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141 - 190 of 201 search results for Afghanistan
  1. Fully-matching results

  2. What a World Without US Leadership Looks Like | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Diego Cambiaso
    Global Politics

    What a World Without US Leadership Looks Like | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    by Brian Hanson

    Ivo Daalder and James Lindsay discuss their new book "The Empty Throne: America’s Abdication of Global Leadership"—a revealing look at Trump’s foreign policy.

  3. A woman holds greens.
    Feed the Future
    Food and Agriculture

    Women's Work, African Swine Fever Ripples, & Urban Growing | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Global Food for Thought by Julia Whiting

    Catch the week's top news and research in food, agriculture, and global development in our Global Food for Thought news brief.

  4. U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren speaking with attendees at the 2019 National Forum on Wages and Working People
    Gage Skidmore
    Global Politics

    Ivory Tower Democrat Voters Will Miss Elizabeth Warren | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Running Numbers by Dina Smeltz

    This Chicago Council on Global Affairs blog explains how Elizabeth Warren’s specific support base likely led to her downfall.

  5. Netflix’s “The Diplomat”: Pop Culture Gives Diplomacy a Boost | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    AP Photos
    US Foreign Policy

    Netflix’s “The Diplomat”: Pop Culture Gives Diplomacy a Boost | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    by David Grae,Maryum Saifee

    "The Diplomat" is Hollywood's take on the foreign service. Deep Dish explores the significance with a career diplomat and TV producer.

  6. Chicago City Council at City Hall
    AP Photos
    Global Politics

    From Ukraine to Gaza to Iraq, Chicago's city council has been voting more often on foreign affairs | Chicago City Hall is voting more often on Foreign Affairs

    Blog Post
    ChicagoGlobal by AJ Caughey

    The Chicago City Council has tripled its legislation on foreign policy in the last four years.

  7. Deep Dish Returns! Lessons on a Career Spent in Global Affairs | Chicago Council on Global Affairs US Foreign Policy

    Deep Dish Returns! Lessons on a Career Spent in Global Affairs | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    by Brian Hanson

    Get ready to meet Brian Hanson and Lizzy Shackelford – the voices behind Deep Dish.


    The controversial decision to remove US troops from Afghanistan has been the most high-profile example. ... majority of Americans have consistently supported the withdrawal. But beyond Afghanistan, a Foreign.
  9. Americans Prefer Supporting Role in Constraining Chinese and Russian Ambitions | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Public Opinion

    Americans Prefer Supporting Role in Constraining Chinese and Russian Ambitions | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Public Opinion Survey by Phillip Meng

    Great power competition is the organizing principle of President Biden’s new National Security Strategy. Is the American public on board?

  10. Man on bicycle in front of Hamid Kerzal International airport in Kabul
    US Foreign Policy

    Disinformation Sowed Our Failure in Afghanistan

    In the News
    Chicago Tribune by Elizabeth Shackelford

    "You cannot build good foreign policy on dishonesty. But we keep trying to because no one pays for it," writes Elizabeth Shackelford.

  11. Screen shot of Elizabeth Shackelford speaking on CBC Canada.
    CBC News Canada
    US Foreign Policy

    Withdrawal from The "Forever War"

    In the News
    CBC News (Canada) by Elizabeth Shackelford

    Ahead of President Biden's address on August 31, Elizabeth Shackelford joins Ben Roswell on CBC News to discuss the US’s completed withdrawal from Afghanistan.

  12. Cecile Shea on WTTW
    WTTW Chicago Tonight
    US Foreign Policy

    Biden Says He Stands 'Squarely Behind' Afghanistan Decision

    In the News
    WTTW by Cécile Shea

    The Council's Cécile Shea joins WTTW's "Chicago Tonight" to explain why she believes Afghanistan's collapse was inevitable—and what could happen next.

  13. Treaty Allies Matter for US Foreign Policy Experts—but They Are Not Indispensable | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Public Opinion

    Treaty Allies Matter for US Foreign Policy Experts—but They Are Not Indispensable | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Public Opinion Survey by Sibel Oktay,Paul Poast,Dina Smeltz,Craig Kafura

    The Council's polling experts examine how American foreign policy experts think of the term "allies," and whether variations in thinking matter for US foreign policy decisions.

  14. Despite Political Tension, Americans and Russians See Cooperation as Essential | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Public Opinion

    Despite Political Tension, Americans and Russians See Cooperation as Essential | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Public Opinion Survey by Dina Smeltz,Brendan Helm,Denis Volkov,Stepan Goncharov

    A joint Chicago Council on Global Affairs and the Levada Analytical Center survey shows few Russians or Americans expect great changes to US-Russia ties now or in the next 10 years, although both publics see the merits of collaboration.

  15. CCGA Public Opinion 2012.indd

    Afghanistan have reduced the threat of terrorism,. fewer Americans—though still majorities—are con-. ... In 2002 majorities favored long-term military bases in both Afghanistan and Pakistan.
  16. Treaty Allies Matter for US Foreign Policy Experts—but They ...

    The Biden administration’s Afghanistan withdrawal is one example, which some commentators, like the New York Times’ David Brooks, view as a betrayal of US allies and values, but which Biden
  17. Constrained Internationalism: Adapting to New Realities Results of a ...

    Difficult wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have dragged on for most of a decade. ... quarter believe the United States should withdraw its forces from Afghanistan right away. •
  18. CCFR Annual 2002

    Afghanistan in Pictures NOREEN AHMED-ULLAH,correspondent, Chicago Tribune;PETER SOUZA, national photographer, Chicago Tribune.FEBRUARY 12. ... Left: Author and journalist Ahmed Rashid,expert on Afghanistan, with Board member Jane McLagan.
  19. US-Russia Brief FINAL 031621[44]

    businesses that US intelligence has blamed on Russia—the poisoning and imprisonment of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny, and reports of Russian bounties on US soldiers in Afghanistan.
  20. The Chicago Council on Foreign Relations 2 0 0 ...

    of China, General Pervez Musharraf of Pakistan, President Hamid Karzai of Afghanistan, King Abdullah II of Jordan, President Mary McAleese of Ireland, President Valdas Adamkus of Lithuania, Chancellor Gerhard Schröder of ... Highlights of the past three
  21. America Divided: Political Partisanship and US Foreign Policy

    Results of the 2015 Chicago Council Survey of American Public Opinion and US Foreign Policy
  22. A special issue looking back at 2008 and 2009. ...

    Mounting coalition casualties, resurgent Taliban activity, and instability in Pakistan have renewed American attention to the war in Afghanistan. ... In October 2008, Anwar-ul-Haq Ahady, Afghani-stan’s minister of finance, discussed the economic and
  23. Pivot to Europe: US Public Opinion in a Time ...

    From a chaotic end to the war in Afghanistan to worries about nuclear confrontation to mounting domestic challenges, several reasons could explain why support for playing an active part in world
  24. CCGA_AR_KEY2.indd

    September 21, 2005 Occupation and Resistance: From Afghanistan to Iraq Nelofer Pazira, journalist and filmmaker. ... October 18, 2006 The Punishment of Virtue: Inside Afghanistan After the Taliban Sarah Chayes, author.
  25. Working Paper: How Economic Sanctions are Used in U.S. ...

    relations with Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, Venezuela, and Afghanistan. From the Treasury Building on Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, a small team of American bureaucrats impose economic and travel restrictions on
  26. RejectingRetreatAmericans Support US Engagement in Global Affairs LESTER CROWN ...

    17. 60. 78. 2019 Chicago Council Survey. Americans Support Using Force in Cases of Threat to Homeland or Allies Over the past two decades, the ongoing wars in Afghanistan and Iraq ... and Afghanistan (59%) were not worth fighting.8 According to the

    Refugees are using both land and sea routes. Nearly 35,000 traveled to Europe by land, with the highest number from Syria (50 percent), followed by Afghanistan (20 percent), Iraq (7 ... Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Eritrea, Pakistan, Nigeria, and Somalia
  28. The Chicago Council on Global Affairs, founded in 1922 ...

    The Chicago Council on Global Affairs, founded in 1922 as The Chicago Council on Foreign Relations, is a leading independent, nonpartisan organization committed to influencing the discourse on global issues through contributions to opinion and
  29. July 16, 2012 Americans Question Gains of War in ...

    38 44. 17. Withdraw all of itscombat troops from. Afghanistan before the2014 deadline. ... Bring all of its combattroops home as. scheduled by 2014. Leave some combattroops in Afghanistan.
  30. By Dina Smeltz, Ivo Daalder, Karl Friedhoff, Craig Kafura, ...

    By Dina Smeltz, Ivo Daalder, Karl Friedhoff, Craig Kafura, and Lily Wojtowicz. LESTER. CROWN CENTER ON US FOREIGN POLICY. America Engaged. 2 0 1 8 C H I C A G O C O U N C I L S U R V E Y. American Public Opinion and US Foreign Policy. 2018 Chicago

    In addition, rapid urbaniza-tion is also occurring in poorer and conflict-affected countries of the Middle East and Central Asia such as Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Yemen (see Figure 3,.
  32. Immigration Report 2013_v2.indd

    Report of an Independent Task Force. Chet Culver, Richard M. Daley, Joe Loughrey, Doris Meissner, Clare Muñana, Mike Rounds, John W. Rowe, Samuel C. Scott III, Carole Segal, Cochairs. Tamar Jacoby, President and CEO, ImmigrationWorks USA, Lead
  33. 1 October 19, 2012 Background Brief for Final Presidential ...

    the threat to American national security if the Taliban returned to power in Afghanistan (46%, vs. ... saferfrom terrorism. Percentage who think that the war in Afghanistan:. Republican Democrat Independent.
  34. US Report v.2

    Afghanistan. T h e 2 0 0 2 S t u d y. ... tions with Russia, Europe, and Japan as well as. international terrorism and the war in Afghanistan.
  35. American Public Support for US Troops in Middle East ...

    Nearly half favor keeping bases in Afghanistan (48%, up from 43% in 2014). • ... 2011. 2012. 2013. 2014. 2015. 2016. 2017. 2018. 2019. 2020. War in Afghanistan.
  36. Anxious Americans Seek a New Direction in United States ...

    Americans are clearly concerned about where terrorist threats originate, with 55 percent con-sidering violent Islamist groups in Pakistan and Afghanistan as a critical threat.
  37. FINAL Expert Survey Russia China United States

    of interference in domestic affairs, disputes over Ukraine and Syria, debates over the construction of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, and reports of Russian bounties on US soldiers in Afghanistan.

    Iraq. Afghanistan. Egypt. Turkey. Russia. India. Mexico. Sweden. United States. Great Britain. ... Iran. China. Saudi Arabia. Pakistan. Iraq. Afghanistan. Egypt. Turkey. Russia. India.

    H EALTHY FOOD FOR A HEALTHY WORLD:L E V E R A G I N G A G R I C U LT U R E A N D F O O D TO I M P R O V E G L O B A L N U T R I T I O NDouglas Bereuter and Dan Glickman, cochairs. S P O N S O R E D B Y. Healthy Food for a H. ealthy World. The
  40. September 10, 2012 Americans Shifting Focus to Asia The ...

    September 10, 2012. Americans Shifting Focus to Asia. The just-released Chicago Council 2012 Survey shows that after a decade of war in Afghanistan and Iraq, Americans recognize China’s growing
  41. 1C H I C A G O C O ...

    Afghanistan. 4. See Question 376. 4 C H I C A G O C O U N C I L G L O B A L V I E W S ... Iraq. Afghanistan. Germany. South Korea. 60 40 20 0 20 40 60 80.
  42. Global Views 2004 - US

    troops for peacekeeping in. Afghanistan and maintaining a military presence in. ... have slipped to pluralities (Saudi Arabia, now 50%,. Afghanistan, 47%, and Turkey, 46%), and one,.
  43. The United States and the Rise of China and ...

    These challenges to the United States come at a time when the country is preoccupied inter-nationally with military engagements in Iraq and Afghanistan and concerns about Iranian and North Korean ... bases and opposing bases in Japan, Pakistan, South
  44. 99 report

    air strikes against suspected terror-ist compounds in Afghanistan and theSudan. With the target, terrorist leaderOsama bin Ladin, still at large, fear ofmore terrorist activity against theUnited States was high.
  45. SMART paper_v7.indd

    AdvAnci ng globAl Food SecurityT H E P O W E R O F S C I E N C E , T R A D E , A N D B U S I N E S S. cochairscatherine bertini and dan glickman. S P o n S o r e d b y. Advancing Global Food Security: The Power of Science, Trade, and Business. The
  46. C H I C A G O C O ...

    Afghanistan 52 50 31 42 30 38 43. Turkey 73 47 65 40 60 43 43. ... Leave some troops in Afghanistan beyond 2014 for training, anti-insurgency and counterterrorism activities.
  47. Screenshot of Ivo Daalder on Medhi Hasan MSNBC. Defense and Security

    What US Proxy Wars Can Tell Us About Ukraine

    In the News
    MSNBC by Ivo H. Daalder

    "This isn't Afghanistan, and this isn't Syria. This is a country that's being attacked," says Ivo Daalder on MSNBC. "This is not a proxy war."

  48. The End of America's Longest War
    WGN-9 Chicago
    US Foreign Policy

    The End of America's Longest War

    In the News
    WGN Chicago by Ivo H. Daalder

    Council President Ivo Daalder discusses the end of the war in Afghanistan with WGN's Paul Lisnek.