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North America

Russians and Americans Sense a New Cold War

Public Opinion Survey by Coauthors

Russians and Americans seem to sense a global alignment of democracies versus autocracies, and both publics fear a nuclear exchange.

Fallout shelter sign on brick wall next to trees.
Public Opinion

Americans Support Ukraine—but Not with US Troops or a No-Fly Zone

Public Opinion Survey by Coauthors

A new poll reveals that Americans see Russia as a significant threat to US interests and support military and economic assistance to Ukraine.

Rally In Support Of Ukraine Held In New York City
Public Opinion

Paths to New Prosperity in Industrial Regions of the West

Working Paper by Coauthors

Local strategies can revive economies, nurture hope, and diminish the appeal of antidemocratic populism in struggling industrial regions.

Industrial city skyline and bridge with blue clouds.
Karen Green
Global Cities

Strong Partners: Japanese and US Perceptions of America and the World

Public Opinion Survey by Coauthors

New data from the Japan Institute of International Affairs and the Council offer insights on how publics in the United States and Japan view the relationship between their countries.

Japan's Foreign Minister Yoshimasa Hayashi (R) fist bumps with new US ambassador to Japan Rahm Emanuel
Public Opinion

How Economic Sanctions Are Used in US Foreign Policy

Working Paper by Ethan Kessler

What are economic sanctions? How are they used in US foreign policy? And what should future policymakers consider before employing them?

"Sanctions" on board game letters in front of Russian and American flag
US Foreign Policy

US Commitments in Nutrition and Health for a Better Future

Report by Coauthors

The United States has made big pledges for global nutrition. Our white paper offers recommendations to turn commitments into action.

Fruit on a table photographed from above.
Food and Agriculture

From Climate Pledges to Transformative Action

Report by Coauthors

Can the United States deliver on its food systems and climate commitments? We offer recommendations to protect the planet and feed the world.

Cow stands in front of a tree line with plumes of smoke indicating forest destruction in the Amazon.
Bruno Kelly
Food and Agriculture

Combating Global Hunger as an American Foreign Policy Priority

Policy Brief by Coauthors

While not traditionally prioritized as a tool of foreign policy, combatting world hunger has high bipartisan support from the American public.

Two people holding big bag of onions, collecting humanitarian aid (water, food, hygiene products) for people evacuated from Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics
Food and Agriculture

Global Food Security Act Reauthorization: New and Lingering Challenges

Policy Brief by Coauthors

Amid new challenges to global food security, the Center for Global Food and Agriculture analyzes necessary changes to the Global Food Security Act Reauthorization.

Mississippi farm field rows during the winter on January 29, 2022.
Lance Cheung
Food and Agriculture

Liberal and Moderate Democrats: How Different Are They in Views on Foreign Policy?

Public Opinion Survey by Coauthors

Chicago Council data show that some key foreign policy issues have the potential to disrupt Democratic Party unity.

Senator Kyrsten Sinema, a Democrat from Arizona, speaks with Senator Gary Peters, a Democrat from Michigan
Public Opinion