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Deep Dish Podcast

Browse all episodes of our podcast, Deep Dish, where Council Vice President of Studies Brian T. Hanson sits down with guests to go beyond the headlines on critical global issues.

  1. Fully-matching results

  2. Belarus Weaponizes Migrants to Target European Union | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Belarus Weaponizes Migrants to Target European Union | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    by Daniel Fried

    Does President Lukashenka's decision to let migrants back over the border into Belarus mean the crisis is over?

  3. Qatar 2022 and the Risks and Rewards of Sportswashing | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Global Politics

    Qatar 2022 and the Risks and Rewards of Sportswashing | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    by Jules Boykoff,Minky Worden

    Why do some governments use sports to launder their reputations – and does it work?

  4. Biden's Human Rights Promises: Rhetoric or Real? | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Human Rights

    Biden's Human Rights Promises: Rhetoric or Real? | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    by Steven Feldstein,Sarah Yager

    Deep Dish unpacks if Biden really centered human rights in US foreign policy.

  5. Women, Equity, and Global Development Symposium 2017 | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Women, Equity, and Global Development Symposium 2017 | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    PAST EVENT VIDEO Conference
    During the 2017 symposium, speakers discuss the theme "Innovation for Healthy Futures".
  6. What Can Mexico Really Do About Migration? | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    US Foreign Policy

    What Can Mexico Really Do About Migration? | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    by Brian Hanson

    Earl Anthony Wayne, a former US ambassador to Mexico, joins Deep Dish to discuss what can realistically be done about migrants.

  7. What Do Americans Want from Biden's Foreign Policy? | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Public Opinion

    What Do Americans Want from Biden's Foreign Policy? | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    by Ivo H. Daalder,Kori Schake

    After ten months of Biden in office, new public opinion data show Americans support most, but not all, of his foreign policy strategy.

  8. The State of Abortion and Reproductive Rights Around the World | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Women and Girls

    The State of Abortion and Reproductive Rights Around the World | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    by Bela Ganatra,Katherine Mayall

    Experts Bela Ganatra and Katherine Mayall discuss how global trends have influenced reproductive rights in the United States.

  9. The 'Doom Loop' Potential of Italy's Eurozone Clash | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Bertrand Borie
    Global Economy

    The 'Doom Loop' Potential of Italy's Eurozone Clash | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    by Isabelle Mateos y Lago,Adam Tooze

    Isabelle Mateos y Lago and Adam Tooze join Brian Hanson to discuss top global economy news stories of the week.

  10. Why Worry about Global Population Decline? | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Why Worry about Global Population Decline? | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    by Brian Hanson

    Darrell Bricker and John Ibbitson join the Council's Brian Hanson and Dina Smeltz to discuss global population growth, why it’s happening and how nations can prepare.

  11. Young people pose in front of an Oppenheimer movie poster
    AP Photos
    Public Opinion

    Generational Attitudes in a New Nuclear Age | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Running Numbers by Lama El Baz

    Millennials and Gen Z are less confident in the effectiveness and utility of nuclear weapons than Boomers and Gen X.

  12. We Need to Take Action Now to Protect the Amazon Basin | Chicago Council on Global Affairs Climate and the Environment

    We Need to Take Action Now to Protect the Amazon Basin | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    by Robert Muggah

    The Council's Robert Muggah offers TEDxSaoPaulo five priorities to disrupt the crime and corruption that threatens not just Latin America, but the world.

  13. Do Navalny Protests Signal Change in Putin’s Russia? | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Global Politics

    Do Navalny Protests Signal Change in Putin’s Russia? | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    by Joshua Yaffa

    Brian Hanson talks with Moskow correspondent and author Joshua Yaffa about future of the US-Russian relationship.

  14. COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout Offers Hope, Eventually | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Global Health

    COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout Offers Hope, Eventually | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    by Brian Hanson,Hannah Kuchler

    Americans should expect a slow vaccine rollout in 2021 as cases rise to new heights.

  15. Now Iraq's Parliament Votes to Expel US Forces. Why? | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Defense and Security

    Now Iraq's Parliament Votes to Expel US Forces. Why? | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    by Brian Hanson

    Emma Sky joins  Deep Dish  to explain why US-Iraq relations have deteriorated so abruptly and what it means for Iran and ISIS.

  16. Endgame in Afghanistan, America's Longest War | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Defense and Security

    Endgame in Afghanistan, America's Longest War | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    by Brian Hanson

    Experts James Dobbins and Douglas Lute discuss whether and how an endgame might take shape in America's longest war.

  17. Bibi Netanyahu and the US-Israel Relationship | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Paul Kagame
    Global Politics

    Bibi Netanyahu and the US-Israel Relationship | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    by Brian Hanson,Douglas J. Feith

    Douglas J. Feith and Aaron David Miller join Deep Dish to discuss the future of US-Israel relations.

  18. Should US Shrink the Pentagon to Increase National Security? | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Defense and Security

    Should US Shrink the Pentagon to Increase National Security? | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    by Brian Hanson

    Charles Kenny argues the US can cut its defense budget and can better secure the nation by allocating some of the savings to development, diplomacy, and aid.

  19. What Poland Says About Losing Democracy | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Severinus Dewantara
    Global Politics

    What Poland Says About Losing Democracy | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    by Brian Hanson

    Find out how this Eastern European poster child for democracy backslid into autocracy, and what lessons it holds for the rest of the West.

  20. Weijian Shan's Improbable Journey from China's Gobi Desert to Wall Street | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Weijian Shan's Improbable Journey from China's Gobi Desert to Wall Street | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Economist and author Weijian Shan joins the Council to consider what lessons can we learn about America and China and their continued competition in the global economy.
  21. Iran May be Biden’s First Foreign Policy Challenge | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    US Foreign Policy

    Iran May be Biden’s First Foreign Policy Challenge | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    by Brian Hanson,Trita Parsi

    The United States' strategy towards Iran must include more than just returning to the Iran nuclear agreement, our Deep Dish guests argue.

  22. One Woman Is Standing Up to Murder and Violence in El Salvador | Chicago Council on Global Affairs Migration

    One Woman Is Standing Up to Murder and Violence in El Salvador | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    by Brian Hanson

    Rosa Anaya joins Deep Dish to discuss her work rehabilitating inmates and gang members in El Salvador with Catholic Relief Services’ Second Changes.

  23. Energy Insecurity: Where Climate Change Meets Geopolitics | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Climate and the Environment

    Energy Insecurity: Where Climate Change Meets Geopolitics | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    by Jason Bordoff,Meghan O'Sullivan

    Why moving to renewable energy will not increase energy security and reduce geopolitical power struggles and what to do.

  24. Young woman talking into a microphone. Inclusion and Equity

    Building an Inclusive National Security Workforce | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Impact Stories by Shannon Gonzalez

    The Council and Girl Security partnered to engage the next generation of women in national security.

  25. COVID-19 Threatens Global Progress on Gender Equality  | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Inclusion and Equity

    COVID-19 Threatens Global Progress on Gender Equality  | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    by Jamille Bigio

    Jamille Bigio joins Brian Hanson to explain why gender equality is critical to economic prosperity and global security.

  26. Holiday Shopping Woes? Look Beyond COVID-19 to Trade Politics | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Global Economy

    Holiday Shopping Woes? Look Beyond COVID-19 to Trade Politics | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    by Brian Hanson

    The pandemic, supply chains, and inflation hit this holiday shopping season. Are trade politics to blame? The Economist's Soumaya Keynes joins Deep Dish to discuss.

  27. What You Do to Your Women, You Do to Your Nation. | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Women and Girls

    What You Do to Your Women, You Do to Your Nation. | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    by Valerie Hudson,Zoe Marks

    To celebrate Women’s History Month, Valerie Hudson and Zoe Marks explain how women's rights shape national security and democracy.

  28. Iran's Retaliation Against the US Is Not One and Done | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Defense and Security

    Iran's Retaliation Against the US Is Not One and Done | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    by Brian Hanson

    Kelly Magsamen joins Deep Dish to discuss the immediate and lasting repercussions of killing Iranian commander Qasam Soleimani.

  29. Think You Know the US Midwest in 2020? Take Another Look. | Chicago Council on Global Affairs Global Economy

    Think You Know the US Midwest in 2020? Take Another Look. | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    by Brian Hanson,John Austin

    Shayndi Raice and John Austin join Deep Dish to tell a story of the bright spots as well as blights in the Midwest region encompassing all or part of 12 US states.

  30. Will German Elections Set a New Direction after Merkel? | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Global Politics

    Will German Elections Set a New Direction after Merkel? | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    by Sheri Berman,Ulrike Franke

    Germans went to the polls this week to decide who will replace Angela Merkel. The surprising results could mean the first three party coalition government in Germany's history.

  31. Strange Bedfellows — Anti-Immigrant Conservatives and Environmentalists Join Forces in Europe   | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Strange Bedfellows — Anti-Immigrant Conservatives and Environmentalists Join Forces in Europe   | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    by Brian Hanson

    This episode analyzes the coalition between Chancellor Kurz and Austria’s Green Party and the realignment of left-right politics taking place across Europe.

  32. Kashmir Is the 72-Year 'Wound' between India and Pakistan | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Global Politics

    Kashmir Is the 72-Year 'Wound' between India and Pakistan | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    by Brian Hanson,Paul Staniland

    Nisid Hajari and Paul Staniland join Deep Dish to discuss how the decision to revoke Kashmir’s special autonomy has once again torn open tensions between India and Pakistan.

  33. Iran Reacts to US Sanctions—with Echoes of Run-up to Pearl Harbor | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Defense and Security

    Iran Reacts to US Sanctions—with Echoes of Run-up to Pearl Harbor | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    by Brian Hanson,Robert A. Pape

    University of Chicago’s Robert Pape and George Mason University’s Ellen Laison join this week's Deep Dish to discuss what is at stake with Iran.

  34. Eritrea's President Isaias Afwerki and Ethiopia's Prime Minister, Abiy Ahmed, at a ceremony marking the reopening of the Eritrean Embassy in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
    Global Politics

    The 1998 Border Conflict behind Ethiopia's Civil War | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Global Insight by Emma Sanderson

    A decades-old rivalry between Eritrea and the TPLF risks derailing Ethiopia’s peace deal.

  35. Americans Favor 'Friendshoring' Approach for Supply Chains | Chicago Council on Global Affairs Public Opinion

    Americans Favor 'Friendshoring' Approach for Supply Chains | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Public Opinion Survey by Craig Kafura

    Americans across party lines say the United States should prioritize friendly-nation supply chains, despite potentially higher costs.

  36. Balancing Religious Diversity and National Identity in France | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Human Rights

    Balancing Religious Diversity and National Identity in France | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    by Ariel Schwartz

    Does France’s laïcité promote or impede religious freedom?

  37. How Different Foreign Policy Approaches Assess the War in Ukraine | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Defense and Security

    How Different Foreign Policy Approaches Assess the War in Ukraine | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    by Emma Ashford,James Goldgeier

    Emma Ashford and James Goldgeier join Deep Dish to discuss the war in Ukraine from restraint and liberal internationalist perspectives.

  38. US Opinion Leaders Support Aid to Taiwan | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    AP Photos
    US Foreign Policy

    US Opinion Leaders Support Aid to Taiwan | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Public Opinion Survey by Craig Kafura,Dina Smeltz,Joshua Busby,Jonathan Monten,Jordan Tama

    But most oppose sending US troops to the island should China invade.

  39. COVID-19 Lessons from Germany | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Global Health

    COVID-19 Lessons from Germany | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    by Brian Hanson

    The Wall Street Journal’s Bojan Pancevski joins Deep Dish from Berlin to examine Germany’s reopening strategy after COVID-19.

  40. How to Change the World: Why Quick Fixes Fail and What to Do | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Global Cities

    How to Change the World: Why Quick Fixes Fail and What to Do | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    by Sascha Haselmayer

    Ever wondered why quick fixes often lead to dead ends? On Deep Dish, we dive into 'The Slow Lane' with social change expert Sascha Haselmayer.

  41. Pariah or Partner: The Shifting US-Saudi Arabia Relationship | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    US Foreign Policy

    Pariah or Partner: The Shifting US-Saudi Arabia Relationship | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    by Martin Indyk,Sarah Leah Whitson

    Will Biden shift Saudi Arabia from a “pariah” to a partner – should he? Experts Martin Indyk and Sarah Leah Whitson join Deep Dish to discuss.

  42. Taiwan's Security Future: How Domestic Politics Impact Taipei’s Defense | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    AP Photos
    Defense and Security

    Taiwan's Security Future: How Domestic Politics Impact Taipei’s Defense | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Report by Ethan Kessler

    With a presidential election fast approaching, Taipei’s defense policy could go in multiple directions.

  43. Trump and Biden Voters Deeply Divided on Foreign Policy | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    US Foreign Policy

    Trump and Biden Voters Deeply Divided on Foreign Policy | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    by Dina Smeltz,Craig Kafura

    Polling experts examine how public opinion of foreign policy matches up with the candidates on this episode of Deep Dish.

  44. People hold signs while protesting against Peru's President Pedro Castillo after Congress approved his removal from office
    Public Opinion

    Peruvians Distrust Democracy as Political Crises Deepen | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Running Numbers by Phillip Meng

    The fallout from the removal of President Pedro Castillo has revealed a young democracy in dire straits.

  45. Kenya Has New President, But Election Might Not Be Over Yet | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Global Politics

    Kenya Has New President, But Election Might Not Be Over Yet | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    by Kathleen Klaus,Murithi Mutiga

    Experts Kathleen Klaus and Murithi Mutiga join Deep Dish to discuss the results of Kenya’s presidential election.

  46. Bolsonaro's COVID-19 Response Threatens Brazil's Democracy | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Abaca Press
    Global Health

    Bolsonaro's COVID-19 Response Threatens Brazil's Democracy | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    by Ilona Szabó,Andres Schipani

    The Igarapé Institute’s Ilona Szabó and the Financial Times' Andres Schipani join Deep Dish to examine turmoil in South America’s largest economy.

  47. Cities, Consumers, and Companies Are the Secret of Sustainability | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Jean-Pierre Dalbéra
    Global Cities

    Cities, Consumers, and Companies Are the Secret of Sustainability | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    by Anthony F. Pipa,Catherine P. Sheehy

    Brookings' Anthony F. Pipa and UL's Catherine P. Sheehy join  Deep Dish  to discuss the way forward for cities, the private sector, and SDGs.

  48. Support for US Commitment to NATO at 48-Year High | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Public Opinion

    Support for US Commitment to NATO at 48-Year High | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Public Opinion Survey by Craig Kafura

    And bipartisan majorities of Americans support admitting new members to the alliance, Council polling shows.

  49. Americans Support Sanctions on Iran | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Public Opinion

    Americans Support Sanctions on Iran | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Public Opinion Survey by Dina Smeltz,Emily Sullivan

    In the event of Iran developing nuclear weapons, the US public wants to tighten economic sanctions, and most support a return to the JCPOA.

  50. Unraveling Haiti Two Years after Moïse's Assassination | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    AP Photos
    Defense and Security

    Unraveling Haiti Two Years after Moïse's Assassination | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    by Monique Clesca,Renata Segura

    From corruption to inequality, underlying factors hinder Haiti's progress post-President Moïse's assassination.

  51. The Continent: Changing the Game in African Media | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    The Continent: Changing the Game in African Media | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    by Simon Allison

    Some of the most important innovations in the news media may be happening in Africa. What can we learn?