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311 - 329 of 329 search results for Iran
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  2. SMART paper_v7.indd

    AdvAnci ng globAl Food SecurityT H E P O W E R O F S C I E N C E , T R A D E , A N D B U S I N E S S. cochairscatherine bertini and dan glickman. S P o n S o r e d b y. Advancing Global Food Security: The Power of Science, Trade, and Business. The
  3. US Public Divides along Party Lines on Israeli-Palestinian Conflict ...

    Over the past four years, Republicans have become more likely to support US involvement in a conflict between Israel and Iran. ... Independent 50 47 3. 30/10. If Israel bombs Iran’s nuclear facilities, and Iran were to retaliate against Israel.
  4. 1 Americans and Russians Agree on Priorities for Syria, ...

    38%), reducing nuclear weapons worldwide (14%) and limiting Iran's nuclear program (4%). ... Containing Iran's influence in the Middle EastCombating terrorism in the Middle East.
  5. American Public Backs US Military Presence in Japan Craig ...

    2019. US Russia Japan. China E.U. South Korea. India Germany Iran. ... Japan Germany SouthKorea. India Iran. Influence today Influence in ten years.
  6. American Public Support for US Troops in Middle East ...

    A Chicago Council survey completed January 10–12 shows that as tensions with Iran have risen, Americans see an increased need to keep watch over the Middle East by maintaining a ... And amid escalating tensions between the United States and Iran
  7. The Chicago Council on Global Affairs is a nonpartisan, ...

    Asia, Europe, or the Middle East, where the United States faces more direct security threats (consider China, North Korea, Russia, and Iran).
  8. Hispanics Report.indd

    Hispanics and other Americans consider terror-ism, nuclear proliferation, Iran’s nuclear program,. ... If Israel bombs Iran's nuclear facilities, and Iran were to retaliate against Israel.
  9. Final - Trilateral Cooperation Taskforce Report

    Canada’s 2018 arrest of Huawei’s chief financial officer at the request of the United States for evasion of sanctions on Iran led to several Canadian agricultural products being shut
  10. Vladimir Putin sits in profile at a table in front of white and gold curtains in meetings with Iran.
    Global Politics

    Vladimir Putin's Deepest Fear Is the Freedom of Russia's Neighbors

    In the News
    Financial Times by Ivo H. Daalder

    “An end to NATO enlargement or withdrawing forces from the east will not stop Putin. Only full support of Ukraine can do that,” writes Ivo Daalder in the Financial Times.

  11. Asia Report.indd

    Iran, 7% North Korea). ... The only nations ever to rate lower than this were Iraq in 1990 after the invasion of Kuwait, and Iran.
  12. Preventing Nuclear Proliferation and Reassuring America’s Allies 21-02-08

    But the proliferation threat wasn’t always concentrated in these regions. Long before countries like North Korea and Iran topped the list of nuclear threats, leaders in Washington and elsewhere worried ... walk away from the Iran nuclear agreement, the
  13. CCS 2015 - Middle East Report

    2 Majorities of Democrats (74%) and Independents (57%) supported the framework for the nuclear agreement with Iran, while just less than half of Republicans (46% support, 51% opposed) favored it. ... If Iran commits a violation of the accord, only among
  14. Railway workers in Iran
    Javad Esmaeili
    Global Politics

    How to (Finally) Defeat Populism

    In the News
    Foreign Policy by John Austin,Brian Hanson,Jeffrey Anderson

    Rust Belts exist around the world, and integrating them into the larger trans-Atlantic community is key to political stability.

  15. 1 For First Time, Majority of Mexicans Hold Unfavorable ...

    3. five percentage points more than say the same for North Korea (54%).5 Only Pakistan (65% negative), Iran (64%), and Israel (63%) were perceived to be more negative in international
  16. Kim Jong-un and Vladimir Putin
    Defense and Security

    The Three Nuclear Threats Facing President-Elect Biden

    In the News
    Chicago Tribune by Ivo H. Daalder

    Council President Ivo Daalder explains why President-Elect Biden faces 3 nuclear threats -- Russia, Iran, and North Korea-- in the Chicago Tribune.

  17. 100 Top Economies: October 2016 By Noah Toly and ...

    and Turkey, while New York ranks ahead of Iran,. Australia, Thailand, and Nigeria (Figure 2). ... Saudi Arabia. Canada. Spain. Turkey. New York City. Iran, Islamic Rep.
  18. Preserving Ukraine’s Independence,Resisting Russian Aggression:What the United States and ...

    These include preventing Iran from acquiring nuclear arms, avoiding a return of the Taliban or chaos in Afghanistan, the broader counter-terrorism struggle, and controlling nuclear weapons and materials. ... It is important for preserving the credibility
  19. President Trump Delivers Remarks on Iran
    The White House
    Defense and Security

    After Stirring up the Middle East, Trump Now Wants NATO's Help? That's Rich.

    In the News
    Chicago Tribune by Ivo H. Daalder

    President Donald Trump has come up with a new solution for the Middle East, “I think that NATO should be expanded, and we should include the Middle East."