Results that match 1 of 2 words
Latinos Resemble Other Americans in Preferences for US Foreign Policy | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
This report finds that US Latinos prioritize protecting jobs, favor strong leadership abroad, rank terrorism as a critical threat, and support US military superiority.
Pandemic Offers an Opportunity to Revitalize, Reinforce Local Food Economies | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
In this blog post from the Chicago Council on Global Affairs, we discuss the COVID-19 pandemic’s negative effects on the food and agriculture industry.
Amid Global Unpopularity, China Might Find Support Among Russians | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
While China might be losing friends in many countries, it still has the support of the Russian public.
A Tale of Two Regions: The Economic and Political Importance of Different Paths to Heartland Renewal | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
The regeneration strategies of the former industrial areas of Pittsburgh in the US and Germany's Ruhr offer lessons for other regions in economic transition.
Americans Support Limited Military Action in Syria against ISIS | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
Survey data shows that while Americans favor military action against violent extremist groups, they are less supportive of US involvement in Syria.
Publics React to Mandatory Vaccination, the Olympics, and Governments' COVID Management | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
Populations around the world remain divided over how comfortable they are returning to normal life as the Delta variant spreads.
Global Public Opinion Shows Mixed Reaction to Vaccines as Virus Surges | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
Although the vaccine has brought hope to many people, a new and more transmissible strain discovered in the United Kingdom has caused unease around the world.
The Domestic Sources of American Foreign Policy: Insights and Evidence 7th Edition | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
This book, meant for students in American foreign policy, gives a broad introduction to a wide range of domestic factors that influence US policymakers.
As Vaccination Campaigns Continue Around the World, Restrictions Lift and Optimism Spreads | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
Some countries, now awash in vaccines, are looking abroad to help other countries combat the pandemic. For those with slower rollouts, the fight against the pandemic continues.
Despite Political Tension, Americans and Russians See Cooperation as Essential | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
A joint Chicago Council on Global Affairs and the Levada Analytical Center survey shows few Russians or Americans expect great changes to US-Russia ties now or in the next 10 years, although both publics see the merits of collaboration.