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Global Views 2004 - US
G L O B A L V I E W S 2 0 0 4. THE CHICAGO COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS. American Public Opinionand Foreign Policy. CCFR TEAM. Marshall M. Bouton, Study chair. Catherine Hug, Team member and study editor. Steven Kull, Team member. Benjamin I. Page, https://globalaffairs.org/sites/default/files/2020-11/2004-Chicago-Council-Survey-PDF-Report.pdf -
activities. The original goals of this project were to inform scholarly and general debate on the proper role of secret intelligence in our open democracy and to help government officials design https://globalaffairs.org/sites/default/files/2020-12/report_public-attitudes-american-intelligence_200908.pdf -
US Report v.2
w o r l d v i e w s 2 0 0 2. A m e r i c a n P u b l i c O p i n i o n & F o r e i g n P o l i c y. I N T R O D U C T I O N. 2. T H E F I N D I N G S I N S U M M A R Y. 5. C H A P T E R O N E : R E F O C U S E D I N T E R N AT I O N A L I S M A F T https://globalaffairs.org/sites/default/files/2020-11/2002-Chicago-Council-Survey-PDF-Report.pdf -
In Madrid, NATO Must Focus on the Long Term
As NATO meets in Madrid, Ivo Daalder stresses that they must focus on the long term and include "all those in Europe who stand for freedom and democracy."
1C H I C A G O C O ...
Surprisingly, only 51 percent of respondents think of South Korea as a democracy (with 40% thinking it is not a democracy), despite the country’s status as one of the most ... democracy? Or how can policymakers feel comfortable pushing for passage of https://globalaffairs.org/sites/default/files/2020-11/US%20Attitudes%20toward%20the%20Republic%20of%20Korea.pdf -
CEPP Report Chicago Council Final 16 Feb 2019
bedrock of democracy, a free society, and human dignity. ... Public expectations confer a greater responsibility on corporations to act boldly, stand up, and speak out on behalf of public values and fundamental rights as the bedrock of democracy. https://globalaffairs.org/sites/default/files/2021-01/CEPP%20Report%20Chicago%20Council%20Final%2016%20Feb%202019.pdf -
Guiding Principles for a Sustainable U.S. Policy Toward Russia, ...
At the same time, the United States must recognize that the long-term challenge of promoting democracy in Russia and Eurasia will be a demand-driven rather than supply-driven process. https://globalaffairs.org/sites/default/files/2021-08/guiding_principles_sustainable_us_russia_170209.pdf -
WORLD PUBLIC OPINION 2007. Globalization and TradeClimate ChangeGenocide and DarfurFuture of the United NationsUS LeadershipRise of China. WORLDPUBLICOPINION.ORG. INTRODUCTION. 5. GLOBAL ANALYSIS1. Globalization and Trade. 82. Climate Change. 133. https://globalaffairs.org/sites/default/files/2020-11/2007-Chicago-Council-Survey-PDF-Report.pdf -
The Chicago Council on Global Affairs is a nonpartisan, ...
Divesting from repressive governments would boost US credibility by reducing the divide between US rhetoric and practice regarding democracy. ... Given the Biden administration’s focus on aligning democracies against nondemocratic threats, that https://globalaffairs.org/sites/default/files/2023-08/Less%20is%20More%20-%20US%20SSA%20to%20Africa%208-2023%2C%20Published.pdf -
95 reportQ5
Presumably, efforts to supportPresident Boris Yeltsin in promoting amarket economy and democracy inRussia, and to encourage nuclear disar-mament have had a positive impact.Nevertheless, the figure is still 25 https://globalaffairs.org/sites/default/files/2020-11/1994--Chicago-Council-Survey-PDF-Report.pdf