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181 - 230 of 1,016 search results for Chicago Council Survey where 523 match all words and 493 match some words.
  1. Fully-matching results

  2. Divisions on US-China Policy: Opinion Leaders and the Public | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    REUTERS/Jason Lee
    Public Opinion

    Divisions on US-China Policy: Opinion Leaders and the Public | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Public Opinion Survey by Craig Kafura,Dina Smeltz,Joshua Busby,Joshua D. Kertzer,Jonathan Monten

    Recent surveys find significant partisan differences among leaders and the public on the degree of threat posed by China and how the United States should respond.

  3. American Public Support for US Troops in Middle East Has Grown | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Public Opinion

    American Public Support for US Troops in Middle East Has Grown | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Public Opinion Survey by Dina Smeltz,Craig Kafura

    A Chicago Council survey shows that Americans see an increased need to keep watch over the Middle East by maintaining a troop presence there.

  4. Soldiers and civilians boarding an evacuation plane out of Afghanistan.
    Public Opinion

    Majority of Americans Support Withdrawal from Afghanistan, but Criticize Its Implementation | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Running Numbers by Dina Smeltz

    While two-thirds of Americans overall continue to support the withdrawal, a majority of Republicans now oppose it, a new survey from the Chicago Council on Global Affairs and Ipsos reveals.

  5. Republicans, Democrats Split on Increasing US Defense Budget | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    US Army
    Public Opinion

    Republicans, Democrats Split on Increasing US Defense Budget | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Public Opinion Survey by Craig Kafura

    Americans overall want to maintain defense spending. But Democrats, younger people, and those with a college education prefer cuts, while Republicans prefer expansion.

  6. President Tsai Ing-wen and Vice President Chen Chien-jen attend the 2016 inauguration. Public Opinion

    Taiwan's 2020 Elections and the American Public | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Running Numbers by Brendan Helm

    In this Chicago Council blog Brendan Helm explains that the American public does not accord the same importance to Taiwan as does the US government.

  7. Public Opinion in the US, Japan, South Korea, and China | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Subhash Nusetti
    Public Opinion

    Public Opinion in the US, Japan, South Korea, and China | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Public Opinion Survey by Karl Friedhoff,Dina Smeltz

    Survey data show the American public believes relations with each of the countries are important. However, there is a variance in the opinion that shows larger issues affecting the trilateral relationship.

  8. A variety of fruit is pictured at a grocery store.
    Jakub Kapusnak
    Food and Agriculture

    The Hidden Hungry: Men in Poverty | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Global Food for Thought by Susan Raymond,Heidi Hock O'Quinn

    Men often fall outside of gendered stereotypes of food assistance programs, failing to reflect nuanced experiences of hunger in the United States.

  9. Democrats and Republicans Support International Trade | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Public Opinion

    Democrats and Republicans Support International Trade | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Public Opinion Survey by Karl Friedhoff

    There is broad agreement that international trade delivers benefits to consumers and to companies and is even good for creating jobs in the United States.

  10. Race, Ethnicity, and American Views on US Foreign Policy | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    AP Photos
    Public Opinion

    Race, Ethnicity, and American Views on US Foreign Policy | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Public Opinion Survey by Dina Smeltz,Craig Kafura,Candace Rondeaux,Heela Rasool-Ayub,Deborah Avant

    The Council partnered with New America to explore how Black, Asian, Hispanic, and Native Americans view key issues facing the world today.

  11. North Korea Now Seen as a Top Threat Facing the United States | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Stefan Krasowski
    Public Opinion

    North Korea Now Seen as a Top Threat Facing the United States | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Public Opinion Survey by Karl Friedhoff,Dina Smeltz

    The 2017 Chicago Council Survey found that while the American public supports sanctions against North Korea, they don't support overt military action.

  12. 2022 Public Attitudes on US Intelligence | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    AP Photos
    Public Opinion

    2022 Public Attitudes on US Intelligence | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Public Opinion Survey by Stephen Slick,Joshua Busby,Kim Nguyen

    Biden-era surveys affirm continued support for the intelligence community but also signal growing partisanship.

  13. Public Prefers Cooperation and Engagement with China | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    CDC Global
    Public Opinion

    Public Prefers Cooperation and Engagement with China | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Public Opinion Survey by Craig Kafura

    A February 2019 poll found most Americans describe the United States and China as rivals (63%) rather than partners (32%).

  14. Flag of the European Union
    Christian Lue
    Global Politics

    Will Europeans Trust the US After the Trump Presidency? | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Running Numbers by Dina Smeltz

    Dina Smeltz discusses European opinion of the US post-Trump.

  15. People walk through the rain on a a busy street in China.
    Nuno Alberto
    Public Opinion

    Elite-Public Gap on China May be Decreasing | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Running Numbers by Karl Friedhoff

    New data from the Chicago Council on Global Affairs suggests the difference in opinion is beginning to narrow on the perceived threat of China.

  16. Despite Political Tension, Americans and Russians See Cooperation as Essential | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Public Opinion

    Despite Political Tension, Americans and Russians See Cooperation as Essential | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Public Opinion Survey by Dina Smeltz,Brendan Helm,Denis Volkov,Stepan Goncharov

    A joint Chicago Council on Global Affairs and the Levada Analytical Center survey shows few Russians or Americans expect great changes to US-Russia ties now or in the next 10 years, although both publics see the merits of collaboration.

  17. | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Jermaine M. Ralliford
    Public Opinion

    | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Working Paper by Craig Kafura

    This paper analyzes whether the strong relationship between the US and South Korea would be sustained under new presidents and how the Korean and American public’s view the alliance.In an election year for both nations, the alliance between the US

  18. Saudi Crown Prince, Mohammed bin Salman meets Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan
    Public Opinion

    US Public Views Saudi Relationship as One of Necessity | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Running Numbers by Emily Sullivan

    While government officials reaffirm the importance of the US-Saudi relationship, the American public expresses generally chilly feelings towards Saudi Arabia.

  19. Republicans Get behind Trump, but Not All of His Policies | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Ali Shaker
    Public Opinion

    Republicans Get behind Trump, but Not All of His Policies | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Public Opinion Survey by Dina Smeltz,Karl Friedhoff,Craig Kafura

    Although Donald Trump is the clear frontrunner for Republicans, the Chicago Council Survey finds that some key issues are still a challenge for those who supported another candidate.

  20. SolarWinds Hack: Americans Prefer Sanctions over Retaliatory Cyberattack against Russia | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Michael Dziedzic
    Public Opinion

    SolarWinds Hack: Americans Prefer Sanctions over Retaliatory Cyberattack against Russia | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Public Opinion Survey by Dina Smeltz,Brendan Helm

    Dina Smeltz and Brendan Helm analyze new public opinion data showing there is partisan agreement on how best to respond to the recent Russian hack.

  21. Americans Say US Has Not Gone Far Enough on China Trade Issues | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    AP Photos
    US Foreign Policy

    Americans Say US Has Not Gone Far Enough on China Trade Issues | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Public Opinion Survey by Craig Kafura

    The public generally does not see current US trade policies toward China as benefiting Americans.

  22. Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Jonathan Greenert salutes as he passes the American and Japanese flags during a full honors ceremony at the Japanese Ministry of Defense
    US Navy
    Public Opinion

    Americans and Asia in 2020: Three Things to Know | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Running Numbers by Craig Kafura

    With the US election a week away, here are three key things you need to know about the American public's views on Asia in 2020.

  23. Americans Favor US-China Trade, Split Over Tariffs | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    CDC Global
    Public Opinion

    Americans Favor US-China Trade, Split Over Tariffs | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Public Opinion Survey by Craig Kafura

    This survey indicates that Americans broadly support engaging in trade with China but are split along partisan lines on how to engage in that trade.

  24. American and Russian Opinion at a Standoff on Crimea Sanctions | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Pedro Szekely
    Public Opinion

    American and Russian Opinion at a Standoff on Crimea Sanctions | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Public Opinion Survey by Dina Smeltz,Lily Wojtowicz,Stepan Goncharov

    This survey from the Chicago Council on Global Affairs indicates the US public supports maintaining or increasing US sanctions against Russia.

  25. A test tube labelled COVID-19 Positive, in front of a US dollar and a yuan.
    Global Health

    Global Publics Believe Worst of Pandemic is Yet to Come | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Running Numbers by Craig Kafura,Brendan Helm,Renee Perper,Charlie Rahr

    An update includes polling results from the United States, Japan, France, the United Kingdom, Italy, Canada, and Jordan.

  26. 2019 Public Attitudes on US Intelligence | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Central Intelligence Agency
    Defense and Security

    2019 Public Attitudes on US Intelligence | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Public Opinion Survey by Stephen Slick,Joshua Busby

    A 2019 survey confirmed broad support of US intelligence agencies, despite limited transparency and persistent criticism from President Donald Trump.

  27. San Salvatore Hospital in Pesaro, Italy
    Alberto Giuliani
    Global Health

    Global Public Opinion and the Coronavirus: August 5 | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Running Numbers by Craig Kafura,Brendan Helm

    The Chicago Council Survey team provides updates on public opinion on the COVID-19 pandemic from the US, Canada, Japan, France, the United Kingdom, and Australia.

  28. Crowd of legislators separated by gender.
    Public Opinion

    Guns vs. Butter: Gender Differences on National Budget | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Running Numbers by Emily Sullivan

    Chicago Council data support academic findings on differing national budget preferences between women and men.

  29. Signs for ambassadors at seats in the United Nations
    Davi Mendes
    Global Economy

    Did the UNSG Say "Revolution"? | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Global Insight by Ian Klaus

    Ian Klaus writes about the role global cities play around the world and the urgent need to adapt governance practices.

  30. Americans Believe Sanctions Will Weaken Russia's Economy and Military | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Public Opinion

    Americans Believe Sanctions Will Weaken Russia's Economy and Military | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Public Opinion Survey by Emily Sullivan,Dina Smeltz,Anton Grushetsky

    But neither Americans or Ukrainians think the sanctions will force Russia to withdraw troops from Ukraine in the immediate future.

  31. People vote during the 2020 primary in Louisville, Kentucky
    US Foreign Policy

    Polling Problems, 2020 Edition | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Running Numbers by Craig Kafura

    America saw inaccurate polling for the House and Senate races across the country, which overestimated Democratic support in a wide range of races.

  32. Joe Manchin: The Voice of Moderate Democrats? Or a Party Outlier? | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Climate and the Environment

    Joe Manchin: The Voice of Moderate Democrats? Or a Party Outlier? | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Running Numbers by Dina Smeltz

    As President Biden heads to the UN climate summit, one Senator has gutted his plans for clean energy reform.

  33. Cooperation or Coercion? The Views of US Opinion Leaders on Foreign Policy Approaches | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    David Strickler
    Global Economy

    Cooperation or Coercion? The Views of US Opinion Leaders on Foreign Policy Approaches | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Public Opinion Survey by Craig Kafura,Dina Smeltz,Joshua Busby,Joshua D. Kertzer,Jonathan Monten

    The 2020 Chicago Council on Global Affairs-University of Texas at Austin survey explores to what extent Democratic, Republican, and Independent foreign policy professionals support Biden’s international agenda.

  34. American Public Backs US Military Presence in Japan | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Public Opinion

    American Public Backs US Military Presence in Japan | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Public Opinion Survey by Craig Kafura

    This report says that Americans remain supportive of the US military presence in Japan.

  35. Americans See Europe as Most Critical Region for US Security | Chicago Council on Global Affairs Public Opinion

    Americans See Europe as Most Critical Region for US Security | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Public Opinion Survey by Dina Smeltz

    Public support for US military bases on the continent is also on the rise, Council polling reveals.

  36. Americans Expecting a Power Shift in Energy Supply in Next 10 Years | Chicago Council on Global Affairs Public Opinion

    Americans Expecting a Power Shift in Energy Supply in Next 10 Years | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Public Opinion Survey by Dina Smeltz,Rachel Bronson

    Council survey data finds Americans place a high priority on a secure energy supply and expect renewal sources will overtake fossil fuels in the next 10 years.

  37. As China Rises, Americans Seek Closer Ties with Japan | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Public Opinion

    As China Rises, Americans Seek Closer Ties with Japan | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Report by Craig Kafura,Karl Friedhoff

    As China rises in power, Americans support US bases in Japan and want to build strong relations with US allies in Asia.

  38. Protests in London on March 6, 2022 against the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
    Public Opinion

    Europeans Support Ukraine—To a Point | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Running Numbers by Dina Smeltz,Emily Sullivan

    Europeans may draw the line at military engagement with Russia, recent data show.

  39. Stand With Ukraine Rally Held In Metro Detroit
    NurPhoto via Reuters
    Public Opinion

    Americans Support Help to Ukraine, Even out of Own Pockets | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Running Numbers by Emily Sullivan

    New surveys find that Americans are willing to pay more for fuel in order to support Ukraine.

  40. American Public Divided on Cooperating with, Confronting China | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Public Opinion

    American Public Divided on Cooperating with, Confronting China | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Public Opinion Survey by Karl Friedhoff

    A March 2021 survey finds Americans see US priorities in Asia to be less about limiting the expansion of China and more about economic growth and strengthening democracy.

  41. 2018 Public Attitudes on US Intelligence | Chicago Council on Global Affairs Public Opinion

    2018 Public Attitudes on US Intelligence | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Public Opinion Survey by Joshua Busby,Stephen Slick,Kingsley Burns

    In a survey conducted by the Chicago Council on Global Affairs, the American public is now less concerned about the threat posed by North Korea.

  42. A Qanon supporter marches in route to the Supreme Court during the Million Maga March protest regarding election results on November 14, 2020 in Washington D.C
    Global Politics

    What do Americans think of QAnon? | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Running Numbers by Charlie Rahr

    Using social media traffic as a way to gauge interest, it is estimated that hundreds of thousands subscribe to any one of the countless theories propagated under QAnon.

  43. Americans Support Ukraine—but Not with US Troops or a No-Fly Zone | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Public Opinion

    Americans Support Ukraine—but Not with US Troops or a No-Fly Zone | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Public Opinion Survey by Dina Smeltz,Craig Kafura

    A new poll reveals that Americans see Russia as a significant threat to US interests and support military and economic assistance to Ukraine.

  44. A health worker prepares for a procedure with a mask for COVID-19
    SJ Obijo
    Public Opinion

    Global Public Opinion Shows Hope, Unease at Pandemic | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Running Numbers by Brendan Helm,Craig Kafura

    With vaccination efforts under way, some hope that the end of the pandemic is in sight, while others feel uneasy due to distribution issues and immense pressures on the health care system.

  45. 2020 Public Attitudes on US Intelligence | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Public Opinion

    2020 Public Attitudes on US Intelligence | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Public Opinion Survey by Stephen Slick,Joshua Busby

    A final Trump-Era survey confirms broad popular support for the intelligence community and reveals opportunities for greater transparency.

  46. Washington Monument seen through Japanese cherry blossoms.
    Public Opinion

    Japanese More Confident than Americans in US Power | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Running Numbers by Craig Kafura

    New Chicago Council-Japan Institute of International Affairs data find the Japanese public has greater confidence in US economic and military power than do Americans.

  47. For First Time, Half of Americans Favor Defending Taiwan If China Invades | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Public Opinion

    For First Time, Half of Americans Favor Defending Taiwan If China Invades | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Public Opinion Survey by Dina Smeltz,Craig Kafura

    2021 Chicago Council Survey data show a majority of Americans support a range of US policies towards Taiwan: recognition as an independent country, inclusion in international organizations, and a US-Taiwan free trade agreement.

  48. Americans Split on Military Aid to Israel, Say Political Status Quo Unacceptable | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Public Opinion

    Americans Split on Military Aid to Israel, Say Political Status Quo Unacceptable | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Public Opinion Survey by Dina Smeltz,Emily Sullivan

    Ahead of Prime Minister Bennett's first visit to Washington, Council data show partisan divides on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, support for a Palestinian state, and more.

  49. People walking in blurred motion through the Financial District of Paris, France US Foreign Policy

    Public Attitudes on US Intelligence | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Running Numbers by Joshua Busby

    A 2019 survey confirms that Americans broadly support Intelligence agencies despite their limited transparency and persistent antagonism from President Trump.

  50. With Tensions Receding, Americans Lose Fear of North Korea | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Public Opinion

    With Tensions Receding, Americans Lose Fear of North Korea | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Public Opinion Survey by Karl Friedhoff

    In a survey conducted by the Chicago Council on Global Affairs, the American public is now less concerned about the threat posed by North Korea.

  51. Demonstrators gather in front of the White House on January 29, 2022 to protest against Russian military aggression towards Ukraine and to ask the Biden administration for tougher sanctions and military aid to Ukraine
    Public Opinion

    Americans Prefer Sanctions Over Sending Troops to Ukraine | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Running Numbers by Dina Smeltz

    New data reveals that the US public would prefer to respond with to Russia's invasion of Ukraine with sanctions and diplomacy.