Fully-matching results
Samuel Branch
2006 Chicago Council Survey | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
The 2006 Chicago Council survey focused on U.S. and international public opinion on the rise of China and India and its implications on foreign policy.
Public Opinion
2002 Chicago Council Survey: American Public Opinion and Foreign Policy | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
The 2002 Chicago Council survey made it clear that 9/11 had a profound impact on the American mood and U.S. relationships with foreign countries.
Jon Sailer
2010 Chicago Council Survey | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
The 2010 Chicago Council Survey shows that Americans remain committed to an active part in world affairs—its problems, opportunities, and key actors.
Lucas Sankey
2018: Year in Chicago Council Surveys | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
In 2018, the Council captured public and opinion leader attitudes on some of the most pressing foreign policy issues.
The White House
1986 Chicago Council Survey | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
The 1986 Chicago Council survey showed the desire to protect American jobs or to secure access to energy still takes priority over altruistic objectives.
US Library of Congress
1982 Chicago Council Survey | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
The 1982 Chicago Council Survey shows important disparities between public opinion and Reagan administration policies in defense spending, arms control, foreign aid, détente, and trade policy.
The White House
1974 Chicago Council Survey | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
The inaugural Chicago Council Survey was conducted in December 1974 to seek and understand the views of the public and national leaders on a series of international questions.
Jon Sailer
2008 Chicago Council Survey | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
The 2008 Chicago Council Survey focuses on attitudes about foreign policy prior to the triggering of the international financial crisis in the fall of 2008.
Craig Ruttle / AP
2024 Survey of Public Opinion on US Foreign Policy | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
Results and analysis of the Council's annual survey of American views on foreign policy.
Past Events | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
Watch past event videos with world leaders, policymakers, journalists, authors, and experts, covering foreign policy, global affairs, world news, and politics. https://globalaffairs.org/events/past