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Preventing Nuclear Proliferation and Reassuring America's Allies

Report by Coauthors

A task force, cochaired by Chuck Hagel, Malcolm Rifkind, and Kevin Rudd with Ivo Daalder, argues that fraying American alliances and a rapidly changing security environment have shaken America’s nuclear security guarantees and threaten the 50-year-old nuclear nonproliferation regime.

Then US Vice President Joe Biden visits Observation Post Ouellette inside the DMZ, the military border separating the two Koreas, in Panmunjom in 2013.
Defense and Security

Green COVID-19 Recovery and Transatlantic Leadership: What Are the Prospects?

Report by Paul Hofhuis

A Democratic victory provides greater opportunity for transatlantic collaboration, but underlying structures for cooperation among societal stakeholders in the United States need to be reinvigorated.

U.S. Secretary of State John F. Kerry Remarks on COP21 and Action Beyond Paris
Global Health

Americans Divided over US Military Forces in Germany

Public Opinion Survey by Craig Kafura

The American public sees the US-German relationship as good for US national security but is divided over military forces in Germany.

Blackhawk helicopter taking off from an operating base.
Defense and Security

Guiding Principles for a Sustainable US Policy Toward Russia, Ukraine, and Eurasia

Policy Brief by Coauthors

A joint task force outlines some key principles and judgments in managing the United States' relationships with Russia, Ukraine, and Eurasia.

Exterior view of the Kremlin at night time
Alex Zarubi
Defense and Security

Health of Refugees: Port of Arrival Versus Permanent Camps

Report by Aisha Sethi

The report examines two important locales experienced by refugees: permanent camp settings, such as in Za’atari, Jordan, and transitory arrival centers, such as in Lampedusa, Italy.

Tents in a refugee camp in Za'atari, Jordan