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Public Opinion Survey

Public Supports Ending Cuba Embargo

Public Opinion Survey by Craig Kafura

2015 Chicago Council Survey data show that Americans favor lifting the trade embargo on Cuba and believe the changes will benefit both countries.

Cuban flag
Amy Goodman
Public Opinion

2014 Opinion Leaders Survey

Public Opinion Survey by Coauthors

Across party lines, the results of this survey reveal that the US public and leaders largely agree on US foreign policy.

2014 Opinion Leaders Survey Results cover Public Opinion

Latinos Resemble Other Americans in Preferences for US Foreign Policy

Public Opinion Survey by Coauthors

This report finds that US Latinos prioritize protecting jobs, favor strong leadership abroad, rank terrorism as a critical threat, and support US military superiority.

City crosswalk busy with pedestrians. Public Opinion

Let’s Make a Deal: Public Backs Iran Talks

Public Opinion Survey by Dina Smeltz

The majority of Americans favor the Iran nuclear agreement but are prepared to use military force to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons.

Flag of Iran.
David Sandoz
Public Opinion

Holding Steady: Public Opinion on Immigration

Public Opinion Survey by Coauthors

This survey showed that opinion was split on whether these unaccompanied minors should be treated as refugees or undocumented immigrants.

People wait in line at the US-Mexico border.

American Attitudes toward Korea: Growing Support for a Solid Relationship

Public Opinion Survey by Scott Snyder

American public opinion shows steadily growing American support for the US-Korea (ROK) alliance.

Flags outside of NATO Headquarters
Public Opinion

US–Japan Alliance Central to American Views of Asia

Public Opinion Survey by Michael J. Green

The American public’s foreign policy attitudes demonstrate support for the pivot to Asia and for free trade agreements and sustained forward military presence.

 The American and Japanese flags.
US Dept. of Agriculture
Public Opinion

Americans Affirm Ties to Allies in Asia

Public Opinion Survey by Coauthors

Public opinion data shows Americans support US involvement in Asia and seem to think that US regional efforts positively affect stability.

USA and China flags in front of a blue sky
CDC Global
Public Opinion

Americans Expecting a Power Shift in Energy Supply in Next 10 Years

Public Opinion Survey by Coauthors

Americans clearly lean toward cleaner methods of powering the country and expect renewable sources will overtake fossil fuels as the primary US energy sources in the next 10 years.

View of buildings on the Chicago River. Public Opinion

Half of Americans Say US Government Not Doing Enough on Climate Change

Public Opinion Survey by Coauthors

New Chicago Council Survey results show that most Americans aren’t extremely concerned about climate change, but many believe the government isn’t doing enough to combat the issue.

 View of clouds on Earth from space.
Public Opinion