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Shealah Craighead
The Korean crisis shows the perils of relying on America
The immediate threat of war has passed but Asian allies have little to celebrate.
less important role, or about as important a role as a world leader as it did 10 years ago? ... Q2. US Role as World Leader. More. important. Less important. About as important. https://globalaffairs.org/sites/default/files/2020-11/For%20First%20Time%2C%20Majority%20of%20Mexicans%20Hold%20Unfavorable%20View%20of%20United%20States%20Topline%20Report.pdf -
CCS 2015 - Middle East Report
At best, the most recent polls find that public opinion is divided.3 In Syria, Americans Prioritize Fight against ISIS Americans are most concerned about the multitude of threats emerging out https://globalaffairs.org/sites/default/files/2020-11/American%20Anxiety%20over%20Middle%20East%20Buffets%20Public%20Support%20for%20US%20Presence%20in%20the%20Region%20PDF%20Report%20%281%29.pdf -
Global Politics
Why Khamenei Always Fights His Presidents
Saeid Golkar discusses Iranian leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.
that diplomatic options are nearly exhausted despite strong support from Americans, who say that their leaders should be ready to meet and talk with the leadership of North Korea (61%). https://globalaffairs.org/sites/default/files/2020-11/American%20Attitudes%20toward%20Korea%3B%20Growing%20Support%20for%20a%20Solid%20Relationship%20PDF%20Report.pdf -
March 8, 2013 North Korea: Like Father, Like Son ...
In a separate question, seven in ten (69%) think US government leaders should be ready to meet and talk with North Korean leaders. https://globalaffairs.org/sites/default/files/2020-11/report_Preventing-North%20Korea-from-Building%20Nuclear-Capacity-Americans-Top-Priority%20for-US-ROK-Relationship_2013-03-07.pdf -
Preserving Ukraine’s Independence,Resisting Russian Aggression:What the United States and ...
Western leaders have stated that sanctions will remain in place until the Kremlin’s policy changes in a significant way. ... Aleksandr Zakharchenko, leader of the self-proclaimed “Donetsk People’s Republic,” indicated on January 23 that the https://globalaffairs.org/sites/default/files/2020-11/Preserving%20Ukraine%E2%80%99s%20Independence%2C%20Resisting%20Russian%20Aggression%3B%20What%20the%20United%20States%20and%20NATO%20Must%20Do%20PDF%20Report.pdf -
Executive summary In response to 9/11 and other threats ...
While the United States is a world leader in terms of refugee resettlement—in 2014 it resettled 73,000 refugees, or 70 percent of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees https://globalaffairs.org/sites/default/files/2020-11/Balancing%20Priorities%3B%20Immigration%2C%20National%20Security%2C%20and%20Public%20Safety%20PDF%20Report.pdf -
1 September 12, 2012 American Support for the U.S.-ROK ...
during President Lee’s first visit to Washington in June of 2009, when the two leaders announced a. ... idea that U.S. leaders should be ready to meet and talk with the leaders of North Korea. https://globalaffairs.org/sites/default/files/2020-11/American%20Support%20for%20the%20US-ROK%20Alliance%3B%20Steady%20As%20She%20Goes%20PDF%20Report.pdf