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271 - 280 of 329 search results for Iran
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  2. Iranian army missile test
    Defense and Security

    Saeid Golkar on WGN 9 Morning News

    In the News
    WGN 9 by Saeid Golkar

    Saeid Golkar examines the escalating tension between Iran and the United States after Iranian missiles struck two US bases in Iraq following the US missile strike that killed Iranian general Soleimani.

  3. report_iranians-americans-support-mutual-JCPOA-return

    return to the agreement after the IAEA certifiesthat Iran is back in full compliance. ... 57. 45. 37. 45. 4. 8. Economic conditionsof Iran. Economic conditionsof ordinary Iranians.

    5 Iran’s nuclear program. 54%5 Economic. inequality in the United States. ... about the threat from Iran’s nuclear program (down from 57% in 2019).
  5. Disappointed in Rouhani, Iranians Seek a Different Sort of ...

    The public in Iran has registered their discontent, especially with the country’s economic shortcomings. ... support for the agreement among publics in both Iran and the United States.
  6. A Cost of ConflictAmericans Turn InwardResults of the 2023 ...

    Iran’s nuclear program (56%). A Cost of Global Conflict: Americans Turn Inward — 4. ... Climate change. The US-Mexico border. US competition with China. Iran’s nuclear program.
  7. People gathering at the funeral of Qasem Soleimani. Defense and Security

    Daalder on CNN Newsroom

    In the News
    CNN by Ivo H. Daalder

    Council president Ivo Daalder talks about the need for diplomacy amid the changing political situation in Iraq, President Trump's demand for more NATO involvement in the region, and the next steps for the US-Iran relationship.

  8. Pivot to Europe: US Public Opinion in a Time ...

    Pivot to Europe: US Public Opinion in a Time of WarResults of the 2022 Chicago Council Survey of American Public Opinion and US Foreign Policy. By Dina Smeltz, Ivo Daalder, Karl Friedhoff, Craig Kafura, and Emily Sullivan. LESTER. CROWN CENTER ON US
  9. The Chicago Council on Foreign Relations 2 0 0 ...

    The continuing threat of terrorism, the conflict in Iraq and surrounding controversy, the mounting crisis over nuclear advances in North Korea and Iran, the rise of China and India as economic
  10. RejectingRetreatAmericans Support US Engagement in Global Affairs LESTER CROWN ...

    Behind these two direct threats to the US homeland are North Korea’s (61%) and Iran’s (57%) nuclear programs—also of longstanding concern to the American public. ... To stop Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons. To fight against violent Islamic
  11. 1 Strong Alliances, Divided Publics: Public Opinion in the ...

    the 57 percent that state the same about Iran’s nuclear weapons program.11 To address the. ... Korea would produce additional nuclear weapons. 11 This survey was conducted before the announcement of the nuclear deal between the United States and Iran.