Results that match 1 of 2 words
There's a New NAFTA in Town | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
Experts Duncan Wood, Laura Dawson, and Phil Levy join Deep Dish to discuss what's in the new NAFTA agreement and its significance on the global economy.
Most Americans Supported Talks with Iran Prior to Hamas Attacks | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
But public opinion has likely shifted following Hamas' attacks on Israel.
Americans Grow Less Enthusiastic about Active US Engagement Abroad | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
For the first time, a majority of Republicans think the United States should stay out of world affairs.
Americans on Their Allies, Partners, and Rivals | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
The Biden administration emphasizes strengthening ties with America's global allies and partners. Which countries do Americans view as their allies—and adversaries?
The Geopolitics of Climate Change | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
As extreme weather increasingly uproots communities and economies, experts Simon Dalby and Joshua Busby predict how climate change will affect foreign policy.
Is China's Investment in Africa a Debt Trap? | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
In this episode of #AskIvo, Council President Ivo Daalder explores if China’s investment in Africa a debt trap.
2010 Chicago Council Survey | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
The 2010 Chicago Council Survey shows that Americans remain committed to an active part in world affairs—its problems, opportunities, and key actors.
On Climate, Don't Let Gloom Lead to Doom | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
While understandable, the mood of pessimism around COP27 obscures progress toward net zero and can be dangerously self-fulfilling, argues Chris Morris.
Japanese More Confident than Americans in US Power | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
New Chicago Council-Japan Institute of International Affairs data find the Japanese public has greater confidence in US economic and military power than do Americans.
Generational Attitudes in a New Nuclear Age | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
Millennials and Gen Z are less confident in the effectiveness and utility of nuclear weapons than Boomers and Gen X.