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1,251 - 1,260 of 1,357 search results for Emerging Leaders where 276 match all words and 1,081 match some words.
  1. Results that match 1 of 2 words

  2. Disappointed in Rouhani, Iranians Seek a Different Sort of ...

    are appointed by Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei and the other half by the parliament, will ultimately. ... candidate. Additionally, some expect Raisi may be a candidate for Iran’s next Supreme Leader.
  3. 1 The Foreign Policy Establishment or Donald Trump: Which ...

    As on trade, the leader-public data demonstrate how the Trump platform was able to activate the public’s fear of immigration in a way that other Republican leaders had not ... Leader Survey Methodology and Limitations This report is based on a
  4. 1 Pro-Trade Views on the Rise, Partisan Divisions on ...

    world leaders: US President Donald Trump?” This group, 21 percent of the overall sample, self-identify.
  5. report_views-of-us-opinion-leaders-on-foreign-policy-approaches

    Less than it is now. About the same. Republican Leaders Democratic Leaders Independent Leaders. ... tern. atio. nal. org. aniz. atio. ns. Republican Leaders Democratic Leaders Independent Leaders.
  6. Iran's President Hassan Rouhani delivers remarks at a news conference during the United Nations General Assembly in New York Global Politics

    The next supreme leader could transform Iran

    In the News
    Al Jazeera by Saeid Golkar

    What happens after Ayatollah Khamenei leaves office or dies?

  7. The Chicago Climate Charter:North American Cities Taking Action on ...

    In December 2015 in Paris, world leaders signed the first global commitment to fight climate change. ... City leaders must urgently work toward these goals. With public buildings, they have jurisdiction and can start immediately.
  8. Screenshot of NATO wraparound screens on CNN studio set - NATO leaders on screen at left and Ivo Daalder on screen at right. Defense and Security

    White House Says Ukraine Cannot Join NATO During War

    In the News
    CNN News Central by Ivo H. Daalder

    NATO has only grown since Putin's plan backfired. "This will be seen as one of the greatest strategic failures in history," says Ivo Daalder.

  9. America in the Age of Uncertainty By Dina Smeltz, ...

    Republican opinion leaders, immigration was ranked the lowest among potential threats (16%, see Figure. ... Trump has capitalized on these preexisting gaps between Republican leaders and the Republican public.
  10. Public Prefers Cooperation and Engagement with China Craig Kafura, ...

    Public Prefers Cooperation and Engagement with China Craig Kafura, Assistant Director, Foreign Policy and Public Opinion October 2019 Since the Trump administration took office in 2017, it has pursued a more competitive relationship with China on
  11. What Americans Think about America First R E S ...

    leadership role, 47 percent want the United States to be the dominant world leader. ... American interests. Standing alongside NATO leaders last May, Trump bluntly told the assembled heads.