China

    In the News
    The National Interest by Paul Heer

    “If Washington is prepared to acknowledge that it can coexist with China, the strategic rivalry could be managed peacefully,” writes Paul Heer in the National Interest.

  31. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and China's Foreign Minister Wang Yi
    AP Photos
    US Foreign Policy

    Washington's Willful Blind Spot on China

    In the News
    The National Interest by Paul Heer

    The biggest obstacle to American understanding of China appears to be Washington’s seeming determination to misunderstand it, Paul Heer argues.

  32. A Chinese paramilitary policeman stands guard near the Great Hall of the People in Beijing
    AP Photos
    US Foreign Policy

    War with China? Possible, but Not for Reasons You Think

    In the News
    The National Interest by John Austin

    "A China beginning to lose the underpinnings of its new-found international influence could prove even more dangerous," John Austin writes.

  33. Qin Gang (left) stands next to a Chinese flag at right.
    US Foreign Policy

    US-China Rapprochement Will Not Come Quickly

    In the News
    The National Interest by Paul Heer

    “Both sides continue to pursue policies that appear aimed more at competition and confrontation,” writes Paul Heer in the National Interest.

  34. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, left, shakes hands with Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang
    AP Photos
    US Foreign Policy

    The Slow, Bumpy Road of US-China Diplomacy

    In the News
    The National Interest by Paul Heer

    "The only viable exit ramp is substantive diplomacy aimed at deescalation, mutual understanding, and incremental attention to each other’s core concerns," Paul Heer writes.

  35. Chinese Communist Party 100th Celebrations
    US Foreign Policy

    New Book Hints at Biden’s Strategic Approach to China

    In the News
    The National Interest by Paul Heer

    Given the Biden administration’s mantra that the US-China relationship “will be competitive where it should be, collaborative where it can be, and adversarial where it must be,” Doshi’s discussion of the prospects for bilateral cooperation

  36. Mike Pompeo Defense and Security

    Mike Pompeo Challenges China's Governing Regime

    In the News
    The National Interest by Paul Heer

    The Secretary of State’s approach to Beijing risks confirming its suspicions about U.S. subversion while simultaneously alienating the very Chinese people that he aspires to "engage and empower."

  37. President Joe Biden greets China's President President Xi Jinping
    AP Photos
    US Foreign Policy

    The Joe Biden-Xi Jinping Summit: Nothing Accomplished?

    In the News
    The National Interest by Paul Heer

    Despite Washington and Beijing’s apparent satisfaction with the meeting, the tensions at the heart of the relationship show no signs of abating, Paul Heer writes.

  38. Xi Jinping and Joe Biden stand in front of Chinese and American flags
    AP Photos
    US Foreign Policy

    Hostility between the United States and China Looks Increasingly Inescapable

    In the News
    The National Interest by Paul Heer

    Washington and Beijing see themselves locked in a zero-sum competition doubling as an existential ideological struggle, Paul Heer writes.

  39. Secretary of Defense, Lloyd J. Austin III administers the oath of office to Dr. Ely Ratner.
    Chad J. McNeeley
    US Foreign Policy

    Has Washington's Policy Toward Taiwan Crossed the Rubicon?

    In the News
    National Interest by Paul Heer

    "If Taiwan […] is part of an international struggle against the PRC, how is that not a de facto ‘one China, one Taiwan’ policy?” writes Paul Heer in National Interest.

  40. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz in China.
    Global Economy

    Germany's Bet on China Is a Crisis in the Making

    In the News
    The National Interest by John Austin

    By tying itself to China, Germany risks making its mistakes with Russia all over again, argues Senior Nonresident Fellow John Austin.

  41. Chinese President Xi Jinping in Paris.
    US Foreign Policy

    Engagement With China Has Not Failed

    In the News
    The National Interest by Paul Heer

    Paul Heer argues that US engagement with China has not failed - it just has not succeeded yet, and is still worth trying.

  42. Chinese Flag US Foreign Policy

    Donald Trump’s Dismal Legacy in East Asia

    In the News
    The National Interest by Paul Heer

    The Trump administration helped fuel the worst downward spiral in US-China relations since diplomatic normalization more than forty years ago.

  43. Representative Mike Gallagher and Representative Raja Krishnamoorthi before a House Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party hearing
    US Foreign Policy

    Deconstructing the Bipartisan Consensus on the China Threat

    In the News
    The National Interest by Paul Heer

    "Bipartisan consensus (on the scope of the threat) needs to be reconsidered because the wrong diagnosis could yield the wrong, or even dangerous, prescriptions," Paul Heer writes.

  44. Antony Blinken speaks in front of US and Chinese flags
    US Foreign Policy

    Chinese Spy Balloon Pops Prospects for US-China Rapprochement

    In the News
    The National Interest by Paul Heer

    The incident reflects the emerging adversarial pathology of US-China relations, which is increasingly obstructing any efforts at mutual understanding, Paul Heer writes.

  45. A screen shows late Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping during a show commemorating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China
    US Foreign Policy

    The Chinese Communist Party's Historical Mission

    In the News
    National Interest by Paul Heer

    "Foreign audiences should read [China's] resolution as a benchmark manifesto in the Party’s quest for China’s global power and legitimacy," writes Paul Heer in National Interest.

  46. Can a US-China War Be Averted?
    Defense and Security

    Can a US-China War Be Averted?

    In the News
    The National Interest by Paul Heer

    Nonresident Senior Fellow Paul Heer analyzes former Australian prime minister Kevin Rudd’s take on US-China relations in the National Interest.

  47. Xi Jinping and Joe Biden side by side
    US Foreign Policy

    Between Chinese Overreach and American Overreaction

    In the News
    The National Interest by Paul Heer

    "It’s not too late for China and the United States to achieve some level of mutual understanding and common purpose," Paul Heer writes.

  48. Profile head shot of Wang Yi looking to his left in front of a red Chinese flag.
    Defense and Security

    Are America and China Headed for Military Conflict?

    In the News
    The National Interest by Paul Heer

    Is conflict inevitable between the two superpowers? Nonresident Senior Fellow Paul Heer joins Jacob Heilbrunn and Elbridge A. Colby to discuss.

  49. Screenshot of Bruce Jentleson (R) talking with Chris Lovingood Defense and Security

    What Not to Worry about with Chinese Balloon over United States

    In the News
    WRAL FOX-50 by Bruce Jentleson

    China’s balloon was not a “real strategic threat,” says Bruce Jentleson. “Our satellites overfly China all the time and theirs overfly us.”

  50. Yoon Takes Washington | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol shouted out the Council's data in his address to Congress. Here’s what else to know about his trip to DC.