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EL BigData&Cities_v1.indd
332 South Michigan AvenueSuite 1100 Chicago, Illinois 60604thechicagocouncil.org. The Emerging Power of Big Data: The Chicago Experience June 2014. EMERGING LEADERS PERSPECTIVESGlobal Era • Different Challenges • New Priorities. The Emerging Pow. https://globalaffairs.org/sites/default/files/2022-01/ELBigDataCities.pdf -
America shrugs while democracy around the world retreats
For the 13th year in a row, freedom declined around the world — with more countries falling down freedom’s ranks than moving up.
Pivot to Europe: US Public Opinion in a Time ...
This aligns with broader current American views on policy toward Russia and China, which support pushing back against these countries—particularly when they threaten democracies in their neighborhoods— but not in ... Promoting human rights and https://globalaffairs.org/sites/default/files/2022-10/2022%20Chicago%20Council%20Survey%20Report%20PDF_0.pdf -
IntroductionThe Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) outlined by the United ...
Educating girls tends to promote support for democracy.23. Educated women are more likely to participate in pol-itics and make concrete changes in the community than uneducated girls. https://globalaffairs.org/sites/default/files/2020-11/womengirlschangeagents_report.pdf -
1 Regional Structural Policy in Pittsburgh and the Ruhr ...
The United States is not alone in this regard – most Western democracies contain. https://globalaffairs.org/sites/default/files/2023-06/Ruhr-Pitt-Regional-Policy-ShortReport.pdf -
Western Pennsylvania, USA and Germany’s Ruhr A Transatlantic Dialogue ...
Western Pennsylvania, USA and Germany’s Ruhr. A Transatlantic Dialogue on Making and Managing Economic Transition. The Transforming Industrial Heartlands Initiative, founded in 2019, uses economic development. to protect democratic institutions https://globalaffairs.org/sites/default/files/2023-07/Ruhr-WPA-TransatlanticDialoguereport7-5_TIR.pdf -
2024 Will Be a Year of Elections That Could Reshape Global Politics
"The elections of 2024 could mark an inflection point for democracy globally and, by consequence, international relations," Paul Poast writes.
Constrained Internationalism: Adapting to New Realities Results of a ...
Constrained Internationalism: Adapting to New Realities. Results of a 2010 National Survey of American Public Opinion. Global Vi ews 2010. Global Views 2010 Team Marshall M. Bouton, Study chairRachel Bronson, Team memberGregory Holyk, Team https://globalaffairs.org/sites/default/files/2020-11/Global%20Views%202010.pdf -
Support for combating global hunger is on the rise ...
Pending legislation can help address global hungerIn a representative democracy like the United States, the government is charged with enacting the will of the people. https://globalaffairs.org/sites/default/files/2022-02/CCGA_2022_Hunger_Survey_brief_final_0.pdf -
LESTER. CROWN CENTER ON US FOREIGN POLICY. Divided We StandDemocrats and Republicans Diverge on US Foreign Policy. By Dina Smeltz, Ivo Daalder, Karl Friedhoff, Craig Kafura, and Brendan Helm. R E S U L T S O F T H E 2 0 2 0 C H I C A G O C O U N C I https://globalaffairs.org/sites/default/files/2020-12/report_2020ccs_americadivided_0.pdf