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Middle East and North Africa

American Anxiety over Middle East Buffets Public Support for US Presence in the Region

Public Opinion Survey by Coauthors

The Middle East remains the focus of what Americans perceive as the leading threats to US security, including international terrorism, the rise of violent Islamic extremist groups in Iraq and Syria, and the possibility of a major terrorist attack in the US.

Flag of Israel.
Cole Keister
Public Opinion

Manipulated Society: Paralyzing the Masses in Post-revolutionary Iran

Report by Saeid Golkar

The Islamic Republic of Iran has promoted despondency and hopelessness to the extent that citizens become paralyzed and incapable of challenging the political status quo.

Aerial view of the Tehran Tower and other buildings in daytime
Kamran Gholami
Global Politics

ISIS Successful in Raising US Public Fears about Terrorism

Public Opinion Survey by Dina Smeltz

Coinciding with the rise of the Islamic State, public concern about Islamic fundamentalism as a critical threat is rated at 55 percent, the highest level since 2002 survey results.

Militant Islamist fighters take part in a military parade.
Public Opinion

Americans Favor Deal with Iran; Willing to Back with Force​

Public Opinion Survey by Coauthors

According to the 2015 Chicago Council Survey, most Americans support the general idea of an agreement with Iran to limit its nuclear program to civilian uses.

Blackhawk helicopter taking off from an operating base.
Public Opinion

Captive Society: the Basij Militia and Social Control in Post-Revolutionary Iran

Book by Saeid Golkar

Captive Society surveys the Basij's history, structure, and sociology, as well as its influence on Iranian society, its economy, and its educational system.

A crowd of people at the entrance to a market in Tehran
Julia Maudlin
Global Politics

Student Activism, Social Media, and Authoritarian Rule in Iran

Book by Saeid Golkar

The authors of this book address multiple questions involving the nature of youth protest in the twenty-first century.

A black smartphone with Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter icons on-screen Human Rights

Let’s Make a Deal: Public Backs Iran Talks

Public Opinion Survey by Dina Smeltz

The majority of Americans favor the Iran nuclear agreement but are prepared to use military force to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons.

Flag of Iran.
David Sandoz
Public Opinion

Americans Support No-Fly Zone and Sanctions in Syria

Public Opinion Survey by Dina Smeltz

With the fighting in Syria, the American public said they would support US participation to enforce sanctions and a no-fly zone in Syria.

Blackhawk helicopter taking off from an operating base.
Public Opinion

Americans Question Gains of War in Afghanistan

Public Opinion Survey by Dina Smeltz

Nearly seven in 10 Americans think the war in Afghanistan has not been worth the cost, and half of Americans believe military action hasn’t made the US safer from the threat of terrorism.

A US soldier in Afghanistan, with sand blowing in the foreground
Public Opinion