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441 - 446 of 446 search results for Internship Program where 3 match all words and 443 match some words.

Internship Program

The Council offers undergraduate juniors and seniors and graduate students the opportunity to learn about our organization and participate in a variety of duties associated with ongoing projects through our internship program.

  1. Results that match 1 of 2 words

  2. Republic of Korea Air Force Black Eagles flying in formation Public Opinion

    Redeploying US Tactical Nukes May Not Go Far Enough for South Koreans

    In the News
    NK News by Karl Friedhoff

    A new poll finds public lukewarm on idea, Karl Friedhoff writes, despite long-standing support for an indigenous nuclear program.

  3. Bruce Jentleson joins Spectrum News 1 via video Global Politics

    Unpacking the Putin-Kim Jung Un Meeting

    In the News
    Spectrum News 1 by Bruce Jentleson

    Russia needs munitions for the war in Ukraine, Bruce Jentleson explains, while North Korea wants technology for its space program.

  4. Bruce Jentleson speaking over a video interview. Global Economy

    Considerations on Economic Sanctions

    In the News
    Human Rights Commission, US Congress by Bruce Jentleson

    Bruce Jentleson joins the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission for a hearing on the collateral effects of economic sanctions programs.

  5. President Biden delivering remarks about COVID-19 response and vaccination program, blue suit partly blocking view in foreground.
    Carlos Fyfe
    Defense and Security

    Biden Must Remove Barriers to Engagement with North Korea

    In the News
    NK News by Matthew Abbott

    "To change the trajectory of the relationship between North Korea and the US, it is critical that Americans pursue principled engagement," writes Matt Abbott in NK News.

  6. Screenshot of a four people sitting around a table during a program US Foreign Policy

    Foreign Policy and the Trump Administration

    In the News
    C-SPAN by Dina Smeltz,Ivo H. Daalder

    The Chicago Council on Global Affairs and the Wilson Center co-hosted a panel discussion about the results of a Chicago Council survey of public attitudes on foreign policy and the Trump administration.

  7. TV screen showing a news program reporting about North Korea's missile launch with a file footage of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un is seen at the Seoul Railway Station
    AP Photos
    Public Opinion

    Why North Korea Barely Moves the Needle for South Korean Voters

    In the News
    NK News by Karl Friedhoff

    Karl Friedhoff joins the NK News podcast to unpack public polling on nuclear weapons, Pyongyang, and more.