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Karen Weigert

Building Urban Futures: City Carbon Actions Anchored in Building Codes and Standards

Report by Karen Weigert

An estimated 100 billion square meters of new construction is expected in countries without mandatory building energy codes. A consistent set of principles can frame the work needed to shape thriving, low-carbon cities.

People walking in blurred motion through the Financial District of Paris, France. Global Cities

Grid Security is National Security: Cyber Threats to Energy Infrastructure and Cities

Working Paper by Karen Weigert

Karen Weigert shares four ways we can respond to future cyberattacks.

Aerial view of a city lit up at night
Nastya Dulhiier
Tech and Science

Energy Benchmarks Driving Behavior Change in Buildings

Working Paper by Karen Weigert

Karen Weigert examines research, initial findings, potential implications, and suggestions for future research on benchmarking and energy efficiency programs.

Solar panels on the roof of a multifamily residential building Climate and the Environment