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Related events, research, commentary, and analysis on the topic of democracy from the Council.

  1. Fully-matching results

  2. Chicago City Council at City Hall
    AP Photos
    Global Politics

    From Ukraine to Gaza to Iraq, Chicago's city council has been voting more often on foreign affairs | Chicago City Hall is voting more often on Foreign Affairs

    Blog Post
    ChicagoGlobal by AJ Caughey

    The Chicago City Council has tripled its legislation on foreign policy in the last four years.

  3. Secretary Blinken Meets With Republic of Cyprus Foreign Minister.
    Freddie Everett
    US Foreign Policy

    Ally-shore to Restore US Economic Leadership, Protect Democracy

    In the News
    Our Towns by John Austin

    “By centering our economic and trade relations with our friends, we can drive a more powerful collective recovery,” writes John Austin in Our Towns.

  4. Doctors in PPE while at a COVID-19 testing site, holding clipboards
    Global Health

    Converging Flu Season and Pandemic Concerns Northern Publics | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Running Numbers by Craig Kafura,Brendan Helm,Giulia Shaughnessy

    Public opinion polls in North America, Europe, and Asia find publics continue to worry about contracting the virus.

  5. Cooperating, Competing, Confronting: US-Japan-South Korea Trilateral Cooperation as China Rises | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    US Foreign Policy

    Cooperating, Competing, Confronting: US-Japan-South Korea Trilateral Cooperation as China Rises | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Report by Ichiro Fujisaki ,Han Sung-Joo,James B. Steinberg,Karl Friedhoff

    A report from the Task Force on Trilateral Cooperation Amid China’s Rise recommends a new policy mix that leverages each country’s individual strengths and advantages.

  6. A woman in a mask holds a baby in front of her house in Chile.
    Global Health

    Public Opinion as COVID-19 Cases Slow in Some Countries, Increase in Others | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Running Numbers by Craig Kafura,Brendan Helm,Giulia Shaughnessy

    The Chicago Council’s polling team examines public opinion on COVID-19 from the United States, France, the UK, Italy, and Canada.

  7. Presidents Biden and Xi talk side by side with an American flag in the foreground
    Climate and the Environment

    Profiles of Power: Biden, Xi Discuss "Competition Without Conflict," Climate | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Global Insight by Chris Morris

    While Biden and Xi met in Bali, the UN's COP27 climate summit in Sharm el-Sheikh is being re-energized by the discussion between the world leaders.

  8. A red hat with the text "make America great again" on it Public Opinion

    Do Non-Trump Republicans Diverge with Trump Republicans on Foreign Policy? | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Running Numbers by Jack Benjamin

    While Republicans share a similar political worldview overall, Trump and Non-Trump Republicans disagree on key policies for immigration, climate change, and nuclear programs.

  9. Biden campaigning US Foreign Policy

    How America and Democracies Around the World Can Defeat Illiberalism

    In the News
    The National Interest by Michele Lowe

    America should view its many threats as a collective advance of illiberalism acting against the post-World War II democratically led, rules-based world order.

  10. A box of surgical masks
    Mika Baumeister
    Global Health

    Global Public Opinion Shows Support for COVID-19 Prevention Policies | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Running Numbers by Craig Kafura

    The Chicago Council Survey team provides an update on global public opinion on the COVID-19 pandemic includes polling results from around the world.

  11. President Biden speaks in Philadelphia on September 1, 2022.
    Global Politics

    Biden Says Trump Is Threat to American Democracy

    In the News
    VOA by Cécile Shea

    "I think that President Biden, in a way, is mirroring what he senses is a changing attitude in a part of our society," said Cécile Shea.

  12. The US Role In Assisting Other Democracies US Foreign Policy

    The US Role In Assisting Other Democracies

    In the News
    C-SPAN Washington Journal by Elizabeth Shackelford

    How does the United States use its influence in the global fight for democracy? Elizabeth Shackelford talks US foreign policy, coups, and more on C-SPAN.

  13. Smoke billowing from a street in Kampala after an explosion.
    US Foreign Policy

    Africa Will Test Biden's Democracy Approach

    In the News
    the Chicago Tribune by Elizabeth Shackelford

    In Africa, “supplying and supporting abusive security forces often directly undermines democracy,” writes Elizabeth Shackelford in the Chicago Tribune.

  14. Protestors wave red flags in Tunisia.
    US Foreign Policy

    Coups Are Happening Where Democracy Is Failing

    In the News
    Chicago Tribune by Elizabeth Shackelford

    “Those who want democracy to succeed must help make the case,” argues Elizabeth Shackelford in the Chicago Tribune. Case in point: the US impact on coups.

  15. Ahead of Biden-Moon Summit, South Koreans and Americans Align on China and North Korea | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Public Opinion

    Ahead of Biden-Moon Summit, South Koreans and Americans Align on China and North Korea | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Public Opinion Survey by Karl Friedhoff,Suh Young Park

    Chicago Council survey data find majorities in South Korea view China as more of a security threat than a security partner and as more of an economic threat than an economic partner.

  16. Guiding Principles for a Sustainable US Policy Toward Russia, Ukraine, and Eurasia | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Alex Zarubi
    Defense and Security

    Guiding Principles for a Sustainable US Policy Toward Russia, Ukraine, and Eurasia | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Policy Brief by Eugene Rumer,Richard Sokolsky,Andrew S. Weiss

    A joint task force outlines some key principles and judgments in managing the United States' relationships with Russia, Ukraine, and Eurasia.

  17. A truck part with a "for sale" sign sits on the ground in Marshalltown, Iowa, March 8, 2015.
    Global Economy

    Industrial Transition and Democracy

    In the News
    EU Assembly of Regional and Local Representatives by John Austin

    John Austin joined the European Committee of the Regions to discuss the link between populism and place, and how populism grows in deindustrialized regions.

  18. Will the World Still Look to America as a Champion of Democracy?
    Global Politics

    Will the World Still Look to America as a Champion of Democracy?

    In the News
    Chicago Tribune by Ivo H. Daalder

    Council President Ivo Daalder, former US ambassador to NATO, examines how the events at the US Capitol influence US standing abroad.

  19. People pass by a campaign poster for Taiwan’s presidential election
    AP Photos
    Global Politics

    2024 Will Be a Year of Elections That Could Reshape Global Politics

    In the News
    World Politics Review by Paul Poast

    "The elections of 2024 could mark an inflection point for democracy globally and, by consequence, international relations," Paul Poast writes.

  20. United States Splits from Global Trend on Abortion Rights Global Health

    United States Splits from Global Trend on Abortion Rights

    In the News
    WGN-9 by Elizabeth Shackelford

    Banning abortion “doesn't look like a particularly democratic move for a country that purports to be a beacon of democracy,” says Elizabeth Shackelford on WGN-9.

  21. President Donald Trump speaks at the Major County Sheriffs and Major Cities Chiefs Association Joint Conference in Washington US Foreign Policy

    America shrugs while democracy around the world retreats

    In the News
    Chicago Tribune by Ivo H. Daalder

    For the 13th year in a row, freedom declined around the world — with more countries falling down freedom’s ranks than moving up.