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Internship Program

The Council offers undergraduate juniors and seniors and graduate students the opportunity to learn about our organization and participate in a variety of duties associated with ongoing projects through our internship program.

  1. Results that match 1 of 2 words

  2. South Korea launches their domestic space rocket Nuri on June 21, 2022, from the Naro Space Center in Goheung, South Jeolla Province.
    Defense and Security

    South Korea Blasts off into Space without Clear Vision

    In the News
    NK News: SK Pro by Karl Friedhoff

    "Despite ambitions to explore final frontier, Seoul’s investment into its space program lags far behind," writes Karl Friedhoff.

  3. What Americans Think about America First R E S ...

    What Americans Think about America First. R E S U L T S O F T H E 2 0 1 7 C H I C A G O C O U N C I L S U R V E Y O F A M E R I C A N P U B L I C O P I N I O N A N D U S F O R E I G N P O L I C Y. By Dina SmeltzIvo Daalder Karl FriedhoffCraig
  4. Key facts and figures• China is now the largest ...

    programs (operated by prominent Chinese universities, state departments, and private companies in mainland China) are characterized by diverse development philosophies, with agriculture and natural-resource management as the top priorities.
  5. Asia Report.indd

    support). 85. 66. 41. 18. 82. 60. 37. 15. Continue diplomatic efforts to get NorthKorea to suspend its nuclear program. ... Craig KafuraCraig Kafura is senior program officer for studies at The Chicago Council on Global Affairs, where he coordinates the
  6. Inclusive Urban Economic Development: A Framework For Action Alaina ...

    As of August 2018, the program claims to have driven more than $55M in investments in neighborhoods1. ... 6. economic stability and mobility of city residents, include education, workforce development, financial readiness, savings, and asset building,
  7. View of the Chicago Skyline from Lake Michigan Global Economy

    'Ally-Shoring' Will Help US Rebuild Economy and Global Leadership

    In the News
    The Hill by John Austin

    Ally-shoring describes a program of sourcing essential materials, goods, and services with trusted friends while disengaging from China and other states that seek to undermine American interests from critical supply chains.

  8. Americans and Russians Are Mostly Disinterested and Disengaged with ...

    Programs such as the US-Russia Relations Initiative of The Fletcher School, the US-Russia Peer-To-Peer Dialogue Program, and other educational and cultural exchanges may offer constructive paths to ... Americans Russians. Eliminating North Korea’s
  9. An empty college cafeteria is pictured.
    Food and Agriculture

    Student Voices Call for Culturally Appropriate Food in Schools

    In the News
    Agri-Pulse Communications by Roger Thurow

    Food available in federal assistance programs is not acceptable to various communities with specific religious, cultural, or physical requirements.

  10. Rebuilding a Bipartisan Consensus on Trade Policy By Phil ...

    Rebuilding a Bipartisan Consensus on Trade Policy. By Phil Levy, Senior Fellow, Global Economy. April 2019. Rebuilding a Bipartisan Consensus on Trade Policy. By Phil Levy, Senior Fellow, Global Economy. April 2019. THE CHICAGO COUNCIL ON GLOBAL
  11. Preventing Nuclear Proliferation and Reassuring America’s Allies 21-02-08

    In the wake of the failed Hanoi summit, North Korea accelerated its missile-testing program, continued to produce nuclear materials sufficient for about seven weapons a year, and paraded an array ... North Korean missiles, have left many in Seoul worried