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US Opinion Leaders Support Aid to Taiwan | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
But most oppose sending US troops to the island should China invade.
Poll: Americans View of Trade at an All Time High | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
New public opinion data indicates record level of Americans believe trade is good for the U.S. economy, consumers and jobs. https://globalaffairs.org/about-us/press-room/poll-americans-view-trade-all-time-high -
Embracing Dandelions as Food and Medicine | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
Through their connection to traditional food practices, dandelions challenge colonized notions of food security and provide students with the opportunity to reconnect with Indigenous food systems.
1978 Chicago Council Survey | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
The 1979 Chicago Council Survey found that the American people and leaders were interested in maintaining international involvement but were also concerned about hedging and restraining foreign commitments.
Global Cities and the Olympics | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
The benefits cities gain from the prestige associated with hosting the Olympics do not offset the human costs reported every year the Games are held.
Ballooning Mistrust in the US-China Relationship
“Both sides appear more inclined to score points against each other than to acknowledge their mistakes,” says Nonresident Senior Fellow Paul Heer.
Why a Marcos Is Ruling the Philippines Again | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
Disinformation drives Philippines' election leading to TikTok star Marcos' win.
1986 Chicago Council Survey | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
The 1986 Chicago Council survey showed the desire to protect American jobs or to secure access to energy still takes priority over altruistic objectives.
New Book Hints at Biden’s Strategic Approach to China
Given the Biden administration’s mantra that the US-China relationship “will be competitive where it should be, collaborative where it can be, and adversarial where it must be,” Doshi’s discussion of the prospects for bilateral cooperation
China Says It Will Not Arm Russia against Ukraine
Macron’s statements show Europe’s concern that US attention will waver too much from Ukraine to Taiwan, argues Sibel Oktay.