Shaska Chirinos
Senior Responsible Investment Manager, Principles for Responsible Investment

Shaska Chirinos is a senior responsible investment manager for the UN-supported Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI). PRI is recognized as one of the world’s leading proponents of responsible investment, committed to integrating ESG factors into investment decisions to support the stability and resilience of the financial system. Chirinos helps cover the United States market and works closely with many of the world’s leading investors to guide the development of their responsible investment programs.
Before joining the PRI, Chirinos worked at Goldman Sachs, focusing on a range of alternative investment strategies. She was also at CBIS, advocating for corporate action on issues that pose detrimental socioeconomic impacts.
Chirinos holds a B.A. in international affairs from the University of Cincinnati where she also received her human rights and international terrorism certificates. She is a Sustainability Accounting Standards Board FSA credential holder and serves on the Strategic Asset Management Committee at the International Water Association.