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South America

Nature-Based Solutions in Brazil Key to Global Climate Targets

In the News
Thompson Reuters Foundation News
Robert Muggah

Robert Muggah examines why "nature-based solutions that revalue and protect forests" are among the best strategies for combatting climate warming.

An aerial view of the Amazon rainforest at the Bom Futuro National Forest near Rio Pardo in Porto Velho, Rondonia State, Brazil.
Climate and the Environment

World Review: Putin Shifts on NATO, Biden's Asia Trip, and the Summit of the Americas

Video Series
World Review with Ivo Daalder

Karen DeYoung, Gideon Rachman, and Nahal Toosi join Ivo Daalder to discuss the week's top news stories.

Two men walking in front of a building holding files
US Foreign Policy

Brazil Is Gaslighting Its Way to a Climate Misinformation Catastrophe

In the News
Washington Post
Robert Muggah

"The rampant spread of climate misinformation and disinformation has potentially dire implications for the Amazon Basin," cowrites Robert Muggah in the Washington Post.

Billows of smoke rise over a deforested plot of the Amazon jungle next to the Transamazonica national highway, in Labrea, Amazonas state, Brazil
Climate and the Environment

Bolsonaro Is Already Undermining Brazil’s Upcoming Election

In the News
Foreign Policy
Robert Muggah

"The populist president and his devotees are casting a dark cloud over the October vote," writes Robert Muggah.

Jair Bolsonaro waves in sunlight.
Global Politics

Agroecology, Blue Foods, and Happier Meals

Global Food for Thought by Julia Whiting

Check out the week's top news and research in food, agriculture, and global development.

Venezuelan fisherman clean equipment from oil spill.
REUTERS/Leonardo Fernandez Viloria
Food and Agriculture

Strategic Leniency, Golden Rice, and a Fertilizer Ban

Global Food for Thought by Julia Whiting

Our weekly roundup the top news and research in food, agriculture, and global development.

A farmer in India burns paddy waste.
Food and Agriculture

Nicaragua's Looming "Second Dictatorship"

Deep Dish on Global Affairs Podcast

Host Brian Hanson checks the pulse of democracy in Nicaragua with researcher Ryan Berg and journalist Cindy Regidor.

Nicaraguan President and Vice President
Global Politics

We Need to Take Action Now to Protect the Amazon Basin

Video Series
Featured Video

The Council's Robert Muggah offers TEDxSaoPaulo five priorities to disrupt the crime and corruption that threatens not just Latin America, but the world.

Robert Muggah
Climate and the Environment

Vaccinations Bring Hope; Brazil Death Toll Mounts; One Month to Tokyo

Running Numbers by Coauthors

In some countries the year of the pandemic is coming to a close, with successful vaccination campaigns providing an exit from pandemic restrictions. But that’s not the case everywhere.

Brazil Flag
Global Health

From Simple to Great, from Past to Future

Global Food for Thought by Christopher Butler

Lima 2035 shares their ambitious plan to change urban food systems to transform the world’s driest megacity.

An aerial view of Lima, Peru
Aarom Ore
Food and Agriculture