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221 - 270 of 1,311 search results for 2021 Chicago Council Survey where 300 match all words and 1,011 match some words.
  1. Fully-matching results

  2. A man in PPE stands in an empty airport
    Govind Krishnan
    Public Opinion

    Global Publics Respond to Increase in COVID-19 Restrictions | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Running Numbers by Karl Friedhoff,Brendan Helm

    Weekly analysis of public opinion as governments around the world impose increasing restrictions and the number of active cases surges.

  3. Renewing American Leadership in the Fight Against Global Hunger and Poverty | Chicago Council on Global Affairs Food and Agriculture

    Renewing American Leadership in the Fight Against Global Hunger and Poverty | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Report by Catherine Bertini,Dan Glickman,Robert Paarlberg

    Recommendations for how the Obama administration and Congress can restore America’s leadership in the fight against global hunger and poverty.

  4. Pivot to Europe: US Public Opinion in a Time ...

    entirely? (% maintain/increase)n = 3,106. Overall. 2022 Chicago Council Survey. Republican Democrat. ... 16 2022 Chicago Council Survey. Great-Power Competition: Maintaining the Status Quo SIDEBAR.
  5. A pharmacist in Seoul ringing up masks.
    Public Opinion

    One-quarter of South Koreans Ready to Wear Masks Indefinitely | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Running Numbers by Karl Friedhoff

    While Americans continue a culture war on the necessity and effectiveness of masks, one-quarter of the South Korean public is ready to wear them indefinitely.

  6. Cooperation or Coercion? The Views of US Opinion Leaders on Foreign Policy Approaches | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    David Strickler
    Global Economy

    Cooperation or Coercion? The Views of US Opinion Leaders on Foreign Policy Approaches | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Public Opinion Survey by Craig Kafura,Dina Smeltz,Joshua Busby,Joshua D. Kertzer,Jonathan Monten

    The 2020 Chicago Council on Global Affairs-University of Texas at Austin survey explores to what extent Democratic, Republican, and Independent foreign policy professionals support Biden’s international agenda.

  7. Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken and National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan meet with CCP Director of the Office of the Central Commission for Foreign Affairs Yang Jiechi and State Councilor Wang Yi, in Anchorage, Alaska, on March 18, 2021
    Ron Przysucha
    Public Opinion

    International Relations Scholars and the Public on US-China Policy | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Running Numbers by Craig Kafura

    A comparison of two recent polls finds some similarities—and some significant differences—in how international relations scholars and the American public want to approach China.

  8. a person wears a mask on their wrist
    Public Opinion

    US Concern about COVID-19 Decreasing, but Partisan Divides Persist | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Running Numbers by Emily Sullivan

    Americans are less worried about COVID-19 than they have been at any point since the initial shutdown in early 2020, Council polling finds.

  9. a medical professional prepares a vaccine syringe
    Sam Moqadam
    Public Opinion

    Partisanship Divides Americans on COVID-19 Vaccine Information | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Running Numbers by Craig Kafura

    Most Americans trust the information they receive from medical experts, distrust what they see on social media, and there is a partisan divide on trusting information from the US government and media.

  10. Israel's President Isaac Herzog and US Secretary of State Antony Blinken hold a meeting in Tel Aviv
    AP Photos
    Public Opinion

    Plurality of Americans Say US Should Be Neutral Mediator in Israel-Hamas War | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Running Numbers by Lama El Baz

    As the humanitarian toll in Gaza continues to climb and fears of a wider war grow, Americans are wary of direct military involvement in the conflict.

  11. Ahead of Biden-Moon Summit, South Koreans and Americans Align on China and North Korea | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Public Opinion

    Ahead of Biden-Moon Summit, South Koreans and Americans Align on China and North Korea | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Public Opinion Survey by Karl Friedhoff,Suh Young Park

    Chicago Council survey data find majorities in South Korea view China as more of a security threat than a security partner and as more of an economic threat than an economic partner.


    2022 Chicago Council Survey is made possible by the generous support of the Crown family and the Korea Foundation. ... For the latest research from the Crown Center, follow @ChiCouncilFP. 2022 CHICAGO COUNCIL SURVEY.
  13. People stand outside at a a COVID testing facility Global Health

    Global Public Opinion Shows Partial Return to Normalcy, Optimism | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Running Numbers by Craig Kafura,Karl Friedhoff,Brendan Helm,Luke Witzig,Kaya Schaffner ,Lea Chang

    COVID-19 cases are on the decline worldwide and in some countries, people are feeling hopeful as they recover aspects of their pre-COVID lives. 

  14. Americans and Russians Agree: We're Heading Towards a New Arms Race | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Eurasian Women's Forum
    Public Opinion

    Americans and Russians Agree: We're Heading Towards a New Arms Race | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Public Opinion Survey by Lily Wojtowicz,Dina Smeltz

    Findings from a binational survey show that Americans and Russians would like to see the two countries negotiate a nuclear agreement.

  15. Treaty Allies Matter for US Foreign Policy Experts—but They Are Not Indispensable | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Public Opinion

    Treaty Allies Matter for US Foreign Policy Experts—but They Are Not Indispensable | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Public Opinion Survey by Sibel Oktay,Paul Poast,Dina Smeltz,Craig Kafura

    The Council's polling experts examine how American foreign policy experts think of the term "allies," and whether variations in thinking matter for US foreign policy decisions.

  16. Army reservist troop takes part in shooting training at a camp base in Nanshipu
    Public Opinion

    If Invaded, Will the Taiwan Public Fight? Don't Look to Polls for an Answer | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Running Numbers by Paul Huang

    Public surveys about Taiwan's willingness to fight an invasion by China don't reveal as much as one might think.

  17. Americans Prefer Supporting Role in Constraining Chinese and Russian Ambitions | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Public Opinion

    Americans Prefer Supporting Role in Constraining Chinese and Russian Ambitions | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Public Opinion Survey by Phillip Meng

    Great power competition is the organizing principle of President Biden’s new National Security Strategy. Is the American public on board?

  18. Holiday Shopping Woes? Look Beyond COVID-19 to Trade Politics | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Global Economy

    Holiday Shopping Woes? Look Beyond COVID-19 to Trade Politics | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    by Brian Hanson

    The pandemic, supply chains, and inflation hit this holiday shopping season. Are trade politics to blame? The Economist's Soumaya Keynes joins Deep Dish to discuss.

  19. Democrats, Republicans Support Alliances, Disagree on International Organizations | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    US Foreign Policy

    Democrats, Republicans Support Alliances, Disagree on International Organizations | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Public Opinion Survey by Karl Friedhoff

    While Americans of all political stripes remain committed to allies and alliances, the public is divided along partisan lines on the value of international organizations.

  20. Japanese Public Values Ties to US, But Would Prefer to Cooperate with China, Too | Chicago Council on Global Affairs Public Opinion

    Japanese Public Values Ties to US, But Would Prefer to Cooperate with China, Too | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Public Opinion Survey by Dina Smeltz

    Dina Smeltz discusses survey data reflecting Japanese opinion on US-China relations.

  21. From Scarcity to Security Ch icago Co un cil ...

    March 2019. THE CHICAGO COUNCIL ON GLOBAL AFFAIRS IS AN INDEPENDENT, NONPARTISAN ORGANIZATION. ... 2019 by the Chicago Council on Global Affairs. Cover Photo: Rice fields on terraced mountain in Thailand.
  22. Olympic flag in Tokyo
    Global Health

    Publics React to Mandatory Vaccination, the Olympics, and Governments' COVID Management | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Running Numbers by Karl Friedhoff,Craig Kafura,Fosca Majnoni d’Intignano,Kate Park,Katherine Stiplosek

    Populations around the world remain divided over how comfortable they are returning to normal life as the Delta variant spreads.

  23. Woman bicycling against the Chicago skyline blanketed in haze from Canadian wildfires
    AP Photos
    Global Cities

    From pollution to solutions: How global cities are tackling poor air quality | How Chicago and other global cities are tackling air pollution

    Blog Post
    ChicagoGlobal by Renata Sago

    As Chicago and other global cities increasingly grapple with poor air quality, solutions to the problem vary by location.

  24. Putin and Xi Jin Ping shake hands
    Public Opinion

    Amid Global Unpopularity, China Might Find Support Among Russians | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Running Numbers by Peter Wang

    While China might be losing friends in many countries, it still has the support of the Russian public.

  25. Palestinian protestors
    Public Opinion

    Americans Favor a Two-State Solution More Than Israelis and Palestinians Do | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Running Numbers by Dina Smeltz

    After violent conflict between Israel and Hamas, a new Israeli governing coalition, and Palestinian repression, what would a peaceful future look like?

  26. People sit in chairs in a large room, six feet apart
    Global Health

    As Vaccination Campaigns Continue Around the World, Restrictions Lift and Optimism Spreads | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Running Numbers by Craig Kafura,Kate Park

    Some countries, now awash in vaccines, are looking abroad to help other countries combat the pandemic. For those with slower rollouts, the fight against the pandemic continues.

  27. People sit in a doctor's office
    KOBU Agency
    Public Opinion

    What Do the Chinese Think about Their Government's Response to COVID-19? | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Running Numbers by Peter Wang

    Survey data from several surveys in China show that the Chinese people are largely satisfied with their country's response to the pandemic.

  28. A Cost of ConflictAmericans Turn InwardResults of the 2023 ...

    state of war, the September 7-18 Chicago Council survey showed that Americans. ... development. In the 2021 Chicago Council Survey, majorities of both Democrats.
  29. The image shows a large crowd, and nearly everyone is wearing masks.
    Macau Photo Agency
    Global Health

    As Vaccinations Increase, Global Public Opinion Shows Varied Sentiments | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Running Numbers by Craig Kafura,Karl Friedhoff,Brendan Helm,Kaya Schaffner ,Luke Witzig

    Outbreaks continue to emerge even as vaccinations increase; some countries feel safe to engage in more normal activities while others introduce new restrictions.

  30. map of COVID-19 cases in early 2020
    Martin Sanchez
    Public Opinion

    How Do Attitudes about the Coronavirus Response Differ in Russia and the United States? | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Running Numbers by Stepan Goncharov,Dina Smeltz

    Survey data shows that Russians are more likely than Americans to say that their nation's government handled the coronavirus pandemic effectively.

  31. Brazil Flag
    Global Health

    Vaccinations Bring Hope; Brazil Death Toll Mounts; One Month to Tokyo | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Running Numbers by Karl Friedhoff,Craig Kafura,Kate Park,Katherine Stiplosek

    In some countries the year of the pandemic is coming to a close, with successful vaccination campaigns providing an exit from pandemic restrictions. But that’s not the case everywhere.

  32. A mural on a brick wall of a person wearing medical gear Global Health

    After a Year of Pandemic, Global Public Opinion Shows Increasing Desire for Vaccine | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Running Numbers by Craig Kafura,Karl Friedhoff,Brendan Helm,Luke Witzig,Peter Wang

    It has now been a year since many nations began to implement restrictions due to the pandemic. As the global health crisis drags into its second year, more people seek the vaccine as a way to return to normal.

  33. A sign in the UK calls for residents to stay home amid a new strain of COVID-19
    Matt Smart
    Global Health

    Global Public Opinion Shows Mixed Reaction to Vaccines as Virus Surges | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Running Numbers by Craig Kafura,Karl Friedhoff

    Although the vaccine has brought hope to many people, a new and more transmissible strain discovered in the United Kingdom has caused unease around the world.

  34. Cooperating, Competing, Confronting: US-Japan-South Korea Trilateral Cooperation as China Rises | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    US Foreign Policy

    Cooperating, Competing, Confronting: US-Japan-South Korea Trilateral Cooperation as China Rises | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Report by Ichiro Fujisaki ,Han Sung-Joo,James B. Steinberg,Karl Friedhoff

    A report from the Task Force on Trilateral Cooperation Amid China’s Rise recommends a new policy mix that leverages each country’s individual strengths and advantages.

  35. A box of surgical masks
    Mika Baumeister
    Global Health

    Global Public Opinion Shows Support for COVID-19 Prevention Policies | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Running Numbers by Craig Kafura

    The Chicago Council Survey team provides an update on global public opinion on the COVID-19 pandemic includes polling results from around the world.

  36. A person wearing a surgical mask looks at their phone while walking on the sidewalk Global Health

    With Normalcy Returning in Some Places, Global Public Opinion Shows a Degree of Anxiety | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Running Numbers by Craig Kafura,Karl Friedhoff,Brendan Helm

    While coronavirus restrictions are being incrementally removed in certain countries, some people are feeling concern at returning to the activities that had characterized their pre-pandemic lives.

  37. People wearing masks go to a market Public Opinion

    As Virus Spreads Unevenly, Global Public Opinion Shows Mixed Feelings | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Running Numbers by Craig Kafura,Karl Friedhoff,Brendan Helm,Peter Wang,Luke Witzig

    While some countries are beginning to see a light at the end of the tunnel, others continue to struggle through the crisis as case numbers remain elevated.

  38. What Nixon's 1972 China Trip Says About US-China Relations Today | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Public Opinion

    What Nixon's 1972 China Trip Says About US-China Relations Today | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Running Numbers by Craig Kafura

    Fifty years ago, US President Richard Nixon traveled to China and established the basis for a normalization of relations between the two powers. Are we due for another transformation?

  39. CCGA-IranPoll Jan-Feb Survey Topline[29]

    The Council has also reintroduced a leaders’ survey as an important component of the 2014 and 2016 and 2018 Chicago Council Surveys. ... This analysis is based on data from a January–February 2021 Chicago Council Survey of the American public on
  40. South Koreans See China as More Threat than Partner, But Not the Most Critical Threat Facing the Country | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Public Opinion

    South Koreans See China as More Threat than Partner, But Not the Most Critical Threat Facing the Country | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Public Opinion Survey by Karl Friedhoff

    Majorities of South Koreans cite low birthrates in South Korea and North Korea’s nuclear program as larger threats than China's economic or military power.

  41. An NHS ad in a UK subway appeals commuters to get vaccinated.
    John Cameron
    Global Health

    As Virus Rages Unevenly, Global Public Opinion Shows Divergent Attitudes | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Running Numbers by Craig Kafura,Karl Friedhoff,Brendan Helm

    Although cases have declined significantly in Europe, the United States, and much of East Asia, the pandemic remains a major threat in South America, India, and several other nations around the world.

  42. Screen shot of Craig Kafura appearing with John Soares and Brent Huffman on Chicago Tonight. Public Opinion

    China Dismisses Olympic Boycott as "Farce"

    In the News
    WTTW Chicago Tonight by Craig Kafura

    "The 2021 Chicago Council Survey finds that a narrow majority of Americans support some sort of boycott of this year’s Beijing Olympics,” Craig Kafura tells WTTW.

  43. Navalny Brief FINAL 031221[84]

    But recent surveys by the Levada Analytical Center, including one in partnership with the Chicago Council on Global Affairs, show that the overall Russian population is generally indifferent to his actions, ... January 29-February 1, 2021 | n =
  44. US-Russia Brief FINAL 031621[44]

    11. Methodology This analysis is based on data from a January–February 2021 Chicago Council-Levada Analytical Center joint survey of the American and Russian publics on foreign policy topics, a ... The Chicago Council survey was conducted January
  45. Treaty Allies Matter for US Foreign Policy Experts—but They ...

    CHICAGO COUNCIL SURVEYS. Expert Views on Supporting Allies and Other Actors. ... October 7, 2020 - January 21, 2021 | n=535. CHICAGO COUNCIL SURVEYS.
  46. Army Spc. Angel Laureano holds a vial of the COVID-19 vaccine, Walter Reed National Military Medical Center
    US Secretary of Defense
    Global Health

    COVID-19 Vaccine Availability Grows While Global Public Opinion Shows Continued Concern | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Running Numbers by Craig Kafura,Karl Friedhoff,Brendan Helm,Luke Witzig,Peter Wang,Lea Chang

    Even as the vaccine rollout continues, some nations consider greater restrictions and further lockdowns as case numbers increase.

  47. Bridging the Gap: A “Sustainable Food Seal” Needed to ...

    CEO; Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research Former Executive DirectorJennifer Goldston, AgTech PR Founder and CEOPeggy Tsai Yih, Chicago Council Managing Director of Global Food and AgricultureNatalie Burdsall, Chicago Council Communications
  48. A social distancing sign during the COVID-19 pandemic
    Global Health

    Global Public Opinion and the Coronavirus: April 1 Update | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Running Numbers by Karl Friedhoff,Brendan Helm

    As of April 1, the COVID-19 pandemic has killed more than 45,000 people globally and infected more than 900,000. How are publics around the world reacting?

  49. Checkifself-employed OMB No. 1545-0047 Department of the TreasuryInternal Revenue ...

    6 16001111 707170 4889X 2021.05000 THE CHICAGO COUNCIL ON GL 4889X__1. ... 7 16001111 707170 4889X 2021.05000 THE CHICAGO COUNCIL ON GL 4889X__1.
  50. Russians and Americans Sense a New Cold War Dina ...

    Americans give Russia an average rating of 29—the lowest reading recorded in Chicago Council Surveys since the final years of the Cold War. ... The centerpiece of the Lester Crown Center is its annual survey of American public opinion and US foreign
  51. Encouraging Farmer Adoption of Regenerative Agriculture Practices in the ...

    The Chicago Council on Global Affairs. August 2023. Photo by Edwin Remsberg & USDA-SARE. ... CHICAGO COUNCIL ON GLOBAL AFFAIRS - 9. of farmland out of cash crop production.