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Devanshi Shah

Public Opinion Intern

headshot of Devanshi Shah

Devanshi Shah became an intern with the Council's public opinion team in June 2024. She is currently a junior at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, majoring in Political Science and Statistics, with a minor in Quantitative Methods in the Social Sciences. Shah has a strong passion for world politics, particularly using both qualitative and quantitative methods to study conflict and other areas of foreign policy. She has previously worked as a research assistant to a U-M faculty member studying forces that drive states to initiate military occupations and is currently an assistant to an incoming faculty member, for whom she is building computer programs to scrape audio and video data to create datasets for local politics. She has also constructed independent models to measure patterns of state repression and human rights, the evolution of autocratic regimes, and is currently working on a prediction model to map policy outcomes in conflict-ridden Darfur. Additionally, Shah serves as a policy researcher on campus, drafting briefs proposing solutions to pressing socio-political issues in the United States today, such as significant disproportionality in special education.