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581 - 630 of 642 search results for Emerging Leaders Program where 191 match all words and 451 match some words.
  1. Results that match 2 of 3 words

  2. RPA Report-6-14.indd

    RPA achieves these goals by providing new demographic, social, and economic information and by determining attitudes, experiences, and program usage among populations served by their clients. ... Through a series of publications, events, and a network of
  3. IntroductionThe farms and pastoral areas of Africa have experienced ...

    Support joint development partnerships for programs at every level in the areas listed above. ... whether from public-private partnerships or from. programs of bilateral and multilateral development.

    Yet few programs incentivize them to fill those gaps. The US Citizenship and Immigration Services’ Conrad 30 J-1 Waiver Program allows foreign-born graduates from US medical schools to remain ... The program not. only fills gaps in the Midwest labor
  5. 1 US, Japan, and South Korea Coordination Key to ...

    Southeast Asia. A second component will require investing in training programs and education. ... programs. The three countries should develop coordinated plans for target countries that work.
  6. 1 US Public Not Convinced that Trump’s Policies Will ...

    This places it among the top threats facing the country, along with North Korea’s nuclear program (75%). ... But a clear majority would support helping to negotiate an agreement with a Syrian leader other than Assad (70%).
  7. ImmigrationPaper_2017_v4.indd

    J-1 Visa: Part of a federal Exchange Visitor program, this visa is extended to young people who participate in predesig-nated exchange and training programs. ... Various J-1 programs cater to different career tracts. A four-month “Summer Work Travel”
  8. By Dina Smeltz, Ivo Daalder, Karl Friedhoff, Craig Kafura, ...

    generally relies on their political leaders for foreign policy decisions, many policy watchers cautioned. ... Chinese President Xi Jinping, North Korean leader. Kim Jong Un, and other authoritarian leaders.33.
  9. Memo on an ‘Economic Article 5’to counter authoritarian coercion ...

    To the leaders of the free world,. Increasingly, authoritarian countries are using economic coercion against democracies. ... Bonnie Glaser, Director of the Asia Program, German Marshall Fund of the United States. •
  10. CCGA-IranPoll Jan-Feb Survey Topline[29]

    think the Iranian government should be willing or unwilling to negotiate a new separate agreement about its missile program? ... The Council has also reintroduced a leaders’ survey as an important component of the 2014 and 2016 and 2018 Chicago Council
  11. Checkifself-employed OMB No. 1545-0047 Department of the TreasuryInternal Revenue ...

    Did the organization cease conducting, or make significant changes in how it conducts, any program services? ... Total expenses Program serviceexpenses. Management andgeneral expenses. Fundraisingexpenses. Grants and other assistance to domestic.
  12. Public Attitudes on US Intelligence 2020 Final Trump-Era Survey ...

    leaders who were informed of these counterterrorism programs acted forcefully to reassure Americans. ... measures of performance is unremarkable, but the fact should nonetheless concern intelligence leaders.
  13. Ahead of Biden-Moon Summit, South Koreans and Americans Align ...

    8. 6. Low birth rates. Climate change. North Korea'snuclear. program. The COVID-19pandemic. ... 19. 5. 6. Politicalpolarization in. the UnitedStates. Domesticviolent. extremism. North Korea'snuclear program.
  14. Executive summary Cities are now more connected than ever ...

    Source: Analysis of 27 cities by the Chicago Council on Global A airs, City Leaders Lab at University College London, and the Melbourne School of Design. ... However, cities said the limitation of city leaders’ time is the biggest barrier to increasing

    rededicate itself to a program of research,. knowledge transfer, and assistance in develop-. ... The Arab Spring highlights some of the risks auto-cratic leaders face when attempting to insulate urban consumers from global prices.
  16. Working Paper: How Economic Sanctions are Used in U.S. ...

    36 Most target other states specifically, but five programs target those involved in specific activities: impeding the Serbia-Kosovo settlement, narcotics trafficking, terrorism, the rough diamond trade, and transnational crime. ... elites. 36
  17. Public Attitudes on US Intelligence: Annual Poll Reflects Bipartisan ...

    New IC Leaders Further Affirm the “Transparency Initiative”. Revelations of sensitive and highly intrusive electronic surveillance programs by former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden earlier in the decade presented a
  18. Untapped Wealth of Cities 2018 Chicago Forum on Global ...

    Yet city leaders are often unaware of the value of their publicly-owned assets, and how to leverage this value for the common good. ... Are there specific assets that should be off-limits? Finally, how can city leaders build the political will in

    Additionally, programs such as the Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education program (SARE) should include carve-outs that support research conducted at historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs) and at the 1994 ... PREDICT, a project of
  20. Executive summary ■ US public investment in agricultural research ...

    program until recently, as famine was considered a thing of the past when the institute was founded in 1975. ... products. Investing in. public agricultural research also ensures that any inno-vations realized domestically can be applied globally through
  21. The world is facing immense barriers to achieving the ...

    CRS adapts program design and guidance to local needs based on the experiences and pref-erences of the participants. ... This builds confidence, and new leader-ship emerges.15. Mobilizing everyone awakens community members to their own rights.
  22. 99 report

    Domestic programs are the topcandidates for expansion. The top threepriorities for both leaders and the pub-lic are aid to education, health care,and programs to combat violence andcrime. ... Forboth groups there is a significantincrease in those wanting
  23. US global food security efforts must be strengthenedThe Global ...

    In contrast, funding for global food security programs has remained relatively stagnant, exacerbating income losses and increases in food prices brought on by global supply chain and economic disruptions. ... 2. Congress should recognize the importance
  24. Coming Together or Coming Apart? Attitudes of Foreign Policy ...

    New and growing disputes among political leaders would be one indicator of polarization. ... In our survey of opinion leaders, the threat of partisan polarization emerged near the top of opinion leader concerns across the political spectrum.
  25. 1 WORKING PAPER NUMBER 2017-01 Grid Security is National ...

    The enabling technologies and procedures for the emerging energy marketplace are not yet built – and neither is the foundation for cyber security. ... A collaboration platform that involves federal and state regulators, the energy industry and city
  26. report_public-attitudes-american-intelligence_200908

    Neither then-President Barack Obama nor key congressional leaders who were informed of the controversial programs acted forcefully to reassure Americans that the NSA had acted in a manner that was ... public facing programs under the Transparency
  27. Unlocking the Potential of Civic Technology 2018 Chicago Forum ...

    investment in technology programs for cities reached $80 billion in 2018 and will reach $135 billion by 2021i. ... administer the program, with resource support from philanthropic sources or newfound fiscal space.
  28. 95 reportQ5

    Mostly bad (31%). Don’t know (19%). The Public The Leaders. U.N. ... e co. untr. y. The Public The Leaders. leaders make similar choices forincreased and reduced spending.
  29. Anxious Americans Seek a New Direction in United States ...

    government leaders as part of international diplomatic efforts. Treaties. Strong majorities support U.S. ... Federal Government Programs. Americans continue to support spending on • domestic programs over foreign aid programs.
  30. Leading Change in United Nations Organizations By Catherine Bertini ...

    Box 5 - Desirable qualities of a UN leader 23. Box 6 - Moving headquarters 37. ... I met with some current international organization leaders and had informal discussions with others.
  31. The Chicago Climate Charter:North American Cities Taking Action on ...

    In December 2015 in Paris, world leaders signed the first global commitment to fight climate change. ... City leaders must urgently work toward these goals. With public buildings, they have jurisdiction and can start immediately.
  32. America in the Age of Uncertainty By Dina Smeltz, ...

    Republican opinion leaders, immigration was ranked the lowest among potential threats (16%, see Figure. ... Trump has capitalized on these preexisting gaps between Republican leaders and the Republican public.
  33. CEPP Report Chicago Council Final 16 Feb 2019

    sometimes feature common or emerging themes among the corporate representatives. Yet, not all companies at the roundtables necessarily shared the same viewpoint on various issues or corporate conduct. ... context or whether this would hold true
  34. Defining the Path to Zero Hunger in an Equitable ...

    actors such as state and municipal governments, educational/social/ religious leaders, and individual citizens.3 Fabre, Cyprien. ... We put our audiences at the heart of important conversations with world leaders and leading experts.
  35. 1 The Foreign Policy Establishment or Donald Trump: Which ...

    As on trade, the leader-public data demonstrate how the Trump platform was able to activate the public’s fear of immigration in a way that other Republican leaders had not ... Leader Survey Methodology and Limitations This report is based on a
  36. Public Prefers Cooperation and Engagement with China Craig Kafura, ...

    This occurs as the People’s Liberation Army continues its efforts to become a “world-class” military through an intense modernization program, as outlined in the annual Department of Defense report
  37. Executive summary For over a decade now, the Americas ...

    commitment from leaders to develop solutions that target the root causes of violence. ... 1 5CHICAGO COUNCIL ON GLOBAL AFFAIRS. networks; and community beneficiaries (including youth) and faith leaders.
  38. What Americans Think about America First R E S ...

    leadership role, 47 percent want the United States to be the dominant world leader. ... American interests. Standing alongside NATO leaders last May, Trump bluntly told the assembled heads.
  39. C H I C A G O C O ...

    Leader Survey Methodology and Limitations. This report is based on a leadership survey conducted between May and July 2014 among 668 foreign policy opinion leaders from executive branch agencies, Congress, academia, ... Many more Republican leaders than
  40. report_views-of-us-opinion-leaders-on-foreign-policy-approaches

    Less than it is now. About the same. Republican Leaders Democratic Leaders Independent Leaders. ... tern. atio. nal. org. aniz. atio. ns. Republican Leaders Democratic Leaders Independent Leaders.
  41. INFORMING THE WHITE HOUSE CONFERENCE: Ambitious, Actionable Recommendations to ...

    4. Improve program convenience and benefit flexibilities for participants of Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT)-based programs (e.g., Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants,
  42. Preventing Nuclear Proliferation and Reassuring America’s Allies 21-02-08

    Involve political leaders at the highest levels in alliance war games and exercises. ... Yet such exercises not only enhance preparedness but help to reassure leaders that their security is intertwined and best advanced by working together.
  43. Rebuilding a Bipartisan Consensus on Trade Policy By Phil ...

    Decades after NAFTA’s 1993 passage, six labor leaders declared:. Labor is united in its view that NAFTA is a disaster for working people and must be fixed.
  44. 1 October 19, 2012 Background Brief for Final Presidential ...

    Percentage who think U.S. leaders should be ready to meet and talk with leaders of:. ... Assassination of individual terrorist leaders 79 68 65 Helping poor countries to develop their economies 64 72 67.
  45. Americans and Russians Are Mostly Disinterested and Disengaged with ...

    Programs such as the US-Russia Relations Initiative of The Fletcher School, the US-Russia Peer-To-Peer Dialogue Program, and other educational and cultural exchanges may offer constructive paths to ... Americans Russians. Eliminating North Korea’s
  46. Cooperation and Hedging: Comparing US and South Korean Views ...

    influence, US leaders need to balance relations with a rising China and with ties to traditional Asian allies. ... 5 Favorable views of each country also roughly align with views of the leaders of each country.
  47. American and South Korean Publics Doubtful about Success of ...

    These discussions do not appear to have convinced. 2. Americans that North Korea is serious about giving up its nuclear weapons program. ... roughly half lack confidence in the abilities of both Moon (52%) and Trump (53%) to persuade North Korea to
  48. Let’s Make a Deal: Public Backs Iran Talks ...

    weapons.  Two in three Americans (67%) say US leaders should be ready to meet and talk with Iranian. ... for Iran restricting its nuclear program in part, but not completely, and “submits to greater international inspection of its nuclear facilities.
  49. Hispanics Report.indd

    Hispanics and other Americans consider terror-ism, nuclear proliferation, Iran’s nuclear program,. ... leaders of countries and groups with whom the US has hostile or unfriendly relations.
  50. WORKSHOP SUMMARY Women and Global Development Forum Roundtable on ...

    Several participants noted that social change within an organization begins with the leader and upper management, which often means that leaders must take a stance and act to commit to meaningful ... 2) Organizations need to work to address diversity
  51. ISIS Successful in Raising US Public Fears about Terrorism ...

    and assassinations of individual terrorist leaders (73%, up slightly from 70% in 2014). ... Assassination of individual terrorist leaders. Using social media to counter violent Islamic extremist groups’ recruitment methods.