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Internship Program

The Council offers undergraduate juniors and seniors and graduate students the opportunity to learn about our organization and participate in a variety of duties associated with ongoing projects through our internship program.

  1. Results that match 1 of 2 words

  2. OK, Boomer: Youth Hesitant to Use Force, Shun US ...

    50. 28. Cyberattacks on US computer networks. International terrorism. Iran's nuclear program. ... The development of China as a world power. North Korea's nuclear program.
  3. Michael Moskow, a former professor himself, and subsequently president ...

    Robert Lalonde’s work (“Evaluating the Econometric Evaluations of Training Programs with Experimental Data,” American Economic Review, September 1986) comparing results obtained by using randomization trials with those used by various
  4. Executive summary After World War II, dozens of international ...

    a program specifically focused on the challenges and opportunities presented by urbanization.8. ... and other IOs, has made sure that knowledge-building efforts—for loans, programs, and even internal education—are publicly accessible.43.
  5. report_green-covid-19-recovery-and-transatlantic-leadership_20201020

    In his speech at the Republican National Convention on August 28, Trump said, “Thanks to our Paycheck Protection Program, we have saved or supported more than 50 million American jobs.
  6. Republic of Korea Air Force Black Eagles flying in formation Public Opinion

    Redeploying US Tactical Nukes May Not Go Far Enough for South Koreans

    In the News
    NK News by Karl Friedhoff

    A new poll finds public lukewarm on idea, Karl Friedhoff writes, despite long-standing support for an indigenous nuclear program.

  7. Cities Competing for Talent in the Global Economy 2018 ...

    Pittsburgh, for example, has reversed the decline experienced by many other rust belt cities, by taking advantage of the world-class computer science programs at Carnegie Mellon and University of Pittsburgh.
  8. Bruce Jentleson joins Spectrum News 1 via video Global Politics

    Unpacking the Putin-Kim Jung Un Meeting

    In the News
    Spectrum News 1 by Bruce Jentleson

    Russia needs munitions for the war in Ukraine, Bruce Jentleson explains, while North Korea wants technology for its space program.

  9. American and South Korean Publics Doubtful about Success of ...

    These discussions do not appear to have convinced. 2. Americans that North Korea is serious about giving up its nuclear weapons program. ... roughly half lack confidence in the abilities of both Moon (52%) and Trump (53%) to persuade North Korea to
  10. Cooperation and Hedging: Comparing US and South Korean Views ...

    Snyder, Senior Fellow and Director of the Program on US-Korea Policy, Council on Foreign Relations Ellen Swicord, Research Associate, Program on US-Korea Policy, Council on Foreign Relations October 2019 ... 36% of Democrats), although still