Results that match 1 of 2 words
Cities on Their Own | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
Distinguished Fellow Richard Longworth examines two books that highlight the role of cities in global affairs, and how Midwest cities may leverage global partnerships.
Winter is Coming: Garry Kasparov on Putin's Grand Strategy | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
Chess grandmaster Garry Kasparov joined the Council the discuss whether Vladimir Putin can maintain his grip on power. -
El Salvador's Crackdown on Gangs, Explained | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
Mass arrests have reduced crime in the short-term—but at a significant cost to human rights.
Partisan Divides on China Continue to Grow | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
Republicans are more concerned about China's rise than ever before.
Women, Equity, and Global Development Symposium 2016 | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
A network of international thought-leaders joins the Council for a series of conversations that will lead to new ideas and greater understanding of what is working, and where more effort is needed. -
Winning the Recovery with David Cote and Henry M. Paulson, Jr. | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
David Cote, former CEO of Honeywell and former U.S. Secretary of the Treasury Henry M. Paulson, Jr., shared their experiences of leadership during crisis. -
American Views of Japanese Influence on the Rise | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
The US public views the Japan alliance as a significant national security benefit as concerns about China grow.
Venezuela's Two Presidents | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
Latin America expert Peter Schechter and veteran diplomat Cecile Shea join this week’s Deep Dish to discuss varying opinions on Venezuela’s two claimants to power, Juan Guaidó and Nicolás Maduro.
2015 Chicago Council Survey | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
2015 Chicago Council Survey results demonstrate the American public remains committed to engagement in the world.
A Foreign Policy for Global Cities? | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
The question of whether global cities should have their own foreign policy has been hotly debated, but recent developments have changed the calculus.