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31 - 40 of 141 search results for Planetary health alliance where 3 match all words and 138 match some words.
  1. Results that match 2 of 3 words

  2. Why is Sweden telling its citizens to prepare for war?

    Why is Sweden telling its citizens to prepare for war?

    Sweden moved closer to joining NATO, and concerns about potential Russian aggression grow.
  3. Democrats, Republicans Support Alliances, Disagree on International Organizations | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    US Foreign Policy

    Democrats, Republicans Support Alliances, Disagree on International Organizations | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Public Opinion Survey by Karl Friedhoff

    While Americans of all political stripes remain committed to allies and alliances, the public is divided along partisan lines on the value of international organizations.

  4. Global Food Security Symposium 2016 | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Global Food Security Symposium 2016 | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    PAST EVENT Conference
    The 2016 Global Food Security Symposium brought together key stakeholders to discuss transformations to the global food system necessary to feed growing cities.
  5. View of air pollution over south Delhi.
    Jean-Etienne Minh-Duy Poirrier
    Global Cities

    The Urban Century of China and India | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Global Insight by Xuefei Ren

    Xuefei Ren argues that cities in China and India are more aptly compared in territorial vs. associational governance than by regime type.

  6. Global Food Security Symposium 2017 | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Simon Fangers

    Global Food Security Symposium 2017 | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    PAST EVENT VIDEO Conference
    The 2017 Global Food Security Symposium focuses on how the US can help lead struggling nations and turn frontier markets into thriving partners.
  7. A farmer takes a break while tending his rice farm.
    Wayne S. Grazio
    Food and Agriculture

    Achieving Food and Nutrition Security in the Face of Water Scarcity | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Global Food for Thought by Vanessa M. Taylor

    The Chicago Council on Global Affairs explores how to advance a more sustainable and inclusive global food system even with increasing water scarcity.

  8. Children in Tanzania stand below a line showing the median height for 9-year-olds globally
    Gates Foundation
    Food and Agriculture

    I am Gita | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Global Food for Thought by Roger Thurow

    This essay appears in the book The End of Hunger edited by Jenny Eaton Dyer and Cathleen Falsani.

  9. Global Food Security Symposium 2014 | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Global Food Security Symposium 2014 | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    PAST EVENT VIDEO Conference
    Global leaders convene at The Chicago Council's Global Food Security Symposium 2014 to chart a course for the US government’s global food security.
  10. Global Food Security Symposium 2018 | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Global Food Security Symposium 2018 | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    PAST EVENT VIDEO Conference
    The 2018 Global Food Security Symposium examines how surging youth populations can fuel tremendous agricultural growth that will impact the global economy, but, if underemployed, they present a risk.
  11. Global Health and Development Symposium 2017 | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Global Health and Development Symposium 2017 | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    PAST EVENT VIDEO Conference
    This symposium built upon the momentum of ongoing global conversations hosted by the G7, G20, and the United Nations, discussing how women’s empowerment can spur inclusive, sustainable global growth.