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671 - 720 of 1,016 search results for Chicago Council Survey where 523 match all words and 493 match some words.
  1. Results that match 2 of 3 words

  2. Rashmi Sadana's The Moving City Global Cities

    Rashmi Sadana Explores the Social Impact of the Delhi Metro | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Global Insight by Rashmi Sadana,Rachel Abrams

    The Pattis Family Foundation Global Cities Book Award finalist discusses how infrastructure like transit impacts the daily lives of city residents.

  3. Congressional Aggies' Answer to the Climate Crisis | Chicago Council on Global Affairs Food and Agriculture

    Congressional Aggies' Answer to the Climate Crisis | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Global Food for Thought by Gloria Dabek

    Increasing climate crisis events necessitate bolder government response. The Growing Climate Solutions Act is one Congressional answer that advocates say benefits both farmers and the planet.

  4. President Moon Jae-in speaks during a press conference.
    Jeon Han
    Global Economy

    Real Estate Weighs on Moon's Approval Rate | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Running Numbers by Karl Friedhoff

    Karl Friedhoff examines South Korea's President Moon Jae-in's administration and the real estate issues, including high rental costs in Seoul, that have led to a high disapproval rating.

  5. Chard growing in a row at a farm
    Ronan Furuta
    Food and Agriculture

    Sustainable Food Systems: A View from the Midwest | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Global Insight by Madeleine Nicholson

    This Chicago Council on Global Affairs blog post explores if our global food system adapting fast enough to overcome today’s modern challenges.

  6. A woman holding a laptop stands outside observing her farm.
    AP Photos
    Food and Agriculture

    A New Goal for Agricultural AI: Gender Mainstreaming | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Global Food for Thought by Molly Shields

    The inclusion of gender mainstreaming in agricultural AI can help reduce gender inequity for female smallholder farmers.

  7. Eritrea's President Isaias Afwerki and Ethiopia's Prime Minister, Abiy Ahmed, at a ceremony marking the reopening of the Eritrean Embassy in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
    Global Politics

    The 1998 Border Conflict behind Ethiopia's Civil War | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Global Insight by Emma Sanderson

    A decades-old rivalry between Eritrea and the TPLF risks derailing Ethiopia’s peace deal.

  8. View of the exterior of a factory in the midwest
    Lucas Ludwig
    Global Politics

    Midwestern Voters Aren't Ready for Revolution | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Global Insight by Richard C. Longworth

    This Chicago Council on Global Affairs blog by Richard C. Longworth explores how the old Midwest has gone away and a new Midwest is taking its place.

  9. East Asia’s Rising Geoeconomics and the Strategy for Japan | Chicago Council on Global Affairs Global Economy

    East Asia’s Rising Geoeconomics and the Strategy for Japan | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Report by Saori N. Katada

    Regardless of changes in US administration or China's power, the Japanese government must support the region’s continued prosperity.

  10. United Nations Geneva
    Mathias Reding
    Global Cities

    A Multilateral Window for City Diplomacy | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Global Insight by Michele Acuto

    Networks like C40 or the Healthy Cities Network show cities have a great potential to mobilize forces across boundaries and shape international agendas.

  11. Critical Rulings on International Criminal Justice | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    United Nations
    Human Rights

    Critical Rulings on International Criminal Justice | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Working Paper by David Scheffer

    This paper describes the central issues in three upcoming atrocity crime decisions and the implications for the evolution of international criminal justice.

  12. Precision Development to Solve Wicked Problems | Chicago Council on Global Affairs Food and Agriculture

    Precision Development to Solve Wicked Problems | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Global Food for Thought by Julia Bello-Bravo,John Medendorp,Anne N. Lutomia,N. Peter Reeves

    Scientific Animations Without Borders (SAWBO) uses the information highway to deliver food security results during the COVID-19 pandemic.

  13. Woman in a forest in Sierra Leone Food and Agriculture

    A Gender-Responsive Approach to Natural Resources | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Global Food for Thought by Alemneh Dejene

    Sustainable biodiversity and ecosystems outcomes require transformative shifts in gender norms.

  14. US President Donald Trump speaking in Phoenix, Arizona.
    Gage Skidmore
    Defense and Security

    This Week's Read: Will Trump Withdraw from NATO? | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Global Insight by Ivo H. Daalder

    Ivo Daalder discusses President Trump's intent to withdraw the United States from NATO.

  15. Chicago Federal Reserve Bank
    Marco Verch
    Global Cities

    Comparing the Midwest's Major Cities | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Global Insight by Richard C. Longworth

    The Chicago Federal Reserve compares the economies of five Midwest cities to test the theory that industry clusters are the key to urban economic growth.

  16. Bills of various currency from around the world are pictured in a stack
    Jéan Béller
    Global Economy

    Does the Future of the WTO Hang in the Balance in Ottawa? | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Global Insight by Alexander Hitch

    For decades, the United States has been the driving force pushing for new rules to govern world trade. What if the other major countries of the world assumed that mantle in our absence? It’s happening.

  17. City under construction
    Nicolas J. Leclercq via Unsplash
    Global Cities

    How Cities Can Go Slow to Achieve Real Change | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Global Insight by Sascha Haselmayer

    Nonresident Fellow Sascha Haselmayer discusses his new book, which synthesizes the lessons he learned from his work with cities, governments, and NGOs.

  18. Jagger Harvey, the director of the Feed the Future Innovation Lab for the Reduction of Post-Harvest Loss, and Jisang Yu assess chilies and peanuts for mycotoxin risk in Nepal.
    Kansas State Research & Extension
    Food and Agriculture

    Public-Private Partnerships in Nutrition Ventures | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Global Food for Thought by Samanta Dunford

    Were the recommendations in the Center on Global Food and Agriculture's 2015 nutrition report successful? The Council examines this question in the third part of our 2021-22 series to find out.

  19. Downtown Chicago
    Patrick Tomasso
    Global Cities

    The Pandemic-Driven Shift in the US Real Estate Market | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Global Insight by Aaron Masliansky

    The rise of remote work has had a dramatic impact on cities like Chicago, which must play to their strengths in order to compete in this new landscape.

  20. A tractor pulls a wagon of hay through a field of wheat.
    Olia Gozha
    Food and Agriculture

    2023 Farm Bill: Enhancing Agricultural Safety Nets | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Global Food for Thought by Senay Emmanuel

    The 2023 Farm Bill will be a significant legislative hurdle that will require input, coordination, and buy-in from all sectors and actors within the domestic food system.

  21. a worker walks in a Sri Lankan tea farm
    Reuters/Dinuka Liyanawatte
    Food and Agriculture

    Organic Mandate, Growing Solar, and Allergens | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Global Food for Thought by Julia Whiting

    Check out the week's top stories in food, agriculture, and global development.

  22. G7 leaders stand in a line
    AP Photos
    US Foreign Policy

    How the G7 Plans to Counter Economic Coercion by China | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Global Insight by Libby Berry

    An announcement made following the G7 Hiroshima Summit brings the group one step closer to a proposed “Economic Article 5.”

  23. Former Japanese Prime Minister Abe Shinzo campaigning
    Global Politics

    Japan Prepares for Its First Post-Abe Election | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Running Numbers by Craig Kafura

    Abe Shinzo’s assassination shocked the nation. Will constitutional revision be on the post-election agenda?

  24. Railroad tracks in Elkhart, Indiana
    David Wilson
    Global Cities

    A College's Lesson for Midwestern Cities | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Global Insight by Richard C. Longworth

    Students from Monmouth College drafted a report that evaluated the economic development agencies of small cities in eight states across the Midwest.

  25. US President Donald Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping shake hands
    Global Economy

    What Is Currency Manipulation, After All? | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Global Insight by Alexander Hitch

    Alexander Hitch explains the difference between manipulating and managing a currency and examines the advantages for China to engage in manipulation.

  26. Smart Cityscape Global Cities

    Smart Cities Don't Cede Autonomy to Tech Giants | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Global Insight by Matt Watson

    City leaders must ensure full transparency and public control of data and infrastructure when partnering with tech vendors on smart city solutions.

  27. Las Vegas strip at night.
    Ameer Basheer
    Global Cities

    Global Cities: The Las Vegas Lesson | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Global Insight by Richard C. Longworth

    What defines a global city? Though the parameters are nebulous, Las Vegas' niche in the world of gambling gives it a special spot in the world economy.

  28. Purple tea leaves developed by the Tea Research Institute in Kenya. Food and Agriculture

    A New Brew, Price Forecast, and Nano Sensors | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Global Food for Thought by Julia Whiting

    Our weekly roundup of the top news in food, agriculture, and global development.

  29. Metro station in Seoul.
    Sebastiaan ter Burg
    Global Cities

    Dispatch From Seoul: City of Transportation Extremes | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Global Insight by Samuel Kling

    In this Chicago Council on Global Affairs blog Samuel Kling explains Seoul, South Korea’s, extreme differences in transportation.

  30. Unsplash - stucco wall with monopoly man illustration breaking through.
    Julian Hockgesang
    Global Cities

    Alternative Approaches to Deliver Affordable Housing | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Global Insight by Antonella Davi

    Tackling the global crisis on housing affordability requires a comprehensive set of policies aimed at providing affordable rental units.

  31. A scientist working in a food and environmental testing laboratory
    IAEA Imagebank
    Food and Agriculture

    Food Safety Research is Foundational to Food Security | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Global Food for Thought by Haley F. Oliver

    The Feed the Future Food Safety Innovation Lab aims to support sustainable, high impact research that improves food safety in developing economies.

  32. How Economic Sanctions Are Used in US Foreign Policy | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    US Foreign Policy

    How Economic Sanctions Are Used in US Foreign Policy | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Working Paper by Ethan Kessler

    What are economic sanctions? How are they used in US foreign policy? And what should future policymakers consider before employing them?

  33. The Western Wall and the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem Global Politics

    Pathways to Peace: Reflections on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Global Insight by Paul Fitchen

    Despite 75 years of struggle, two scholars remain cautiously optimistic about the future.

  34. black and white shot of queen elizabeth II at a podium in 1959 in Chicago
    Paul Popper via Getty Images
    Global Politics

    Remembering Queen Elizabeth's 1959 Chicago Visit | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Global Insight by Iain Whitaker

    As the world mourns Queen Elizabeth II, the Council looks back on her 1959 Chicago visit and dynamic place in history.

  35. A view of the Chicago skyline from the west
    Global Cities

    Five Things to Know about the US Midwest in 2020 | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Global Insight by Richard C. Longworth

    The Midwest possesses huge political and economic power in the United States. Richard C. Longworth explains the five things to know about the Midwest in 2020.

  36. Indiana state capitol.
    Steven Van Elk
    Global Cities

    What's Ailing Midwestern Legislatures? | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Global Insight by Richard C. Longworth

    The Indiana state legislature recently passed a bill, signed into law by Gov. Mike Pence, would allow businesses to discriminate against LGBTQ+ people.

  37. A farmer works in their fields.
    Defika Hendri
    Food and Agriculture

    Disasters Increase, Faux Financing, & a Fever Pact | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Global Food for Thought by Julia Whiting

    Catch the week's top news and research in food, agriculture, and global development in our Global Food for Thought news brief.

  38. A farmer holds a tablet while sitting on tree root, observing his crops.
    Sasin Tipchai
    Food and Agriculture

    Social Media for Farms: A Revolutionary Agricultural Tool | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Global Food for Thought by Natalie Burdsall

    Social media can allow farmers to reach new audiences and ultimately inspire a new wave of young agriculturalists.

  39. Chicago skyline
    Jeff Brown
    Global Cities

    HQ Moves—Maybe Better to Pack Light | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Global Insight by Richard C. Longworth

    Cities like Chicago compete to lure corporate headquarters to town, but most moves come with a fraction of the jobs—usually a handful of executives.

  40. Transatlantic Learning Exchange: Economic Renewal and Democracy | Chicago Council on Global Affairs Global Cities

    Transatlantic Learning Exchange: Economic Renewal and Democracy | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Working Paper by John Austin

    John Austin shares insights from a transatlantic convening that explores the political repercussions of economic inequality and extremist ideology.

  41. City Diplomacy by Raffaele Marchetti Global Cities

    City Diplomacy: Raffaele Marchetti on Cities as Global Actors | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Global Insight by Raffaele Marchetti,Rachel Abrams

    As part of our interview series with the shortlisted book award nominees, Raffaele Marchetti explores how cities are cities are shaping global affairs.

  42. A young girl reads a book, with bookshelves of other books in the background
    Eliott Reyna
    Global Health

    Nine Books to Prepare for the World After COVID-19 | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Global Insight by Iain Whitaker

    We share our top picks for books to read in the weeks ahead that delve into what sort of world might emerge when the pandemic has passed.

  43. Trek net fishermen haul in their catch on Fish Hoek beach in Cape Town
    Food and Agriculture

    Closing Investment Gaps in African Aquatic Foods | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Global Food for Thought by Faridah Ibrahim

    Aquatic food systems in Africa face many challenges and chronic underinvestment. WorldFish is trying to change that with the Fish for Africa Innovation Hub.

  44. Beyond the Scorecard: Understanding Global City Rankings | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Ben Cappellacci
    Global Cities

    Beyond the Scorecard: Understanding Global City Rankings | Chicago Council on Global Affairs


    This report seeks to dive into global city rankings and illustrate how methodologies, definitions, data use, and conclusions vary wildly from ranking to ranking.

  45. A man holds a Brazilian flag as supporters of Brazil's President Jair Bolsonaro block a highway during a protest against President-elect Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva
    Public Opinion

    Brazil's Systemic Mistrust of Elections and Democracy | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Running Numbers by Gabriela Ivanova

    President Jair Bolsonaro might be leaving office, but the country’s political trust issues are far from resolved.

  46. An Indian farmer sits on his tractor at a demonstration.
    Food and Agriculture

    CRISPR Access, Counterinsurgency, and Wild Crops | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Global Food for Thought by Julia Whiting

    Check out our round up of the week's top news and research in food, agriculture, and global development!

  47. Tackling Inequality by Investing in Infrastructure | Chicago Council on Global Affairs Global Cities

    Tackling Inequality by Investing in Infrastructure | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    by Alexander Hitch

    By investing in infrastructure, the United States can prepare communities to participate in a changing economy, increase access to opportunity, and address challenges highlighted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

  48. The People's Summit, Land Rights, and Taxi Gardens | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Reuters/Chalinee Thirasupa
    Food and Agriculture

    The People's Summit, Land Rights, and Taxi Gardens | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Global Food for Thought by Julia Whiting

    Check out the week's top stories in food, agriculture, and global development.

  49. Responding to State-Sponsored Theft of Intellectual Property | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Logan Weaver
    Defense and Security

    Responding to State-Sponsored Theft of Intellectual Property | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Report by Steven Babitch,Christian W. Fabian,Aaron Rudberg,Sean Shelby

    Cyber theft has cost the US economy billions of dollars and has resulted in the loss of millions of jobs. The government is now being pressured to develop more comprehensive cybersecurity regulations.

  50. What Has the United States Sent to Ukraine so Far? | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Defense and Security

    What Has the United States Sent to Ukraine so Far? | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Running Numbers by Ethan Kessler

    Roughly $24 billion in military aid has been authorized for Ukraine since August—dwarfing total US assistance to the country in all previous years.

  51. Health of Refugees: Port of Arrival Versus Permanent Camps | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Health of Refugees: Port of Arrival Versus Permanent Camps | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Report by Aisha Sethi

    The report examines two important locales experienced by refugees: permanent camp settings, such as in Za’atari, Jordan, and transitory arrival centers, such as in Lampedusa, Italy.