Results that match 1 of 2 words
Polling Problems, 2020 Edition | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
America saw inaccurate polling for the House and Senate races across the country, which overestimated Democratic support in a wide range of races.
Albright and Rice on Women in Leadership and US Foreign Policy | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
Former Secretaries of State Madeleine Albright and Condoleezza Rice discuss their experience as trailblazers in foreign policy and the critical importance of women's leadership and gender parity in foreign relations. -
1994 Chicago Council Survey | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
The 1994 Chicago Council survey indicates that American attitudes at both public and leadership levels reflect a "pragmatic internationalism."
1986 Chicago Council Survey | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
The 1986 Chicago Council survey showed the desire to protect American jobs or to secure access to energy still takes priority over altruistic objectives.
Americans Want a Nuclear-Free World | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
Today, most Americans don’t want a world with nuclear weapons. According to the 2020 Chicago Council Survey two-thirds of Americans (66%) believe that no country should be allowed to have nuclear weapons.
2014 Chicago Council Immigration Survey | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
A Chicago Council on Global Affairs report which shows bipartisan support among Midwestern business leaders to pass immigration reform.
The Urban Century of China and India | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
Xuefei Ren argues that cities in China and India are more aptly compared in territorial vs. associational governance than by regime type.
Year in Review: 2021 in Public Opinion | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
It's been a busy 2021. Recap the year with the survey team's analyses of public opinion on the most critical issues at home and around the world.
2018 Public Attitudes on US Intelligence | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
In a survey conducted by the Chicago Council on Global Affairs, the American public is now less concerned about the threat posed by North Korea.
1982 Chicago Council Survey | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
The 1982 Chicago Council Survey shows important disparities between public opinion and Reagan administration policies in defense spending, arms control, foreign aid, détente, and trade policy.