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111 - 120 of 120 search results for 2021 Chicago Council Survey where 7 match all words and 113 match some words.
  1. Results that match 3 of 4 words

  2. America Engaged: Attitudes Toward US Global Leadership | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    GPA Photo Archive

    America Engaged: Attitudes Toward US Global Leadership | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Experts discuss the results of the Council’s 2018 report on American attitudes toward US global leadership and the future of America’s role in the world.
  3. Albright and Rice on Women in Leadership and US Foreign Policy | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Albright and Rice on Women in Leadership and US Foreign Policy | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Former Secretaries of State Madeleine Albright and Condoleezza Rice discuss their experience as trailblazers in foreign policy and the critical importance of women's leadership and gender parity in foreign relations.
  4. Women, Equity, and Global Development Symposium 2016 | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Women, Equity, and Global Development Symposium 2016 | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    PAST EVENT VIDEO Conference
    A network of international thought-leaders joins the Council for a series of conversations that will lead to new ideas and greater understanding of what is working, and where more effort is needed.
  5. NATO at 70: Former US Ambassadors to NATO on the Past and Future of the Alliance | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    NATO at 70: Former US Ambassadors to NATO on the Past and Future of the Alliance | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Former UN ambassadors Nicholas Burns, Victoria Nuland, Ivo Daalder, and Douglas Lute share their crucial political and military challenges as NATO ambassadors and discuss the future of the alliance.
  6. Preventing Nuclear Proliferation and Reassuring America's Allies with the Atlantic Council | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Preventing Nuclear Proliferation and Reassuring America's Allies with the Atlantic Council | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    PAST EVENT Panel
    At this Atlantic Council-hosted event, a panel examines a new Council report on how the United States can prevent nuclear proliferation and strengthen nuclear security guarantees.
  7. Partner Event: American and Russian Perspectives on Stemming Nuclear Proliferation | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Partner Event: American and Russian Perspectives on Stemming Nuclear Proliferation | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Carnegie Moscow Center hosts a discussion on nuclear proliferation between the Council's Ivo Daalder and the Carnegie Moscow Center's Dmitri Trenin.
  8. Partner Event: America, Australia, and Nuclear Proliferation in the Indo-Pacific | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Partner Event: America, Australia, and Nuclear Proliferation in the Indo-Pacific | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    PAST EVENT Panel
    A panel of US and Australian experts considers what America's weakening alliances and the unraveling of the nuclear non-proliferation regime could mean for the Indo-Pacific region.
  9. The State of Global Democracy with the Council on Global Affairs and Freedom House   | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    The State of Global Democracy with the Council on Global Affairs and Freedom House   | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Susan B. Glasser moderates a dialogue with Michael J. Abramowitz and Jeremy D. Rosner to discuss global democracy and political freedom.
  10. Partner Event: Preventing Nuclear Proliferation and Reassuring America's Allies | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Partner Event: Preventing Nuclear Proliferation and Reassuring America's Allies | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    PAST EVENT Panel
    A conversation on how the perceived weakening of America's security guarantees is altering debates over nuclear weapons and security in Europe.
  11. American and Russian Public Opinion: Where We Are and How We Got Here | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Eurasian Women’s Forum

    American and Russian Public Opinion: Where We Are and How We Got Here | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    The Chicago Council on Global Affairs and Levada Analytical Center discuss findings from a bi-national study of American and Russian public opinion.