Results that match 1 of 2 words
What Cities Can Learn from Venture Capital
Local leaders from Colombia to Finland found success using venture capital strategies to manage risk and spur innovation, writes Robert Muggah.
Urban Governance: Cities in a Time of COVID-19
The COVID-19 pandemic is exposing the quality of governance and competence of the world’s leaders. When politicians and civil servants fail to deliver, they quickly lose credibility and legitimacy.
Why Support Africa's Small Farmers?
“As Africa’s farmers work to adapt to climate change, global leaders must do their part by keeping–and extending–the promises they made at COP26,” writes Roger Thurow in Project Syndicate.
US-Russia Summit Meetings: What to Expect
“There is room for a very serious negotiation on the future of European security, the kind that Russian leaders in the past have asked for,” Ivo Daalder remarks on Nieuwsuur.
South Korea's Success in Containing the Coronavirus Highlights Importance of Digital Resilience
One of the emerging lessons of the Covid-19 pandemic is that countries and companies that digitised early are more likely to recover faster than those that did not
What Americans Think about the US Role in the World and Why It Matters
"Public opinion is still an important form of accountability," Elizabeth Shackelford writes.
Former And Current Women Heads Of State Sign Open Letter Pushing For Women's Rights
In late February, a group of global women leaders signed an open letter, calling for government and private sector leaders to take legal and social action to promote gender inclusion and female empowerment.
Why the Wagner Group's Influence in West Africa Is Growing
Western countries should use national and international tools to hinder Wagner’s growing global abuse, Elizabeth Shackelford writes.
NATO Shouldn't Give Putin an Excuse to Prolong the War
“If ending the war means Ukraine joins NATO, a lot of Russians might feel differently about their commitment to the fight," Elizabeth Shackelford writes.
President Trump Fell in Love with Kim Jong Un—and North Korea Kept Building Missiles
We need a different approach, one that is more realistic about the growing threat North Korea represents.