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631 - 640 of 679 search results for Ukraine
  1. Fully-matching results

  2. Assessing the Russian-Ukraine Weapons Outlook US Foreign Policy

    Assessing the Russian-Ukraine Weapons Outlook

    In the News
    MSNBC by Ivo H. Daalder

    "If Russia uses nuclear or chemical weapons, the US willingness to engage will change as a result," Council President Ivo Daalder tells MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell.

  3. Russians Want Crimea; Prefer Luhansk and Donetsk Independent Stepan ...

    insists on the Ukrainian government’s decentralization, which Ukraine has little interest in implementing. ... Eastern Ukraine should be a part of Ukraine but more independent from Kiev.
  4. Defining the Path to Zero Hunger in an Equitable ...

    The future is particularly difficult to discern with a seemingly quickened pace of extreme weather events rolling across the world, disruptions of agricultural markets due to the war in Ukraine and
  5. 1 American and Russian Opinion at a Standoff on ...

    Stop economic and military support toseperatists forces in Eastern Ukraine. Cease airstrikes in Syria. ... Stop economic and military support of Luhansk and Donetsk republics in Eastern Ukraine.
  6. President Joe Biden delivers remarks at a podium before a crowd and in front of an American flag.
    Official White House Photo by Cameron Smith
    US Foreign Policy

    How the War in Ukraine Changed American Attitudes to Foreign Policy

    In the News
    Bloomberg by Ivo H. Daalder

    "Right now, I think Russia represents the bigger threat. China represents the bigger long-term competition," says Council President Ivo Daalder, discussing the 2022 Chicago Council Survey.

  7. Speaker Nancy Pelosi gestures next to Legislative Yuan Vice President Tsai Chi-chang as she leaves the parliament in Taipei, Taiwan on August 3, 2022.
    Defense and Security

    What Americans Think about China and Taiwan

    In the News
    Washington Post by Craig Kafura,Dina Smeltz

    Dina Smeltz and Craig Kafura argue that a majority of Americans support backing Taiwan as the U.S. has backed Ukraine, as long as U.S. troops aren’t involved.

  8. C H I C A G O C O ...

    Military intervention in Ukraine. 14. Peacekeeping. 14. Leader and public attitudes on the United Nations and multilateralism. ... the public to support increas-ing economic aid to Ukraine (15% overall public, 52% Republican leaders, 56% Democratic
  9. Americans and Russians Are Mostly Disinterested and Disengaged with ...

    The international crisis over Ukraine, Russia’s interference in the 2016 US presidential election, and US sanctions against Russia have all contributed to the growing acrimony. ... Ending the conflict in Ukraine 5 16. Ending the conflict in Syria 8 11.