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Emma Geiser


Emma Geiser headshot

Emma Geiser joined the Council in January 2023 as an intern with the public opinion team. Originally from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, she is currently a senior at Loyola University Chicago where she is finishing up her degree in Political Science and Global Studies. Geiser has experience working with different refugee populations and wants to explore a career in refugee and migration studies. Her junior year of college she received a scholarship to conduct comparative research abroad in Italy and Vietnam. Sadly, the pandemic prevented her from traveling to Vietnam, so she spent her year exploring Rome and conducting virtual research. Geiser’s research was centered around the impact that NGOs have on certain underserved youth populations. She conducted interviews with NGO employees as well as members of minority populations. While abroad, Geiser also got the chance to intern for a day-center for refugees looking for support after their journey across the central Mediterranean. Back in Chicago, she had the opportunity to intern at FORA: Forging Opportunities for Refugees in America and enjoyed the summer experience of tutoring Rohingyan students in West Ridge.