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431 - 440 of 2,066 search results for Chicago Council Survey where 1,021 match all words and 1,045 match some words.
  1. Fully-matching results

  2. World Review: Iran's New President, China's Take on Biden, EU-Russia Reset | Chicago Council on Global Affairs US Foreign Policy

    World Review: Iran's New President, China's Take on Biden, EU-Russia Reset | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    by Ivo H. Daalder

    Bethany Allen-Ebrahimian, Bobby Ghosh, and Elise Labott join Ivo Daalder to discuss the week's top news stories.

  3. The entrance to the CIA New Headquarters Building (NHB) of the George Bush Center for Intelligence.
    Central Intelligence Agency
    Public Opinion

    Intelligence Coup of the Century: Would Americans be on Board? | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Running Numbers by Brendan Helm

    What does the American public think of the American intelligence community and its efforts at global surveillance?

  4. Poll: American and Russian Publics Think Transatlantic Relations are Worsening | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    According to a new binational survey a plurality of American and Russian publics think that US-EU relations are worsening though a strong US majority still views Europe as a partner.
  5. Ukrainian troops raise guns in the air
    Public Opinion

    7 in 10 Americans Want To Send More Weapons To Ukraine, Poll Finds

    In the News
    Defense One by Dina Smeltz,Emily Sullivan

    Results from the 2022 Chicago Council Survey show Americans want to keep supporting Ukraine for as long as it takes, despite inflation concerns at home.

  6. American Public Divided on Cooperating with, Confronting China | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Public Opinion

    American Public Divided on Cooperating with, Confronting China | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Public Opinion Survey by Karl Friedhoff

    A March 2021 survey finds Americans see US priorities in Asia to be less about limiting the expansion of China and more about economic growth and strengthening democracy.

  7. | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Jermaine M. Ralliford
    Public Opinion

    | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Working Paper by Craig Kafura

    This paper analyzes whether the strong relationship between the US and South Korea would be sustained under new presidents and how the Korean and American public’s view the alliance.In an election year for both nations, the alliance between the US

  8. Aerial view of the coast in Tel Aviv
    Shai Pal
    Public Opinion

    Opinion Landscape Not Ideal for New Mideast Peace Plan | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Running Numbers by Dina Smeltz

    Polling expert Dina Smeltz explains why the new Middle East peace plan will have an upward climb to acceptance based on public opinion.

  9. Americans Support Foreign Aid, but Oppose Paying for It | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Public Opinion

    Americans Support Foreign Aid, but Oppose Paying for It | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Public Opinion Survey by Lily Wojtowicz,Dina Hanania

    This Chicago Council on Global Affairs survey indicates Americans view domestic programs as a higher priority than foreign aid but see aid as helpful for US foreign relations.

  10. 2022 Public Attitudes on US Intelligence | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    AP Photos
    Public Opinion

    2022 Public Attitudes on US Intelligence | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Public Opinion Survey by Stephen Slick,Joshua Busby,Kim Nguyen

    Biden-era surveys affirm continued support for the intelligence community but also signal growing partisanship.