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American Support for the US-ROK Alliance: Steady As She Goes

Public Opinion Survey by Scott Snyder

2012 Chicago Council Survey data shows American perceptions of South Korea are strongly positive. As Americans shift their priority to Asia, South Korea is poised to continue as an important security and economic partner of the US.

National flags outside of the United Nations. Public Opinion

FDI: Globalizing Chicago's Economic Development Plans

Report by Coauthors

The report highlights Chicago’s strengths, analyzes global city strategies, and offers recommendations the region can take to increase foreign investment.

Chicago skyline
Chris Favero
Global Cities

2012 Chicago Council Survey

Public Opinion Survey by Coauthors

The 2012 Chicago Council Survey tracks public opinion on US foreign policy since the September 11 attacks, and includes an assessment of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

2012 Chicago Council Survey: Foreign Policy in the new Millennium Public Opinion

Americans Shifting Focus to Asia

Public Opinion Survey by Dina Smeltz

After a decade of war in Afghanistan and Iraq, Americans recognize China’s growing influence and Asia’s importance to the US.

Bridges over Irawadi
Radek Kucharski
Public Opinion

Americans Support No-Fly Zone and Sanctions in Syria

Public Opinion Survey by Dina Smeltz

With the fighting in Syria, the American public said they would support US participation to enforce sanctions and a no-fly zone in Syria.

Blackhawk helicopter taking off from an operating base.
Public Opinion

Americans Question Gains of War in Afghanistan

Public Opinion Survey by Dina Smeltz

Nearly seven in 10 Americans think the war in Afghanistan has not been worth the cost, and half of Americans believe military action hasn’t made the US safer from the threat of terrorism.

A US soldier in Afghanistan, with sand blowing in the foreground
Public Opinion

The Last Hunger Season: A Year in an African Farm Community on the Brink of Change

Book by Roger Thurow

Roger Thurow tells the story of a community of Kenyan farmers working to transcend lives of dire poverty and hunger while illuminating the challenges—and vital necessity—of transforming Africa's agriculture sector.

A person stands in a field in Kenya with cows
Erik Charlton
Food and Agriculture

2012 Progress Report on U.S. Leadership in Global Agricultural Development

Report by Coauthors

This report examines how policy changes have contributed to U.S. leadership in improving global food security.

A woman picking tea leaves at the Tea Research Institute of Sri Lanka, Talawakelle, Sri Lanka
Asantha Abeysooriya
Food and Agriculture

2012 Global Cities Index


This report looks at emerging cities—namely Beijing, Shanghai, and Taipei—and their ability to attract, retain, and generate flows of ideas, capital, and people.

The Beijing skyline at night
Henry Chen
Global Cities

Girls Grow: A Vital Force in Rural Economies

Report by Catherine Bertini

This report includes recommendations for how girls in rural communities can be better supported through improved personal and professional development, health, and safety.

Two young girls sitting down to eat
Women and Girls