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North America

Core Sanders Supporters' Economic Pessimism

Public Opinion Survey by Coauthors

Survey data shows Sanders supporters are concerned about global overreach and that it comes at the expense of the economy and general quality of life.

Bernie Sanders speaking at a podium to a crowd of supporters Public Opinion

Republicans Get behind Trump, but Not All of His Policies

Public Opinion Survey by Coauthors

Although Donald Trump is the clear frontrunner for Republicans, the Chicago Council Survey finds that some key issues are still a challenge for those who supported another candidate.

Donald Trump speaking on stage
Ali Shaker
Public Opinion

On Eve of NATO Summit, Majority of Americans Say Alliance Is Essential

Public Opinion Survey by Coauthors

The 2016 Chicago Council Survey shows 75 percent of Americans support either maintaining or increasing the United States' commitment to NATO.

International flags outside of NATO headquarters
Frode Overland Andersen
Public Opinion

Responding to State-Sponsored Theft of Intellectual Property

Report by Coauthors

Cyber theft has cost the US economy billions of dollars and has resulted in the loss of millions of jobs. The government is now being pressured to develop more comprehensive cybersecurity regulations.

View of a person's hands typing on a laptop
Logan Weaver
Defense and Security

Urban Resiliency and Chronic Violence

Policy Brief by Harley Jones

This report looks at chronic violence and community resilience in the US and around the world and makes policy recommendations for addressing chronic violence in urban areas.

Chicago skyline at night
Ozzie Stern
Global Health

Growing Food for Growing Cities

Report by Thomas Reardon

Feeding cities presents a major opportunity to improve the plight of millions of small-scale farmers and rural residents trapped in subsistence agriculture and joblessness.

A crowded food market in an Indian city, Food and Agriculture

Opportunity Lost: The Economic Benefit of Retaining Foreign-Born Students in Local Economies

Report by Coauthors

This report examines the long-term effects of keeping foreign-born students in local workforces—particularly to critical STEM and innovation fields—in driving US global competitiveness.

A student wearing a graduation cap and gown
Charles DeLoye

When Hunger Strikes: How Food Security Abroad Matters for National Security at Home

Policy Brief by Cullen S. Hendrix

Efforts geared toward smallholder farmers have become more efficient and effective over the past several decades in helping to bringing millions out of poverty, enhancing food and nutrition security, and growing economies around the globe.

A shop inside Mercado de La Boqueria, in Barcelona with produce stands Food and Agriculture

Midwest Diagnosis: Immigration Reform and the Healthcare Sector

Policy Brief by Nicole Fisher

The recommended policy changes would not only address issues in the Midwest, but would help ensure an improvement in healthcare across the country.

An ambulance drives past a hospital; background is blurred
Camilo Jimenez

Slight Rise in US Public Concerns about Climate

Public Opinion Survey by Coauthors

In 2015, for the first time in Chicago Council Survey history, a majority of Democrats say that climate change requires immediate action and are three times more likely than Republicans to say climate change is a critical threat.

View of clouds on Earth from space.
Public Opinion