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111 - 130 of 1,256 search results for Emerging Leaders where 251 match all words and 1,005 match some words.
  1. Fully-matching results

  2. CHICAGO COUNCIL ON GLOBAL AFFAIRS Fiscal Year 2019Financial Support ...

    Porter $5,000 $5,000 Emerging Leaders ProgramMinow Family Foundation $5,000 $5,000Michael A. ... Fry Foundation $500 $500Lisa Moon $500 $500Lincoln Ellis $500 $500 Emerging Leaders ProgramKyle L.
  3. World Review Panelists | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    World Review features reporters from some of the world's leading media outlets to get their perspectives on emerging global stories and how they might unfold.
  4. 1978 Chicago Council Survey | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    The White House
    Public Opinion

    1978 Chicago Council Survey | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Public Opinion Survey by John E. Rielly

    The 1979 Chicago Council Survey found that the American people and leaders were interested in maintaining international involvement but were also concerned about hedging and restraining foreign commitments.

  5. Burkina Faso: If It’s Not Broke, Don’t Break It | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    AP Photos
    US Foreign Policy

    Burkina Faso: If It’s Not Broke, Don’t Break It | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Policy Brief by Elizabeth Shackelford

    A military strengthened by American training, weapons, and intelligence helped create the very problem US assistance was meant to prevent.

  6. 2012 Chicago Council Survey: Foreign Policy in the new Millennium | Chicago Council on Global Affairs Public Opinion

    2012 Chicago Council Survey: Foreign Policy in the new Millennium | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Public Opinion Survey by Dina Smeltz,Craig Kafura,Marshall M. Bouton,Rachel Bronson

    The 2012 Chicago Council Survey tracks public opinion on US foreign policy since the September 11 attacks, and includes an assessment of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

  7. Is Poland's General Election a Turning Point for the Nation? | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Global Politics

    Is Poland's General Election a Turning Point for the Nation? | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    by Monika Sus

    Deep Dish dissects the surprising election results and what they mean for Poland’s future within the EU.

  8. Four scientists examine plants in a lab. Food and Agriculture

    Will CRISPR Crops Avoid the GMO Curse? | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Global Food for Thought by Robert Paarlberg

    If CRISPR crops can avoid being regulated like GMOs, they can create significant opportunities for low- and middle-income countries, and help combat hunger and poverty.

  9. A close-up image of the American flag
    Lucas Sankey
    Public Opinion

    2018: Year in Chicago Council Surveys | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Running Numbers by Craig Kafura

    In 2018, the Council captured public and opinion leader attitudes on some of the most pressing foreign policy issues.

  10. U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai testifies before the Senate Finance Committee on Capitol Hill in Washington
    Public Opinion

    Americans and US-China Trade Relations | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Running Numbers by Craig Kafura

    The American public is increasingly skeptical of the US-China trade relationship, and narrow majorities support increased restrictions on both trade and technological exchanges.

  11. A view of the Los Angeles skyline, with silhouettes of palm trees in the foreground.
    Sterling Davis
    Global Cities

    Global Cities in 2020 – Ten Trends to Watch | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Global Insight by Ian Klaus

    With so much activity around cities in today's world, there is a lot to track. Here are ten trends in 2020 to watch where cities will be particularly influential on the global stage.

  12. Transatlantic Learning Exchange: Economic Renewal and Democracy | Chicago Council on Global Affairs Global Cities

    Transatlantic Learning Exchange: Economic Renewal and Democracy | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Working Paper by John Austin

    John Austin shares insights from a transatlantic convening that explores the political repercussions of economic inequality and extremist ideology.

  13. Heartland renewal
    Global Economy

    From "Rust Belt" to "Trust Belt": Why the Language We Use Matters | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Global Insight by John Austin

    In promoting economic renewal in industrial heartland regions, leaders must avoid language that condemns these regions and their citizens to passivity.

  14. Milwaukee skyline
    Global Economy

    Midwest Moving to Leadership in Sustainable Green Economy | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Global Insight by John Austin

    The post-industrial communities of the Midwest are shaking off their Rust Belt label to emerge as leaders in the blue and green economies.

  15. Rotting apples lay on the ground
    Joshua Hoehne
    Food and Agriculture

    Reduce Food Loss and Waste, Feed Millions | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Global Food for Thought by Lisa Moon

    In this Chicago Council on Global Affairs blog post, Lisa Moon explains food loss and waste.

  16. The Western Wall and the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem Global Politics

    Pathways to Peace: Reflections on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Global Insight by Paul Fitchen

    Despite 75 years of struggle, two scholars remain cautiously optimistic about the future.

  17. A young girl reads a book, with bookshelves of other books in the background
    Eliott Reyna
    Global Health

    Nine Books to Prepare for the World After COVID-19 | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Global Insight by Iain Whitaker

    We share our top picks for books to read in the weeks ahead that delve into what sort of world might emerge when the pandemic has passed.

  18. The Oppenheimer Effect: Reigniting Nuclear Awareness | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    AP Photos
    Defense and Security

    The Oppenheimer Effect: Reigniting Nuclear Awareness | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    by Rachel Bronson,Avery Restrepo

    Discover the power of cinema as we unpack the 'Oppenheimer' movie's ability to resurface long-forgotten fears and inspire dialogue around nuclear consciousness.

  19. 2005 Chicago Council Democracy Survey | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Public Opinion

    2005 Chicago Council Democracy Survey | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Public Opinion Survey

    The 2005 Chicago Council Survey explored public opinion on democracy promotion post-September 11 world as one of the core principles of US foreign policy

  20. China's Blockbuster Influence in Hollywood | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Justin Aikin
    Global Politics

    China's Blockbuster Influence in Hollywood | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    by Brian Hanson,Lynda Obst

    Movie producer Lynda Obst and Orville Schell of the Asia Society join Deep Dish to examine how China is changing the US box office.

  21. Transforming Industrial Regions of North America and Europe: Opportunity and Imperative | Chicago Council on Global Affairs Global Cities

    Transforming Industrial Regions of North America and Europe: Opportunity and Imperative | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    by John Austin,Jeffrey Anderson,Colleen Dougherty,Brian Hanson,Jürgen Hein,Alexander Hitch

    This report summarizes the Transforming Industrial Regions of North America and Europe symposium, including strategies to rebuild economies and stem anti-democratic populism.