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Related events, research, commentary, and analysis on the topic of democracy from the Council.

  1. Fully-matching results

  2. Anxious Americans Seek a New Direction in United States ...

    leadership on climate change and international terrorism primarily benefits Americans. Make Exporting Democracy a Low Priority. ... Further, a majority (57%) believes the United States should not support a country becoming a democracy if there is a high
  3. Global Views 2004 - US

    G L O B A L V I E W S 2 0 0 4. THE CHICAGO COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS. American Public Opinionand Foreign Policy. CCFR TEAM. Marshall M. Bouton, Study chair. Catherine Hug, Team member and study editor. Steven Kull, Team member. Benjamin I. Page,
  4. NATO Spokesperson, Oana Lungescu, Swedish PM Magdalena Andersson, and NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg speak at a NATO conference.
    NATO (Flickr)
    Defense and Security

    In Madrid, NATO Must Focus on the Long Term

    In the News
    Politico by Ivo H. Daalder

    As NATO meets in Madrid, Ivo Daalder stresses that they must focus on the long term and include "all those in Europe who stand for freedom and democracy."

  5. CEPP Report Chicago Council Final 16 Feb 2019

    bedrock of democracy, a free society, and human dignity. ... Public expectations confer a greater responsibility on corporations to act boldly, stand up, and speak out on behalf of public values and fundamental rights as the bedrock of democracy.
  6. US Report v.2

    w o r l d v i e w s 2 0 0 2. A m e r i c a n P u b l i c O p i n i o n & F o r e i g n P o l i c y. I N T R O D U C T I O N. 2. T H E F I N D I N G S I N S U M M A R Y. 5. C H A P T E R O N E : R E F O C U S E D I N T E R N AT I O N A L I S M A F T
  7. Guiding Principles for a Sustainable U.S. Policy Toward Russia, ...

    At the same time, the United States must recognize that the long-term challenge of promoting democracy in Russia and Eurasia will be a demand-driven rather than supply-driven process.
  8. 1C H I C A G O C O ...

    Surprisingly, only 51 percent of respondents think of South Korea as a democracy (with 40% thinking it is not a democracy), despite the country’s status as one of the most ... democracy? Or how can policymakers feel comfortable pushing for passage of
  9. The Chicago Council on Global Affairs is a nonpartisan, ...

    Divesting from repressive governments would boost US credibility by reducing the divide between US rhetoric and practice regarding democracy. ... Given the Biden administration’s focus on aligning democracies against nondemocratic threats, that
  10. WPO_pp.1-42.indd

    WORLD PUBLIC OPINION 2007. Globalization and TradeClimate ChangeGenocide and DarfurFuture of the United NationsUS LeadershipRise of China. WORLDPUBLICOPINION.ORG. INTRODUCTION. 5. GLOBAL ANALYSIS1. Globalization and Trade. 82. Climate Change. 133.
  11. 95 reportQ5

    Presumably, efforts to supportPresident Boris Yeltsin in promoting amarket economy and democracy inRussia, and to encourage nuclear disar-mament have had a positive impact.Nevertheless, the figure is still 25
  12. Final - Trilateral Cooperation Taskforce Report

    They have come to encompass the core values of democracy, human rights, and free trade. ... 11. the United States, Japan, and South Korea in defense of democracy must be made clear.
  13. SMART paper_v7.indd

    AdvAnci ng globAl Food SecurityT H E P O W E R O F S C I E N C E , T R A D E , A N D B U S I N E S S. cochairscatherine bertini and dan glickman. S P o n S o r e d b y. Advancing Global Food Security: The Power of Science, Trade, and Business. The
  14. GFS_Report_v4.indd

    These agreements require monetization of donated US commodities in support of certain developing countries and emerging democracies.
  15. report_green-covid-19-recovery-and-transatlantic-leadership_20201020

    3. As president, Biden says he would take immediate steps to renew US democracy and alliances, protect the United States’ economic future, rebuild confidence in US leadership, and mobilize the country ... for a world summit on climate change, he also
  16. Demonstrators call on the US to intervene to stop Benjamin Netanyahu's government to press on with its judicial overhaul
    US Foreign Policy

    The US-Israel Relationship Is Special, but Not Indestructible

    In the News
    World Politics Review by Paul Poast

    Ongoing protests to safeguard democracy and a potential war with Iran could call into question US unconditional support for Israel, Paul Poast writes.

  17. Key facts and figures• China is now the largest ...

    Of the 44 African governments (out of the 54 on the continent) that the BTI quantified the status for in 2016, 22 were scored as some form of democracy of varying ... corruption.60 Therefore, without continued US engagement, it is possible that the
  18. OK, Boomer: Youth Hesitant to Use Force, Shun US ...

    Support for Alliances, Multilateralism Spans All Generations. On the other hand, majorities across all generations believe that maintaining US alliances, promoting democracy and human rights around the world, and participating in ... Promoting democracy
  19. Rebuilding a Bipartisan Consensus on Trade Policy By Phil ...

    foreign policy during the Cold War. Together with military alliances, trade agreements helped bind together the major free-market democracies, their growing prosperity serving as an effective counter to the centrally

    the face of human rights violations and actions undermining environmental or other societal objectives, including whether such silence will encourage further violations that erode the bedrocks of democracy, rule of law, ... differently into various
  21. Brazil's President and candidate for re-election Jair Bolsonaro at a news conference at the Alvorada Palace in Brasilia, Brazil on October 4, 2022
    Global Politics

    Disinformation Casts a Shadow over Brazilian Presidential Elections

    In the News
    Open Democracy by Robert Muggah

    "Rumors, lies and misinformation played a decisive role in the first round, and they will play an even greater role in the second," writes Robert Muggah.