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131 - 140 of 141 search results for Planetary health alliance where 3 match all words and 138 match some words.
  1. Results that match 2 of 3 words

  2. 95 reportQ5

    The Public. 1. Crime (42%). 2. Unemployment (20%). 3. Health care/insurance (19%). ... For example, “healthcare/health insurance” is classified as asocial problem, as it was in the past.
  3. US Report v.2

    economic health and personal well-being, and are con-. cerned about certain regional conflicts, the global envi-. ... most mentioned problems respectively, and significant. numbers of people cite drug abuse, health care, crime,.
  4. Global Views 2004 - US

    Health Organization the authority to intervene in a. country in response to a world health crisis even if. ... health care; 69% favor expanding aid to education; and. 65% favor expanding Social Security.
  5. Inclusive Urban Economic Development: A Framework For Action Alaina ...

    Public health can suffer, and violence imposes heavy costs on the public safety and health systems. ... 9 “Anchor Collaboration.” Newark Alliance, 2019. 10 “Inclusive Growth in Cities Campaign: A Roadmap for Action.” OECD, 2016.
  6. Leading Change in United Nations Organizations By Catherine Bertini ...

    Leading Change in United Nations Organizations. By Catherine Bertini Rockefeller Foundation Fellow. June 2019. Leading Change in United Nations Organizations. By Catherine Bertini Rockefeller Foundation Fellow. June 2019. Catherine Bertini is a
  7. SPINE S p o n s o r e ...

    Andrew J. McKenna, Jr.PresidentSchwarz. Sid MohnPresidentHeartland Alliance for Human Needs and Human Rights. ... Eric E. Whitaker, M.D., M.P.H.DirectorIllinois Department of Public Health. J. Randall WhiteSenior Vice President, Corporate AffairsSara Lee
  8. Hispanics Report.indd

    7984. 87. 88. Non-LatinoLatino. Maintaining existing alliances. Building new alliances with countries. ... These. include health care, Social Security, education, envi-. ronmental protection and, to a lesser extent, welfare.
  9. Key facts and figures• China is now the largest ...

    Outcomes and impacts of these projects are primarily measured in terms of health, environmental sustainability, and the performance of farmers. ... It has also built its own water strategy around two objectives: improving health outcomes through WASH and
  10. Rebuilding a Bipartisan Consensus on Trade Policy By Phil ...

    foreign policy during the Cold War. Together with military alliances, trade agreements helped bind together the major free-market democracies, their growing prosperity serving as an effective counter to the centrally
  11. Executive summary After World War II, dozens of international ...

    Over the past 70 years, these multilateral organizations, along with treaty organizations and bilateral alliances, have done a great deal to shape global governance, and with it the rise of liberal ... Today, the IDB focuses on reducing poverty and